I publish the below report, then make a claim of error on it: the Lost
and Found Department might have gained 30 Coins when nichdel was

I respond to my claim of error by citing the CFJ I called 2019-05-24:
"the Lost and Found department owns no more than 87 Coins."

                                Forbes 500

Disclaimer: This report assumes the Lost and Found Department did not receive
nichdel's coins when e was deregistered on 2019-05-24, and is incorrect if that
assumption is wrong. The Treasuror initiated a CFJ about this on the same day.

Date of this weekly report: 2019-05-30
Date of last weekly report: 2019-05-20

Archive of reports on the web: https://agoranomic.org/Treasuror/reports/weekly/

This section does not self-ratify.

   Asset class    Recordkeepor          Ownership
   -----------    ----------------      -------------------------
   Coins          Treasuror (Falsifian) Agora, players, contracts
   Balloons       Clork (twg)           Players
   Favours        Clork (twg)           Players
   Blots          Referee (vacant)      Persons
   Spaceships     Astronomor (twg)      Players
   Energy         Astronomor (twg)      Spaceships

This section self-ratifies.
Entities not listed have a Coin balance of 0.

   Coins    Active player
   -----    -------------
     136    ATMunn
     136    Aris
      20    Bernie
      64    CuddleBeam
     986    D. Margaux
     195    Falsifian
     708    G.
      80    Gaelan
     108    Jacob Arduino
     182    Murphy
      10    o
     106    omd
      58    Rance
     405    Trigon
     812    twg

   Coins    Zombie
   -----    ------
      30    Corona
      30    Publius Scribonius Scholasticus

   Coins    Non-player entity
   -----    -----------------
    1207    Agora
      87    Lost and Found Department

Unofficial section. Does not self-ratify.

  Week               Performer(s)  Notes
  -----------------  ------------  --------------------------------------
  2019-04-22..28     D. Margaux    Aris transferred 4 Coins to D. Margaux
  2019-04-29..05-05  Falsifian
  2019-05-06..12     Falsifian
  2019-05-13..19     Falsifian
  2019-05-20..26     Falsifian

This section is purely informational and does not self-ratify.

