As Referee, I believe there are no outstanding rules violations in the
preceding Agoran week, for which a Card has not already been issued. I
publish the following report:

Referee's Weekly Report

Date of this report: Sun,  3 Sep 2017
Date of last report: Sun, 27 Aug 2017

Recent events (all times UTC)

Thu, 17 Aug 2017 05:36:51  o issued a Yellow Card for Rule 2491
----- previous report -----
Wed, 23 Aug 2017 03:22:30  o apologized for violating Rule 2491
----- time of last report -----

Green Cards:

Player      On             Reason
P.S.S.[1]   May 16, 2017   Tardiness
P.S.S.[1]   May 20, 2017   Ambiguity
Murphy      Jun 22, 2017   Faking
Gaelan      Jun 23, 2017   Tardiness
Gaelan      Jun 23, 2017   Tardiness
o           Jul 11, 2017   Tardiness
V.J Rada    Jul 14, 2017   Making My Eyes Bleed
o           Jul 18, 2017   Tardiness
o           Jul 29, 2017   Tardiness
Gaelan      Jul 29, 2017   Late Judgement

[1] Named, in full, Publius Scribonius Scholasticus.

Yellow Cards:

Player        Until          Reason       Apology Words
Quazie       (Apr 26, 2017)  Bankruptcy
o            (Apr 22, 2017)  Tardiness
o            (Jul 15, 2017)  Tardiness
o            (Jul 15, 2017)  Tardiness
CuddleBeam    Jul 16, 2017   Tardiness
P.S.S.[1]     Sep 15, 2017   Rule 2143
o            (Aug 23, 2017)  Rule 2491

[1] Named, in full, Publius Scribonius Scholasticus.

Dates in (parentheses) indicate a completed apology.

Red Cards:

Player       On             Reason
Cuddlebeam   Jul 21, 2017   Faking

Pink Slips:

Player   On             Office       Reason
Gaelan   May 22, 2017   Rulekeepor   Forgery

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