I hereby distribute each listed proposal, initiating the Agoran
Decision of whether to adopt it, and removing it from the proposal
pool. For this decision, the vote collector is the Assessor, the
quorum is 6, the voting method is AI-majority, and the valid
options are FOR and AGAINST (PRESENT is also a valid vote, as are
conditional votes).

ID      Author(s)        AI    Title
8105*   Trigon           0.5   Trust no one
8106*   Aris             1.0   Attainable Karma
8107*   D Margaux, [1]   3.0   Buried Intent Prevention Act v2
8108*   Aris             3.0   Uniform Regulatory Process Act
8109*   G.               3.0   Patent Diversity
8110*   G., [2]          3.0   Delenda Est

The proposal pool is currently empty.

Legend: <ID>* : Proposal is pending.
        <ID>+ : By publishing this report, I pend the marked proposal.

[1] Aris, G
[2] Aris, Trigon

The full text of the aforementioned proposals is included below.

ID: 8105
Title: Trust no one
Adoption index: 0.5
Author: Trigon

Repeal Rule 2452 "Trust Tokens"

ID: 8106
Title: Attainable Karma
Adoption index: 1.0
Author: Aris

[We were expecting at least a few players to be in these bands, but
currently, none are. This proposal fixes that by lowering the threshold
to something more consistent with our experience.]

Amend Rule 2510, Such is Karma, by changing the text

  "- Any player with a karma of 7 or greater is a Samurai.

   - Any player with a karma of -7 or less is an Gamma."

to read

  "- Any player with a karma of 3 or greater is a Samurai.

   - Any player with a karma of -3 or less is an Gamma."

ID: 8107
Title: Buried Intent Prevention Act v2
Adoption index: 3.0
Author: D Margaux
Co-authors: Aris, G

Amend Rule 1728 to replace,

  “1. A person (the initiator) announced intent to perform the action,
  unambiguously and clearly specifying the action and method(s) (including
  the value of N and/or T for each method), at most fourteen days earlier.“


  “1. A person (the initiator) conspicuously and without obfuscation
  announced intent to perform the action, unambiguously and clearly
  specifying the action and method(s) (including the value of N and/or T for
  each method), at most fourteen days earlier.“

ID: 8108
Title: Uniform Regulatory Process Act
Adoption index: 3.0
Author: Aris

This matters because I'm seriously considering using regulations for

Amend Rule 2493, Regulations, by changing the text

  "By default, a Promulgator can enact or amend a regulation with
  2 Agoran Consent and repeal a regulation by announcement."

to read
  "By default, a Promulgator can enact, amend, or repeal a regulation with
  2 Agoran Consent."

ID: 8109
Title: Patent Diversity
Adoption index: 3.0
Author: G.

// MAIN IDEA:  Let different officers award specifically-relevant titles.
//             Having specific goals may better promote their use than an
//             open-ended "the Herald can award anything" (which e still
//             would be able to do).
//             Also, turn the Silver Quill concept into a broader set of
//             annual awards.

// Ideas for awards very welcome!  Especially for not-currently included
// offices (Treasuror, Cartographer, PM, Distributor).  But also, if
// some of these titles seem like trivial clutter, please critique.
// Titles themselves are a mix of some old, some new.

Create the following Rule, Official Patent Titles, power=1:

  The following Patent Titles CAN be awarded by the indicated
  Officers with 2 Agoran Consent.  In order to balance the history,
  dignity, spontaneity, and serendipity of the awards, the Herald,
  Speaker, and Prime Minister are STRONGLY ENCOURAGED to provide
  their support or objections, and reasons for doing so, reasonably
  quickly after any such intents are announced.

   - Tapecutter, awardable by the Rulekeepor to the author of an
     adopted proposal that significantly reduces, streamlines, or
     simplifies the ruleset.

   - Scamster, awardable by the Referee to any player who has shown
     great enthusiasm, persistence, or skill in the perpetrating of
     scams without breaking any Rules.

   - Hard Labor, awardable by the ADoP to any player who holds 2+
     offices for 3+ continous months while performing eir official
     duties in a timely and conscientious manner that promotes the
     gameplay of the office.

   - MacGyver, awardable by the Assessor to the author of an adopted
     proposal that fixes serious bugs in the ruleset, especially if
     the fix uses existing rules text in novel and unexpected ways,
     or to a judge for similarly using rules text to resolve an
     apparent bug without the need for legislative action.

   - Bard, by Speaker the award should given be, to persons who
     publish repeated creative wit or poetry.

   - Necromancer, awardable by the Registrar to any player who makes
     such sufficient persistent legal use of zombies that rules need
     to be amended to prevent such practices.

   - Tycoon, awardable by the Treasuror to any player who executes a
     novel economic or contractual enterprise that has a significant
     impact on the game, especially if it involves leveraging synergies
     for win-win outcomes for the benefit of multiple players.

