                         Registrar's Monthly Report

Date of last report: 05 May 2019
Date of this report: 01 Jun 2019

Archive of reports on the web: https://agoranomic.org/Registrar/Reports/

Recent Changes:
15-Jan-19 20:28  D. Margaux deregisters Telnaior with notice.
29-Jan-19 15:37  Telnaior is deregistered in a writ of FAGE.
03-Jan-19 21:25  D. Margaux deregisters 天火狐 with notice.
03-Jan-19 21:25  D. Margaux deregisters pokes with notice.
24-May-19 01:39  Falsifian deregisters nichdel with notice.

No information in this report is subject to self-ratification.

Registration history of persons who have registered and deregistered
at least once (imperfect, corrections welcomed)

(a)bandoned       (l)awless
(v)oluntary       (d)eported
(w)rit of FAGE    deregistered emself by mista(k)e
(p)roposal        d(e)stroyed
(r)atification    (u)known

Left in 1994:

u Alexx            alexx at world.std.com                          5 Apr 94
u Andy Latto       andyl at harlequin.com                          5 Apr 94
u Douglas Jahnke   chaotic at ksuvm.ksu.edu                        5 Apr 94
u Jim              jcs at zycor.lgc.com                            5 Apr 94
u Karl Anderson    karl at reed.edu                                5 Apr 94
u Kirt             dankmyer at ac.grin.edu                         5 Apr 94
u Matt             pardo at gibbs.oit.unc.edu                      5 Apr 94
v Waggie           dgwagner at math.uwaterloo.ca                   5 Apr 94
u Wes              wesc at ichips.intel.com                        5 Apr 94
u Timothy          timothy.ferguson at jcu.edu.au                 12 Sep 94
u Chuck            ccarroll at students.wisc.edu                   5 Apr 94
u Dave Bowen       david.bowen at cray.com                         5 Apr 94
u Nicol            dnicol at primus.cstp.umkc.edu                  5 Apr 94
u Lance            lab at biostat.mc.duke.edu                      5 Apr 94
u Stella?          kunne at cernvm.cern.ch                         5 Apr 94
u Alice            cat at orion.mrc.unm.edu                        5 Apr 94
u Duane            duanew at atlas.com                             5 Apr 94
u Eric Scheirer    escheire at cim470.mitre.org                    5 Apr 94
u Gustalff Zibrowski  clarkc at cpsc.ucalgary.ca                   5 Apr 94
u Larry Smithmier     smithmierjr at uamont.edu                    5 Apr 94

Left in 1995:
u Jason2                                                                 95
u Susan                                                                  95
u Brian Greer                                                        Aug 95
u TAL              kunne at ipno.in2p3.fr                            Aug 95
u Pascal           jreed at waun.tdsnet.com                  95      Aug 95
u JonRock                                                            Oct 95
u Garth                                                  Sep 95      Oct 95
u wutold                                                 Oct 95      Oct 95
u Einstein                                                           Oct 95
u Jeffrey S.                                                      25 Oct 95
u Xanadu           A.Bishop at student.anu.edu.au                 26 Oct 95
u CoCo                                                   Oct 95      Nov 95
w Kelly                                                            7 Nov 95
u elJefe           eljefe at eastpac.com                          22 Nov 95
u Oerjan                                                 Sep 95      Dec 95
u Zefram           zefram at tao.co.uk              <=16 Jun 95      Dec 95
u Marc Slager                                         22 Nov 95      Dec 95
u CoCo                                                             3 Dec 95
u SaltWater        gorgonne at becker.u.was...[1]                 11 Dec 95

