On Mon, 2017-05-22 at 15:29 +0200, CuddleBeam wrote:
> For the purpose of this message, "Cuddlebeam's Big Language" is a language
> with the following rules:
> * Cuddlebeam's Big Language is identical to English, with the addition that
> the Universe is a pictographic special cipher (in itself). This is the Big
> Cipher.
> * The Big Cipher, instead of being placed in rows or columns of characters,
> is instead left to be where the Universe happens to be. This is the correct
> typographic use of such a cipher.
> * This special cipher has one meaning. That meaning is that the message
> this special cipher is part of is in Cuddlebeam's Big Language.
> Note that perceiving the Universe in its entirety isn't a necessity of the
> language, just knowing that the Universe, is, well. There.
> This entire message is in Cuddlebeam's Big Language. (And the Universe is
> there. I hope.)
> I submit a CFJ for the following statement:
> "With a proper choice of what language to employ for an Agoran activity
> which requires language, any content in the Universe (which is sufficiently
> accessible to the intended audience of the use of such language) can be
> made relevant to Agora."

This is CFJ 3507. I assign it to grok.

> I present the following argument as caller's evidence:
> * Agora doesn't favor any particular language, provided that the recipient
> can understand it.
> * Nomic involves the communication of actions, and language is a necessity
> of communication, so concerns of language are relevant (and the rules of
> such languages).
> * I have an amount of freedom in choosing what language I want to use.
> * There is no explicit reason to heavily favor more historically
> established languages than others.
> * Therefore, my arbitrarily chosen (but explained) language is usable in
> Agora.
> * Cuddlebeam's Big Language.
> * Knowledge of if the Universe exists or not is a necessity to be able to
> correctly interpret and understand Cuddlebeam's Big Language (otherwise you
> don't know if the cipher is there or not, and you wouldn't be able to
> understand the full meaning of the message).
> * I could've placed any arbitrary sufficiently-accessible content as the
> Big Cipher instead, thus making it relevant to the language, thus making it
> relevant to communication (would I use that language), thus making it
> relevant to a communicated game action (in that language), this making it
> relevant to Agoran gameplay which is built on communication itself.
> * If the Big Cipher's meaning of "the message this special cipher is part
> of is in Cuddlebeam's Big Language" isn't deemed sufficiently impactful, it
> can be arbitrarily made more impactful.


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