                             THE SCROLL OF AGORA

Herald's History Corner:

      Two key mechanisms in the Ruleset today - Switches and Agoran 
Decisions - were introduced by Maud, a mathematician by trade and a 
champion of generalization.  Agoran Decisions were introduced during
the general ruleset reforms of 2005/2006, and brought multiple, 
completely indepedent voting types (i.e. Elections and Proposals) 
under a single umbrella.  Switches (2003) introduced a clear way of 
tracking arbitrary gamestate variables.  Prior to 2003, in the absense 
of such a mechanism, each bit of gamestate generally had to come up 
with its own mechanism for being tracked.  One solution was that 
Patent Titles were repurposed - what we would now track as a "switch 
with valid values being the players" (e.g. Officeholder in current 
ruleset) were instead tracked by individual Patent Titles that would 
switch between players, or mark a subset of players.  This wasn't a 
perfect mechanism; in particular, Patent Titles were meant to be held 
"in perpetuity", and in a few cases where the Rules were repealed 
without explicitly removing the Patent Title from the "final" holders, 
those persons continue to hold those "temporary" Patent Titles to this 
day - these are noted in the Frozen Ephemera section of this Report.
                               RECENT CHANGES

                omd awarded Patent Title Distributor (01-Aug-16)

                                 CHAMPION by
                Anarchy  scshunt
                  Cards  Taral, G., Murphy, OscarMeyr, root
           Championship  Wooble, root, Taral, OscarMeyr
                  Clout  ais523, scshunt
                 Escape  omd
             High Score  Elysion, G., Levi, Murphy(x2), Steve,
                         ais523(x3), Pavitra, omd(x4), scshunt(x2),
                         root, Wooble, Tiger, Murphy, BobTHJ, Walker
                  Junta  ais523, the AFO, omd(x2), G., OscarMeyr,
             Leadership  ais523
                  Lotto  scshunt, omd
                 Maniac  Craig, root
           Musicianship  Zefram, ais523, Wooble, omd, Tiger
                Paradox  G., Murphy, root, BobTHJ (x2), ais523, ehird,
                         scshunt, Bucky(x2), omd
               Proposal  Human Point Two, Morendil, Steve(x3),
                         Andre(x3), ais523(x3), Canada, Bucky, G.,
                         omd(x2), woggle, Spitemaster, allispaul, 
                         Yally, BobTHJ, Murphy, Tiger, scshunt(x2), 
            Renaissance  ais523, scshunt(x3), Murphy, G.
               Solitude  ais523(x2), scshunt(x2), omd
       Via Ratification  The President
            Unspecified  Blob, elJefe, General Chaos, Steve,
                         Chuck, Dave Bowen, favor, Garth, Ian,
                         Jeffrey, KoJen, Michael, Oerjan, Swann, t,
                         Timothy, Troublemaker at Large, Vanyel(x2),
                         Wes(x2). *(7/6): Chuck, elJefe, Kelly, KoJen,
                         Morendil, Steve, Swann, Troublemaker at
                         Large; *(4/3): Chuck, Kelly, KoJen, Steve,
                         Troublemaker at Large, Wes; *(3/2): Chuck,
                         Kelly, Steve; *(5/3): Kelly, Steve; *(11/6):
                         *(N/P): Full patent title is Champion*(N/P)
                                 where N/P is the winning ratio.

                        ORDER OF THE HERO OF AGORA NOMIC
                            GRAND HERO OF AGORA NOMIC
                 Peter Suber, Chuck Carroll, Douglas Hofstadter,
                 Michael Norrish

                               HERO OF AGORA NOMIC
                                   Murphy, G.

                                HIGHER EDUCATION
           Bachelor of Nomic (B.N.):                elJefe, favor,
                                                    Steve, Vanyel,
                                                    Kolja A., Murphy,
           Master of Nomic:                         ais523
           Doctor of Nomic History (D.N.Hist.):     Swann, Vlad
           Doctor of Nomic Philosophy (D.N.Phil.):  Steve, ais523

     Coming of Age
      (awarded to Active Players on Agora's 18th Birthday, July 2011).
              root, ais523, Droowl, ehird, G., Gondolier, Math321,
              Murphy, omd, Pavitra, Roujo, scshunt, Tanner L. Swett,
              Turiski, Walker, woggle, Yally, The President

     Agora XX
      (awarded to players of the Agora 20th Anniversary blitz Nomic
       game, July 2013).
              Fool, omd, FSX, Walker, Chuck, ehird, Yally, Michael,
              scshunt, Roujo, Murphy, Goethe (G.), Steve, Blob, Tiger,
              woggle, Ørjan.