[1] gorgonne at becker.u.washington.edu

Left in 1996:

u KoJen             cogen at ll.mit.edu                            1 Jan 96
a?Vlad              c647100 at showme.missouri.edu    14 Nov 95    1 Jan 96
a Ian Cabell        ian at yak.net                                 2 Jan 96
u Oerjan                                                           3 Jan 96
u Pascal            jreed at waun.tdsnet.com          15 Nov 95   21 Jan 96
v Wes               wesc at antitribu.com           <= 8 Nov 95   21 Feb 96
u Dave Bowen        david.bowen at cray.com         <=10 Jan 95   21 Feb 96
u Vlad              c647100 at showme.missouri.edu       Jan 96   21 Feb 96
u Swann             saswann at gwis.com               14 Nov 95   23 Feb 96
u Coren             coren at teleport.com           <=21 Feb 96      Mar 96
u Wes               gecko at magika.com                            6 Mar 96
u Greycell          dshannon at ga.com.au                Mar 96   21 Mar 96
u Ghost             labrown at dg-rtp.dg.com        <=21 Feb 96   25 Mar 96
u Blob              malcolmr at cse.unsw.edu.au        6 Jan 96   31 Mar 96
u Doug              dchatham at utk.edu             <= 2 Feb 96   13 Apr 96
u dcuman            shodan at indirect.com          <=31 Jan 96   23 Apr 96
u Narcisse          hap at iglou.com                     Apr 96   21 May 96
u Jtael             mhough at leland.stanford.edu   <=21 Feb 96   24 Jul 96
u Kelly                                               17 Nov 95   29 Jul 96
u else...if         htowsner at stanford.edu [1]      30 Jul 96   21 Aug 96
u Kelly                                                  Oct 96    7 Nov 96
a Coren             coren at teleport.com                Sep 96   20 Dec 96

[1] (aka Henry)

Left in 1997:

v KoJen               cogen at ll.mit.edu              2 Jan 96   12 Jun 97
v favor               chess at watson.ibm.com       <= 7 Nov 95   12 Jun 97
u Elde                elde at hurricane.net         <=16 Apr 97    4 Oct 97
v Zefram              zefram at tao.co.uk              4 Jan 96   29 Oct 97
u Morendil            laurent at netdive.com        <=11 Oct 95 <= 3 Nov 97
v ChrisM              cmonsour at Princeton.EDU     <=23 Oct 95   11 Nov 97
u Blob                malcolmr at cse.unsw.edu.au        Nov 96 <=20 Nov 97
a Calabresi           mcdaniel at law.harvard.edu                  5 Dec 97
a Vanyel              dpb at cs.brown.edu           <=21 Feb 96    5 Dec 97

Left in 1998:

a Vir                 eer at nwu.edu                   4 Sep 97   13 Jan 98
v Andre               engels at win.tue.nl               Nov 94   22 Jan 98
a Time Agent          dAndreasen at pctb.com          16 Jan 98   16 Apr 98
v Jester              KJarvis at interworx.com.au      2 Jan 98    1 May 98
v Sherlock            jfry77 at yahoo.com             16 Jan 98   14 May 98
a Swann               saswann at gwis.com             29 Oct 97   15 Sep 98
v Antimatter          rmorganl at fred.fhcrc.org       5 Mar 98   31 Oct 98
u Harlequin           charlequin at yahoo.com            Jan 97   27 Nov 98

Left in 1999:

a Proglet             proglet at usa.net               9 Nov 98   15 Jan 99
v lee                 lee at pyrzqxgl.org             18 Jul 98    8 Feb 99
w Andre               engels at win.tue.nl            28 Nov 98   13 Feb 99
v Macross             macross at bellatlantic.net     21 May 98   22 Mar 99
u Kelly                                                  Mar 97   12 Apr 99
v Vlad                c647100 at showme.missouri.edu  28 Jan 99   20 Jun 99
l Morendil            laurent at netdive.com           3 Nov 97   28 Jun 99
v The Colonel         blafard at uclink4.berkeley.edu  7 Aug 99    8 Aug 99
l Beefurabi           david at kasey.umkc.edu         19 Apr 99    7 Sep 99
v Annabel             lenore at sdf.lonestar.org      29 Jul 99    1 Oct 99
v Kolja A.            herrmanns at rhein-neckar...[1]  2 Jul 97   16 Dec 99