Entity             Change  Date (UTC)        Reason
Aris               +  5c.  2019-05-27 20:45  Reward (Arbitor weekly)
Aris               +  5c.  2019-05-27 20:45  Reward (Promotor weekly)
D. Margaux         +  5c.  2019-05-27 15:01  Reward (Referee weekly)
Falsifian          -  7c.  2019-05-26 23:46  Fee to perform The Ritual
Trigon             +  5c.  2019-05-26 22:47  Reward (Rulekeepor weekly)
nichdel            - 30c.  2019-05-24 01:39  Deregistration
o                  + 10c.  2019-05-24 01:28  Welcome Package
D. Margaux         +  5c.  2019-05-21 13:21  Reward (Referee weekly)
D. Margaux         +  5c.  2019-05-21 13:21  Reward (Clork weekly)
D. Margaux         +  5c.  2019-05-21 13:21  Reward (Astronomor weekly)
Aris               +  5c.  2019-05-20 03:18  Reward (Arbitor weekly)
Aris               +  5c.  2019-05-20 03:18  Reward (Promotor weekly)
Rance              + 40c.  2019-05-20 01:06  Transfer from Baron von Vaderham
Baron von Vaderham - 40c.  2019-05-20 01:06  Transfer to Rance
Agora              +  2c.  2019-05-20 01:06  Transfer from Rance
Rance              -  2c.  2019-05-20 01:06  Transfer to Agora
Falsifian          +  5c.  2019-05-20 00:22  Reward (Registrar weekly)
Falsifian          +  5c.  2019-05-20 00:22  Reward (Treasuror weekly)
-- time of last weekly report --
Falsifian          -  7c.  2019-05-19 23:59  Fee to perform The Ritual
Murphy             +  5c.  2019-05-19 21:08  Reward (ADoP weekly)
G.                 + 50c.  2019-05-17 12:40  Transfer from Telnaior
Telnaior           - 50c.  2019-05-17 12:40  Transfer to G.
Agora              + 10c.  2019-05-17 12:40  Transfer from G.
G.                 - 10c.  2019-05-17 12:40  Transfer to Agora
Falsifian          + 79c.  2019-05-17 02:42  Transfer from V.J. Rada
V.J. Rada          - 79c.  2019-05-17 02:42  Transfer to Falsifian
Agora              + 20c.  2019-05-17 02:42  Transfer from Falsifian
Falsifian          - 20c.  2019-05-17 02:42  Transfer to Agora
D. Margaux         + 50c.  2019-05-17 02:42  Transfer from L
L                  - 50c.  2019-05-17 02:42  Transfer to D. Margaux
Agora              +  2c.  2019-05-17 02:42  Transfer from D. Margaux
D. Margaux         -  2c.  2019-05-17 02:42  Transfer to Agora
Murphy             +  5c.  2019-05-15 14:29  Reward (ADoP weekly)
Falsifian          +  5c.  2019-05-13 01:38  Reward (Registrar weekly)
Falsifian          +  5c.  2019-05-13 01:38  Reward (Treasuror weekly)
Falsifian          -  7c.  2019-05-12 23:58  Fee to perform The Ritual
Falsifian          +  5c.  2019-05-11 02:49  Reward (Registrar weekly)
Falsifian          +  5c.  2019-05-11 02:49  Reward (Treasuror weekly)
Falsifian          +  5c.  2019-05-11 02:49  Reward (Treasuror weekly)
Falsifian          +  5c.  2019-05-11 02:49  Reward (Registrar monthly)
Falsifian          + 75c.  2019-05-10 04:46  Transfer from Tarhalindur
Tarhalindur        - 75c.  2019-05-10 04:46  Transfer to Falsifian
Agora              +  1c.  2019-05-10 04:46  Transfer to Falsifian
Falsifian          -  1c.  2019-05-10 04:46  Transfer to Agora
Falsifian          -  7c.  2019-05-05 23:41  Fee to perform The Ritual
G.                 + 30c.  2019-05-05 18:32  Transfer from Hālian
Hālian             - 30c.  2019-05-05 18:32  Transfer to G.
Falsifian          +  5c.  2019-05-04 15:52  Reward (Registrar weekly)
ATMunn             + 10c.  2019-05-01 00:00  Payday
Aris               + 15c.  2019-05-01 00:00  Payday (Promotor)
Baron von Vaderham + 10c.  2019-05-01 00:00  Payday
Bernie             + 10c.  2019-05-01 00:00  Payday
Corona             + 10c.  2019-05-01 00:00  Payday
CuddleBeam         + 10c.  2019-05-01 00:00  Payday
D. Margaux         + 15c.  2019-05-01 00:00  Payday (Speaker)
Falsifian          + 10c.  2019-05-01 00:00  Payday
G.                 + 10c.  2019-05-01 00:00  Payday
Gaelan             + 10c.  2019-05-01 00:00  Payday
Hālian             + 10c.  2019-05-01 00:00  Payday
Jacob Arduino      + 10c.  2019-05-01 00:00  Payday
L                  + 10c.  2019-05-01 00:00  Payday
Murphy             + 15c.  2019-05-01 00:00  Payday (ADoP)
PSS                + 10c.  2019-05-01 00:00  Payday
