I deputize for assessor and resolve the following decisions:


[This notice resolves the Agoran decisions of whether to adopt the
 following proposals.  For each decision, the options available to
 Agora are ADOPTED (*), REJECTED (x), and FAILED QUORUM (!). If a
 decision's voting period is still ongoing, I end it immediately
 before resolving it and after resolving the previous decision.]

ID     Author(s)  AI   Title
x7796  Henri      1.0  Credits v2
*7797  Henri      1.0  Salary
x7798  Henri      1.0  Civilian Prosecutors
x7799  Henri      1.0  Prime Minister
*7800  Henri      1.0  Motion of No Confidence
*7801  G.         1.0  Automatic Trust

            | 7796  7797  7798  7799  7800  7801
aranea      | P     F     F     A     F     F
Roujo       | F     F     P     P     F
Sprocklem   | A     P     P     F     F     F
nichdel     | A     A     A     F     F
ais523      | A     F     A     A     P     F
G.          | 2A    2F    2A    2A    P
murphy      |                               F
omd         |                               F
For/Against | 1/5   5/1   1/4   2/4   4/0   5/0
AI          | 1.0   1.0   1.0   1.0   1.0   1.0
Voters      | 6     6     6     6     6     5
Quorum      | 0     3     3     3     3     3

Ending Quorum: 2

The full text of all proposals adopted here follows.

ID: 7797
Title: Salary
Adoption index: 1.0
Author: Henri

If Proposal "Credits" is adopted, create the following Power-1 Rule
named "Salary":

     Salary is a office switch tracked by the ADoP in eir weekly
     report. Changes to salary are secured.

     Once a month, the Bank Teller shall transfer N credits from the
     Agoran Reserve to each officeholder where N is equal to the sum
     of the salary switches of each office they hold, if any.

     An officeholder may increase the Salary of eir office by
     announcement without objection from the Prime Minister. An
     officeholder can decrease the Salary of an office e holds by

Set all officeholder Salaries to 20 credits.


ID: 7800
Title: Motion of No Confidence
Adoption index: 1.0
Author: Henri

Create the following Power-1 Rule named "Motion of No Confidence":

     Any player can cause the office of Prime Minister to become
     vacant with 2 Agoran Consent by publishing a message with the
     character string "MOTION OF NO CONFIDENCE" in the subject line.


ID: 7801
Title: Automatic Trust
Adoption index: 1.0
Author: G.

Amend Rule 2452 (Trust Tokens) by inserting the following paragraph
immediately after the first paragraph:

      When the Assessor resolves a Decision to adopt a proposal,
      then any player who cast a valid vote on the Decision and
      was endorsed by another player's valid vote on the Decision
      is issued a Trust Token by the endorsing player.


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