Secretary's Weekly Report

Date of this report: Sun 21 Feb 2016
Date of last report: Sun 13 Dec 2015

Recent events (all times UTC)

Sat 28 Nov 21:20:33  The Agoran Credit Union created
Sat 28 Nov 22:10:45  The Agoran Betting Market created
----- previous report -----
Mon 14 Dec 21:26:27  aranea joins The Agoran Credit Union
Mon 14 Dec 21:26:27  aranea joins The Agoran Betting Market
Fri 18 Dec 08:24:30  ais523 joins The Agoran Credit Union
Mon 21 Dec 14:05:30  OscarMeyr joins The Agoran Betting Market

Personal Lockouts: None

Global Lockout: No

Player         ABM  ACU     Expenditure
ais523          50   30          80
aranea          50   10          60
Murphy               50          50
OscarMeyr       50               50

Income         150   90         240

ABM = The Agoran Betting Market
ACU = The Agoran Credit Union

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