Rance              + 10c.  2019-05-01 00:00  Payday
Tarhalindur        + 10c.  2019-05-01 00:00  Payday
Telnaior           + 10c.  2019-05-01 00:00  Payday
Trigon             + 15c.  2019-05-01 00:00  Payday (Rulekeepor)
V.J. Rada          + 10c.  2019-05-01 00:00  Payday
nichdel            + 10c.  2019-05-01 00:00  Payday
omd                + 15c.  2019-05-01 00:00  Payday (Distributor)
twg                + 40c.  2019-05-01 00:00  Payday (Assessor etc.)
D. Margaux         +  4c.  2019-04-28 17:39  Transfer from Aris
Aris               -  4c.  2019-04-28 17:39  Transfer to D. Margaux
D. Margaux         -  7c.  2019-04-28 02:51  Fee to perform The Ritual
Falsifian          +  5c.  2019-04-28 00:11  Reward (ADoP weekly)
Aris               +  5c.  2019-04-09 03:41  Reward (Promotor weekly)
Rance              + 10c.  2019-04-09 03:35  Welcome Package
Bernie             + 10c.  2019-04-07 02:17  Welcome Package
ATMunn             + 10c.  2019-04-01 00:00  Payday
Aris               + 15c.  2019-04-01 00:00  Payday (Promotor)
Baron von Vaderham + 10c.  2019-04-01 00:00  Payday
Corona             + 10c.  2019-04-01 00:00  Payday
CuddleBeam         + 10c.  2019-04-01 00:00  Payday
D. Margaux         + 25c.  2019-04-01 00:00  Payday (Speaker,
Registrar, Arbitor)
G.                 + 15c.  2019-04-01 00:00  Payday (Herald)
Falsifian          + 10c.  2019-04-01 00:00  Payday
Gaelan             + 10c.  2019-04-01 00:00  Payday
Hālian             + 10c.  2019-04-01 00:00  Payday
Jacob Arduino      + 10c.  2019-04-01 00:00  Payday
L                  + 10c.  2019-04-01 00:00  Payday
Murphy             + 15c.  2019-04-01 00:00  Payday (ADoP)
PSS                + 10c.  2019-04-01 00:00  Payday
Tarhalindur        + 10c.  2019-04-01 00:00  Payday
Telnaior           + 10c.  2019-04-01 00:00  Payday
Trigon             + 15c.  2019-04-01 00:00  Payday (Rulekeepor)
V.J. Rada          + 10c.  2019-04-01 00:00  Payday
nichdel            + 10c.  2019-04-01 00:00  Payday
omd                + 15c.  2019-04-01 00:00  Payday (Distributor)
twg                + 40c.  2019-04-01 00:00  Payday (Assessor etc.)
G.                 +  5c.  2019-03-31 15:45  Reward (Herald monthly)
G.                 +  5c.  2019-03-31 15:45  Reward (Herald weekly)
G.                 +  5c.  2019-03-24 18:16  Reward (Herald weekly)
Murphy             +  5c.  2019-03-17 20:35  Reward (ADoP weekly)
G.                 +  5c.  2019-03-17 00:06  Reward (Herald weekly)
twg                +  5c.  2019-03-05 15:15  Reward (Tailor weekly)
twg                +  5c.  2019-03-05 15:15  Reward (Astronomor weekly)
twg                +  5c.  2019-03-05 15:15  Reward (Clork weekly)
twg                +  5c.  2019-03-05 15:15  Reward (Referee weekly)
twg                +  5c.  2019-03-05 15:15  Reward (Treasuror weekly)
Murphy             +  5c.  2019-03-03 18:55  Reward (ADoP weekly)
G.                 +  5c.  2019-03-03 18:09  Reward (Herald weekly)
Tarhalindur        + 10c.  2019-03-01 00:00  Payday
P.S.S.             + 10c.  2019-03-01 00:00  Payday
nichdel            + 10c.  2019-03-01 00:00  Payday
L.                 + 10c.  2019-03-01 00:00  Payday
Hālian             + 10c.  2019-03-01 00:00  Payday
Corona             + 10c.  2019-03-01 00:00  Payday
V.J. Rada          + 10c.  2019-03-01 00:00  Payday
twg                + 35c.  2019-03-01 00:00  Payday (Assessor etc.)
Trigon             + 15c.  2019-03-01 00:00  Payday (Rulekeepor)
Telnaior           + 10c.  2019-03-01 00:00  Payday
omd                + 15c.  2019-03-01 00:00  Payday (Distributor)
Murphy             + 15c.  2019-03-01 00:00  Payday (ADoP)
Jacob Arduino      + 10c.  2019-03-01 00:00  Payday
Gaelan             + 10c.  2019-03-01 00:00  Payday
G.                 + 15c.  2019-03-01 00:00  Payday (Herald)
Falsifian          + 10c.  2019-03-01 00:00  Payday
D. Margaux         + 20c.  2019-03-01 00:00  Payday (Arbitor, Registrar)
CuddleBeam         + 10c.  2019-03-01 00:00  Payday
von Vaderham       + 10c.  2019-03-01 00:00  Payday
Aris               + 15c.  2019-03-01 00:00  Payday (Promotor)
ATMunn             + 10c.  2019-03-01 00:00  Payday

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