                 The Police Blotter (Referee's Weekly Report)

Date of last report: 28 Apr 2018
Date of this report: 04 May 2018
(all times UTC)

BLOT HOLDINGS (asset record - self-ratifying)

Person        Blots
------------  -----
Murphy           2
V.J. Rada        1


Person        Change  Date                  Reason
------------  ------  --------------------  -------------------
V.J. Rada      +1(f)  11 Apr 2018 12:01:44  Late Notary Report
Murphy         +1(D)  23 Apr 2018 16:38:54  Late ADoP Report
Murphy         +1(D)  23 Apr 2018 16:38:54  Late Arbitor Report
V.J. Rada      +1(f)  25 Apr 2018 18:24:14  Missed Silly Person duties
V.J. Rada      -1     01 May 2018 03:46:51  Apology

(f)=forgivable by R2557
(D)=loses next monthly salary for noted office by R2559

FROM THE POLICE SCANNER (details of justice since last report)

V.J. Rada Tue May 1 03:46:51 UTC 2018
> This is a 200 word apology for purposes of expunging that blot. I
> still have more other blots which it is too late for me to expunge.
> RIP.
> Agoran Sillyness is a heavy responsibility. I took that responsibility
> onto myself when I decided to become the Silly Person. However, I
> clearly had no leg to stand on when decrying the lack of Silly
> proposals, because I failed to pend one myself. I for one think that
> Sillyness should be repealed, but however little regard we hold those
> rules in, we must, of course, follow them anyway. Sillyness is a rule
> that may have great value, even. It is because of people like me
> failing to submit proposals that the rule is held in such low regard.
> I am therefore ardently remorseful, shameful, etc. Only this apology
> can rectify this clearly terrible situation. I suppose this apology
> itself would have been much better had I attempted to make it in
> concert with the Sillyness rules. I therefore offer the following
> limerick.
> There once was a man: V.J. Rada
> He made Agora slightly harder
> He failed to submit
> Sillyness? Not one bit
> Even though he took the job with great ardor
> In conclusion, it is because of sods like me refusing to use perfectly
> legitimate game mechanics that we feel the need to repeal them. Except
> Regulations. I voted against them at the start, and it will be my
> pleasure to vote against them again.

PLEDGES (self-ratifying list of assets)

Quazie -
I pledge to give 1 Shiny to the first person who can,
correctly, with e-mail citations, explain what I did wrong on
Jan 20th 2009 that has since led to me being a fugitive. For
the explanation to be valid for this pledge, it should be fully
self contained, I should not have to go look up past rules in
order to understand the explanation (So please, include all
source info in the explanation).

V.J Rada -
I pledge not to make any thread titles completely unrelated to
the email's content, nor use any agency or other mechanism to
attempt to gain control of any player at the exclusion of all
other players.

Gaelan (14 Sep 2017) -
I pledge to, for at least the next month, vote AGAINST any
proposal that amends rules by providing new text in full unless
the text of the rule is nearly entirely changed.

nichdel -
I pledge to vote AGAINST on all proposals created or pended by
Cuddle Beam.

nichdel -
I pledge to Object to all intentions by Cuddle Beam that I can
object to.

nichdel -
I pledge to give a trust token and 5 shinies (as soon as
possible) to any other player who also performs the above three
pledges, except Cuddle Beam.

nichdel -
I pledge to not refer to 天火狐 as Josh or Josh T.

Publius Scribonius Scholasticus -
I too pledge to not refer to 天火狐 as Josh or Josh T.

Publius Scribonius Scholasticus -
I...pledge to fix the margins, if the issue is explained to me.

Publius Scribonius Scholasticus -
I pledge to deputize for the rulekeepor on October 19, 2017, if it is
still possible.

Cuddlebeam -
I pledge to hook people up in a reasonable amount of time, according
to the message above, during what's left of the current month and
[Referee's note: This pledge refers to the message listed
business at agoranomic.org/msg30230.html]

V.J. Rada -
I pledge to give a win and a black ribbon to everyone who votes for
"hopefully you guys all vote for this" if that passes.

o - (Nov 7, '17)
I pledge to pay 5 sh. to the first person to publicly identify the
specific bug I fixed in the Surveyor’s report this week, provided
their answer includes either the word, some synonym for the word, or
some observation related to the word, whose sha256 hash is
e2c2bf1fdea49d1d90f7e17ac158016862f213b42f88b760aee47f697205d83a, and
that I will disclose the word as part of the reward if it is collected.

o -
I pledge to distribute the payment in a timely fashion if the CFJ
finds that CuddleBeam’s payment did, in fact, occur.
[Referee's note: e's referring to a payment made by Cuddlebeam in
accordance with the rule "Poetry Duel Challenge Writ", which is the
subject of a currently unnassigned CFJ. I would appreciate it if you
guys created pledges with the context included in them.]

Trigon -
I pledge that if I do not win the election for Rulekeepor, I will put
myself up as a candidate for this election.
[Referee's note: E's referring to the Fearmongor election on 6 Nov 2017]

V.J. Rada -
I pledge to, weekly, if I am Referee, publish a document called
"Pledges you should withdraw", listing pledges that have already been
completed or are impossible.

V.J. Rada -
I pledge not to point any fingers

Alexis -
I pledge to transfer 5 shinies to the author of the first proposal that
gives the Rulekeepor authority, under Cleanup Time, to additionally
correct, at least: missing periods at the end of sentences, inconsistently
spelled game terminology, and pronoun use (including inappropriate use of
Spivak pronouns in plural contexts).

Corona -
I also pledge not to use such pretentious words in the future.

OscarMeyr -
If nominated[Referee's note: for Herald?], I pledge not to qualify.

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