Offices and Reports
Date of this report: 2017-03-27
Date of last report: 2016-11-04

NB: The "Spending Power", "Payrate", and "Holder" columns of this report
are self-ratifying.

Office             SP*  PR*  Holder    Since       Last Election
Arbitor              1   10  G.        2016-08-23     2014-04-07
Assessor             2   10  nichdel   2016-07-19     2016-02-12
ADoP*               10   10  Gumball   2017-03-27     2016-10-23
Herald               1   10  G.        2016-07-25     2015-07-02
Prime Minister       2   10  --------  2016-10-24     2016-10-22
Promotor             9   10  Aris      2016-10-21     2016-10-14
Referee              1   10  --------  2017-01-08     2014-12-21
Registrar            1   10  nichdel   2016-06-25     2014-08-31
Reportor             1   10  nichdel   2016-09-10     2016-08-30
Rulekeepor           2   10  G.        2015-04-18     2014-06-03
Secretary            1   10  o         2016-11-06      - never -
Speaker (Imposed)    2   10  --------  2017-01-08     2014-04-21
Superintendent       1   10  --------  2017-01-08      - never -
Tailor               1   10  aranea    2014-11-04      - never -

*SP: Spending power
*PR: Payrate
*ADoP: Associate Director of Personnel

Office          M  Report                           Last Published
ADoP               Offices                              2016-11-04
Herald          *  Patent titles                        2016-10-20
Promotor           Proposal pool                        2017-02-16
Registrar          Players, Fora                        2017-01-14
                *  Player history                       2016-08-10
Reportor           The Agoran Newspaper                 2016-09-18
Rulekeepor         Short Logical Ruleset                2016-10-24
                *  Full Logical Ruleset                 2016-10-24
Secretary          Lockout, expenditure, organizations  2017-01-30
                *  Charters                             2017-02-02
Superintendent     Agencies (incremental)               2016-12-18
                *  Agencies (full)                      2016-12-18
Tailor          *  Ribbons                              2016-10-13

Player             SP*
aranea               1
Aris                 6
G.                   4
Zachary Watterson    1
Murphy               1
nichdel              4

*SP: Total spending power

2016-10-28 16:55  Proposal 7815 creates office of Superintendent,
                  installs Alexis
                  (other events not recorded)
2016-11-05 03:17  Last ADoP report published ---------------------------
2016-11-06 21:56  o becomes Secretary by deputisation
2016-11-10 23:37  ais523 appoints Alexis as Speaker
2017-01-08 00:16  Alexis deregisters and ceases to be Referee, Speaker,
                  and Superintendent
2017-01-15 05:00  Aris initiates election for Referee
2017-03-27 02:43  Zachary "Gumball" Watterson becomes ADoP by
2017-03-27 (now)  This ADoP report published ---------------------------
2017-04-03        This ADoP report self-ratifies

-- Zachary "Gumball" Watterson

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