On Mon, 2017-05-22 at 19:20 -0700, Gaelan Steele wrote:
> I CFJ on these statements:
> “Any player may take the office of Rulekeepor with 2 support.” [i.e.
> I got a pink slip]
> “o committed a cardable offense in issuing a Pink Slip to Gaelan.” 
> I bar o from both CFJs.

These are CFJ 3508 and CFJ 3509 respectively. I assign them to

> Arguments:
> I don’t believe I committed a crime. o claimed that I committed
> Forgery; there is no crime named “Forgery” in the ruleset, the only
> match in the SLR for “forgery” is the crime of Endorsing Forgery
> (“Ratification Without Objection” 2202/6). There are several problems
> with this:
> There is no crime named Forgery.
> I explicitly noted that the attempt at apathy was separate from the
> report, therefore (assuming that worked) it was not within a ratified
> document.
> Reports are self-ratified, not ratified without objection.
> Therefore, there is no evidence that I broke the rules. Even so, a
> Pink Slip is not appropriate. 2476/0 “Pink Slips” states that a pink
> slip is appropriate "for abuses of official power for personal
> gain.  A Pink Slip CANNOT be issued unless the reason indicates the
> specific office or offices whose power was abused.” The ability to
> send long messages to a public forum in which one could hide a
> dependent action is not a power granted to the Rulekeepor by the
> rules; it provides an alibi, but that is not a rule-defined power.
> I believe it is very clear that the issuance of the Pink Slip was
> against the rules. However, the rules regarding Cards is a mishmash
> of CAN NOTs and SHALL NOTs, and I’m not sure if any of the CAN NOTs
> were triggered, hence the two CFJs.
> > On May 22, 2017, at 6:30 PM, Gaelan Steele <g...@canishe.com> wrote:
> > 
> > I don’t think the Pink Slip is valid.
> > 
> > Rule 2476/0: "A Pink Slip is a type of Card that is appropriate for
> > abuses of official power for personal gain. A Pink Slip CANNOT be
> > issued unless the reason indicates the specific office or offices
> > whose power was abused.”
> > 
> > The only reason being Rulekeepor aided me in this attempt at
> > victory is that I had an excuse to publish a huge message; the
> > ability to publish huge amounts of text is not a power given to the
> > Rulekeepor by the rules. I could have, for example, hidden the
> > attempt to win by Apathy in a written-out version of my Agency
> > scam. There was no abuse of a specific power exclusive to the
> > Rulekeepor.
> > 
> > Gaelan
> > > On May 21, 2017, at 10:46 PM, Owen Jacobson <o...@grimoire.ca>
> > > wrote:
> > > 
> > > 
> > > On May 21, 2017, at 1:37 AM, Gaelan Steele <g...@canishe.com>
> > > wrote:
> > > 
> > > > The following section is not a portion of the report:
> > > > For the purposes of this section, The Sentence is “I intend,
> > > > without objection, to declare [word], specifying myself.”
> > > > I execute The Sentence, substituting [word] for a word
> > > > beginning with “ap” that is a synonym for “not caring.”
> > > 
> > > This appears to be an attempt to abuse the office of Rulekeepor
> > > for personal gain, in the form of initiating a victory by Apathy
> > > for Gaelan while hiding it within the voluminous reports required
> > > of eir office. That the attempt may not succeed does not justify
> > > eir intentions. Accordingly, I issue Gaelan a Pink Slip for abuse
> > > of the office of Rulekeepor for the crime of Forgery.
> > > 
> > > Gaelan: in spite of this censure, you remain Rulekeepor. I leave
> > > it to the discretion of Agora as a whole whether you should hold
> > > that office in light of this serious offence. Within the next
> > > seven days, any player may, with two support, take over an office
> > > which you hold. I stand aside, and will not support usurpation,
> > > but neither will I object. The office of Rulekeepor is essential
> > > to the functioning of Agora as a Nomic, and by abusing your
> > > authority to publish reports and compromising the trust players
> > > place in their content, you have put the integrity of the game at
> > > risk.
> > > 
> > > -o
> > > 


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