   - Helping Hand, awardable by any Officer to any person not holding
     that office who puts substantial labor into aiding in the duties
     of that office, without consideration of any other reward they
     might receive.

  The Herald is also ENCOURAGED to proactively recommend or, as
  otherwise permitted, award these titles when appropriate,
  especially if the potential awardee is the officer emself.

Create the following Rule, Annual Awards, power=1:

  April is hereby designated Awards Month.

  The following Patent Titles CAN be awarded by the indicated
  Officers with 2 Agoran Consent, provided the intent to make
  the awards is announced during awards month, and the award is
  made to commemorate acts performed in the previous Agoran year.
  The full name of each awarded Patent Title is [Title Below] NNNN,
  where NNNN is the year each act was performed.

  Each indicated Officer SHOULD award these titles to 1-2 persons
  each year, and SHOULD solicit an open call for nominations and
  discussion before making these awards. The Herald SHALL note any
  additional information indicated below as part of eir report of
  Patent Titles.

    - Silver Quill, awardable by the Promotor to the author of a
     proposal of outstanding merit and influence on the game
     (additional information: ID Number of the proposal).

    - Wooden Gavel, awardable by the Arbitor to the judge of a CFJ
     or series of CFJs with a strong and foundational impact on the
     judicial precedents of Agora (additional information: ID Numbers
     of the judgements).

    - Golden Glove, awardable by the Tailor to the player who made the
     most interesting, successful, and/or competitive series of moves
     while attempting to win or get substantially ahead in the game.

    - Employee of the Year, awardable by the ADoP to the persons
     who put the most persistent hard labor into keeping the game
     going through the performance of Officers' duties (additional
     information: offices held by the awardee during that year).

Repeal Rule 2444 (Silver Quill).

ID: 8110
Title: Delenda Est
Adoption index: 3.0
Author: G.
Co-authors: Aris, Trigon

Any person who owned a unit of land at any time since Feb 1, 2018 is
hereby awarded the Patent Title "Badge of the Salted Earth".

Destroy Rule 1993 (The Land of Arcadia)
Raze Rule 1994 (Ownership of Land)
Eliminate Rule 1995 (Land Types)
Slaughter Rule 1996 (The Cartographor)
Obliterate Rule 1998 (Land Topology)
Annihilate Rule 1999 (Entity Location)
Eradicate Rule 2003 (Actions in Arcadia)
Liquidate Rule 2004 (Land Auctions)
Demolish Rule 2022 (Land Transfiguration)
Knock down Rule 2565 (Preserved Land)
Burn out Rule 2560 (Facilities)
Slash Rule 2561 (Asset Generation with Facilities)
Put Rule 2562 (Facility Ranks) to the sword
Dismantle Rule 2563 (Production Facilities)
EX-TER-MI-NATE Rule 2564 (Processing Facilities)
Do away with Rule 2567 (Facility Categories)
Purge Rule 2568 (Facility Colors)
Extirpate Rule 2569 (Gray Land)
Undo Rule 2570 (Monument Facilities)
Overthrow Rule 2571 (The Fountain)
Dynamite Rule 2572 (Wishing Fountain)
Wipe Q*Bert (Rule 2046) off the face of the earth

[In other words...]
Each of the above-listed Rules is hereby REPEALED, in the
order listed.

If Proposal 8081 (Point Installation Act v2) has taken effect,

Amend Rule 2483 (Economics) to read in full:

  Coins are the official currency of Agora, tracked by the
  Treasuror.  They can be owned by Agora, players, and

  A player CAN win the game by paying a fee of 1,000 Coins.

Amend Rule 2559 (Paydays) to read in full:

  Whenever a Payday occurs, the following events happen in order:

  1. The following assets are created in the possession of each
     A. 10 coins

  2. For each office, if a single player held that office for 16 or
     more days in the previous month and no unforgivable fines were
     levied on em for eir conduct in that office during that time,
     the following assets are created in the possession of that
     A. 5 coins

  The occurrence of Paydays is secured.  At the beginning of each
  month, a Payday occurs.

Amend Rule 2499 (Welcome Packages) by deleting all line items on the
numbered list except for "1. 10 coins"

Create the following Rule, Earning Coins, AI-1.5:

  For a player to 'earn' a coin is for it to be created in eir
  possession.  For a player to 'lose' a coin is for it to be
  destroyed (if e has one).

  When a decision to adopt a proposal is resolved:

    - If the outcome was ADOPTED, its author earns a number of coins
      equal to (the total strength of all valid ballots cast FOR the
      decision - the total strength of all valid ballots cast AGAINST)
      times the adoption index of the decision (final result rounded

    - If the outcome was REJECTED, its author loses a number of coins
      equal to (the minimum of (the total strength of all valid ballots
      cast AGAINST the decision - the total strength of all valid
      ballots cast FOR) and 0).

    - If the outcome was FAILED QUORUM, every active player who didn't
      cast a ballot loses 1 coin.

  When a judge issues eir first official judgement on a given CFJ, e
  earns 5 coins.


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