AMBASSADOR-AT-LARGE Recognition-of-Nomics Report

 Nomic      | Recognition | Since...
 BlogNomic  | Neutral     | 26 Aug 12
 DeepNomic  | Friendly    | 25 Apr 13
 OmNomNomic | Neutral     | 25 Apr 13
 B Nomic    | Abandoned   | 25 Apr 13

All other Nomics are Unknown.

Possible values are:
  Unknown (default), Protected, Friendly,
  Neutral, Sanctionned, Hostile and Abandoned.
Latest News:
25 Apr 13 - BlogNomic's players are split as to their reaction
            towards Agora's recognition.
25 Apr 13 - OmNomNomic's players, however, is happy about it
            and are looking forward to a continuing
13 May 13 - OmNomNomic ends after a loophole allows player
            interfect to win by an excessive amount of cats.
            Change of status should happen as soon as possible.
21 May 13 - 207 Kittens, a game of Nomic/Diplomacy, begins.

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