     Order of the Lemming
      (awarded to players who voted unanimously for a major change
       in the ruleset in Jan, 2014)
             omd, Max Schutz, ais523, Nichdel, Sprocklem, Khoyo,
             Yally,  OscarMeyr, Wooble, G., Telnaior, Roujo, Henri,
             Tiger, woggle, scshunt, Murphy.

                                 SILVER QUILLS
            Silver Quill 2014/13: scshunt
            Silver Quill 2015/07: ais523

                                   AND MORE
            :                         Andre
            Admiral:                  G.
            Agoran Spy:               pikhq
            Agoraphobe:               Antimatter, BethMo, Blue
            Bard:                     G., Maud, Elysion, Sherlock,
                                      Murphy, scshunt
            Boor:                     General Chaos, Macross, Murphy,
                                      Sherlock, elJefe, Crito
            Came Back in a Puff:      BobTHJ
            Cassandra:                G.,  Murphy
            Commuted in a Huff:       Wooble
            Distributor:              Steve, Taral, omd
            Elder Lurker:             David Nicol, Michael
            Entrepreneur:             Chuck
            Exorcist:                 Oerjan
            Fantasy Rule Catalyst:    Peter
            Fantasy Rule Compulsion   Zefram
            Fantasy Rule Conspirator: OscarMeyr
            Fantasy Rule Creator:     Murphy
            First violin:             G.
            H.:                       ais523
            Heroic Notary:            Murphy
            Historian:                Vlad
            Left in a Huff:           Waggie, Gecko, Kelly(x3!),
                                      Swann, KoJen, Zefram, Vlad,
                                      Andre, G., BobTHJ, P1-P100,
            Maniac:                   Craig, Peekee, root
            Nomic Thief:              Swann
            Originator:               Chuck
            Plagiarist:               ehird
            Prince of Andorra:        scshunt
            Scamster:                 Troublemaker at Large,
                                      Waggie, G., Steve, Murphy, root,
                                      OscarMeyr, ehird, omd, ais523
            Second fiddle:            omd
            Simon Said:               Wooble
            Sorcerer's Apprentice:    omd
            Unchampion:               aranea
            273rd Prepared Piano:     Murphy

                             LONG SERVICE AWARDS
            Three Months:    Taral, G., Sherlock, Michael, Murphy,
                             OscarMeyr, root, Iammers, Wooble, Zefram,
                             ais523, BobTHJ, omd, PerlNomic
                             Partnership, the AFO, Sgeo, Tiger,
                             scshunt, Yally, woggle, aranea
            Six Months:      Michael, Murphy, OscarMeyr, root,
                             Sherlock, G., Zefram, Wooble, PerlNomic
                             Partnership, omd, ais523, scshunt, Yally,
                             woggle, aranea
            Nine Months:     Michael, Murphy, OscarMeyr, root, G.,
                             Zefram, Wooble, omd, woggle, aranea
            Twelve Months:   Michael, Murphy, OscarMeyr, root, G.,
                             Zefram, Wooble, omd

                           WINNERS' CUPS
            Paper Cup:     Dave Bowen, favor, Garth, Harlequin, Ian,
                           Jeffrey, Michael, Murphy, Oerjan, Timothy,
            Tin Cup:       Blob
            Glass Cup:     Swann, elJefe, KoJen, Troublemaker
                           at Large, Wes
            Crystal Cup:   Andre, Chuck, Morendil
            Gold Cup:      General Chaos
            Ruby Cup:      Steve
            Supreme Cup:   Crito

                         FROZEN EPHEMERA
   (An ephemeral Patent Title is one which, by the rules of the time,
    was used as a temporary gameplay marker rather than a permanent
    distinction, and this "temporary" distinction was not removed from
    the last holder(s) when the rule was repealed).
            Current Champion:         Taral
            Honorless Worm:           Kelly
            Miscreant:                Pakaran
            Pugachev:                 G.
            Robespierre:              G.
            Samurai:                  Michael, Murphy
            Shogun:                   Michael
            Zeitgeist:                Chuck (3848)

                      FUGITIVES OF THE OLD LAW
   (A Fugitive is someone who last left Agora before completing eir
    penal sentence - unofficial designation covers a range of penal
    codes over time).
         Elde, Time Agent, Antimatter, Proglet, Macross, root, Vlad,
         Morendil, Beefurabi, elJefe, Ziggy, Evantine, pTang, Blaise,
         Syllepsis, neil, Blob, Magu, Peekee, Cainech, t, Pakaran,
         0x44, Elysion, Quazie, G.

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