Voting results for Proposals 7340 - 7343:

[This notice resolves the Agoran decisions of whether to adopt the
  following proposals.  For each decision, the options available to
  Agora are ADOPTED (*), REJECTED (x), and FAILED QUORUM (!).]

*7340  2.0  G.          The Steward Sweeps
*7341  1.0  Machiavel   Oh, for the love of
*7342  2.0  Machiavel   Vvloppiness
x7343  3.0  Machiavel   Shampoo & conditioner

            7340  7341  7342  7343

G.           2F    2F    2P    2A
Machiavel    2F    2F    2F    2F
Murphy       2P    2P    2F    2P
omd          2F    2F    2F    2A
Roujo        2F    2F    2F    2P
woggle       2F    2P    2A    2P

AI            2     1     2     3
VI           *U*   *U*    4     0.5
F/A         10/0   8/0   8/2   2/4

Quorum        5     5     5     5
Voters        6     6     6     6


ID: 7340
AI: 2.0
Chamber: Ordinary
Author: G.
Title: The Steward Sweeps

[Removes the ossified ruling puppetry.  Leaves the hint of a speaker,
including a ribbon, for a future return].

Amend Rule 103 (The Speaker) to read:

      Agora has no Speaker.  Agora needs no Speaker.

Repeal Rule 2326 (The President).
Repeal Rule 2348 (Presidential Power).
Repeal Rule 2366 (Veto and Rubberstamp).
Repeal Rule 2339 (Intention).
Repeal Rule 2359 (The Power of Agora).
Repeal Rule 2351 (Agora, Adult).
Amend  Rule 2347 (Speed) by removing:
      When the Speed has not been changed in the past month, the
      President CAN flip the Speed to Normal or Fast by announcement.


ID: 7341
AI: 1.0
Chamber: Ordinary
Author: Machiavelli
Title: Oh, for the love of

Amend Rule 2386 by replacing "attack" with "heal" in the sentence "If
a unit heals, it cannot attack again in the same Agoran week."


ID: 7342
AI: 2.0
Chamber: Ordinary
Author: Machiavelli
Title: Vvloppiness

Enact a rule, titled "Ordinary Chamber", with power 2:

      VVLOP is a player switch, tracked by the Assessor, whose
      possible values are the non-negative integers, and whose default
      value is four.  The voting limit of an entity on an Ordinary
      Decision is eir VVLOP.

      Voting Credits (or VCs) are a fixed currency whose recordkeepor
      is the Promotor. Whenever a proposal is adopted, its author
      gains a number of VCs equal to the integer part of the
      proposal's adoption index, and each of the proposal's co-authors
      gains one VC.

      A player may spend two VCs to increase eir own VVLOP by one. A
      person may spend one VC to increase any other player's VVLOP by
      one. A person may spend two VCs to decrease any other player's
      VVLOP by one.

      Whenever a person's VVLOP becomes 12 or greater, all VVLOPs are
      set to their default values, and all VCs are destroyed.


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