I deputise for ADoP to publish the following report:


Offices and Reports
Date of this report: 2017-05-18
Date of last report: 2017-03-27

Administrative Health*: 61%

*AH is calculated by averaging the %s of held offices and non-late
reports. AH is not rule defined, and only serves as an informative
guide. Consult a doctor and a lawyer before making any diet, exercise,
or medication changes to your administration.

NB: The "Payrate" and "Holder" columns of this report are

Office         PR[1] Holder   Since       Last Election  Electable[2]
Arbitor        10    ------   2017-05-15  2014-04-07     Y
Assessor       10    nichdel  2016-07-19  2016-02-12     Y
ADoP[3]        10    nichdel  2017-05-18  2016-10-23     Y
Herald         10    -------  2017-05-15  2015-07-02     Y
Prime Minister 10    -------  2016-10-24  2016-10-22     Y
Promotor       10    Aris     2016-10-21  2016-10-14     Y
Referee        10    o        2017-04-17  2017-01-14     Y
Registrar      10    PSS[4]   2017-04-18  2014-08-31     Y
Reportor       10    nichdel  2016-09-10  2016-08-30     Y
Rulekeepor     10    Gaelan   2017-05-17  2014-06-03     Y
Secretary      10    o        2016-11-06  ----------     Y
Speaker[5]     10    -------  2017-01-08  2014-04-21     Y
Superintendent 10    Quazie   2017-04-16  ----------     Y
Surveyor       10    -------  2017-05-08  ----------    
Tailor         10    ais523   2017-05-17  ----------     Y

[2]Whether an election for this position can be initiated by
announcement, as per R2154(a). Note any player can initiate an election
for any office with 4 Support per R2154(b).
[3]Associate Director of Personnel
[4]Publius Scribonius Scholasticus
[5]An imposed position. Election date recorded only for historical

Office         M[1]  Report                  Last Published    Late[2]
ADoP[3]              Offices                 2017-05-18
Herald         Y     Patent titles           2016-10-20        !!!
Promotor             Proposal pool           2017-05-16
Registrar            Players, Fora           2017-05-18
               Y     Player history          ----------        !!!
Reportor             The Agoran Newspaper    2017-05-05        !!
Rulekeepor           Short Logical Ruleset   2017-05-17
               Y     Full Logical Ruleset    2017-05-02
Secretary            Orgs and Econ[4]        2017-05-17
               Y     Charters                2017-05-01
Superintendent       Agencies (incremental)  2016-12-18        !!!
               Y     Agencies (full)         2017-04-16        !
Surveyor             Estates                 ----------        !
Tailor         Y     Ribbons                 2017-05-18

[2]! = 1 period missed. !! = 2 periods missed. !!! = 3+ periods missed.
[3]Associate Director of Personnel
[4]Organizations, lockout, expediture, and balances

2017-05-18  now   nichdel deputises to publish this report, becoming
2017-05-17  22:56 ais523 deputises to publish the Tailor's report.
2017-05-15  11:29 G. deregisters. Arbitor, Herald, and Rulekeepor become
2017-05-08  20:02 Resolution of proposal 7846 creates the Surveyor
2017-04-18  15:25 PSS deputises to publish the Registrar's weekly.
2017-04-17  02:51 o assumes Referee via election.
2017-04-16  23:32 Quazie deputises to publish the Superintendent's


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