[1] herrmanns at rhein-neckar.netsurf.de

Left in 2000:

u Oerjan (Zombie 20 Sep 99 - 25 Dec 99) Apr 96 22 Mar 00
v elJefe              eljefe at eastpac.com              Jan 96   16 Apr 00
v else...if           htowsner at stanford.edu [1]    15 Apr 00   21 May 00
v Sherlock            jfry77 at yahoo.com             31 Jan 00   25 Jul 00
u lee                 lee at pyrzqxgl.org              4 Jun 99    2 Sep 00
v Andre               engels at win.tue.nl            18 Aug 00    6 Dec 00

[1] aka Henry

Left in 2001:

v Palnatoke           palnatoke at get2net.dk         27 Jul 99   27 Mar 01
v Stuart              stuart.presnell at bristo...[1] 24 Feb 01   26 Apr 01
v loh                 loh at lohnet.org               19 Jan 01   23 May 01
v Annabel             lenore at sdf.lonestar.org      16 May 01   31 May 01
a Chuck               games_na at chuckcarroll.org     1 Sep 93    8 Jun 01
u lee                 lee at pyrzqxgl.org             13 Dec 00    8 Jul 01
v Ziggy               me at davidglasser.net          14 Jan 01    9 Jul 01
u Kelly               kmartin at pyrzqxgl.org          1 May 00   10 Jul 01
v Yoz420              tlifschitz at empirix.com        8 Mar 01   26 Jun 01
u Harlequin           charlequin at yahoo.com         10 Jan 00   20 Aug 01
u Wes                 wesc at antitribu.com           18 May 99    7 Sep 01
u Anthony             abriggs at iinet.net.au         11 Feb 00   10 Sep 01
u David               David.Dickens at pepperdine.edu 18 Dec 00   10 Sep 01
u Grech               xe5j0y4halv3ev001 at snea...[2]  5 Feb 01   10 Sep 01
u Novalis             turnerd at reed.edu             14 Feb 00   10 Sep 01
u Schneidster         Et3schneid at aol.com           12 Jun 99   10 Sep 01
u Blob                malcolmr at cse.unsw.edu.au     20 Nov 97   10 Sep 01
u Peekee              pkpeekee at hotmail.com         25 Dec 98    7 Oct 01
u Ian                 oneiros at ferret.lmh.ox.ac.uk   2 Apr 01    8 Oct 01
u Hooloovoo           mhui421 at hotmail.com          22 Feb 01    8 Oct 01
u Elysion             elysion at mindspring.com       23 Feb 99    1 Nov 01
u Evantine            gordonhogenson at hotmail.com    9 Feb 01    1 Nov 01
u Lindrum             lindrum at panix.com             9 Feb 01    1 Nov 01
u solublefish         WGarner at Empirix.com          31 Mar 01   12 Nov 01
u S.                  bookfool2001 at hotmail.com     30 May 01   17 Nov 01

[1] stuart.presnell at bristol.ac.uk
[2] xe5j0y4halv3ev001 at sneakemail.com

Left in 2002:

Blaise bmbuck at 14850.com 10 Sep 01 11 Mar 02 Razl agora at
peng.dyndns.org 8 Feb 01 25 Mar 02
a pTang               nau at treyarch.com             21 Sep 00   12 May 02
v Crito               dalbertz at mrb.state.ma.us     19 Feb 97   29 May 02
a Syllepsis           agora at syllepsis.org           5 Feb 01   30 Sep 02

Left in 2003:

a neil                neil at s-z.org                 24 Jun 01    2 Mar 03
a Craig               raganok at intrex.net           25 Apr 02    9 Mar 03
v Goethe              kerim at u.washington.edu        4 Feb 01   24 Mar 03
v Cecilius            cecilius at vivace.homeli...[1]  4 Dec 02   10 Aug 03
a Manu                pacu at sympatico.ca            14 Mar 03   20 Aug 03

[1] cecilius at vivace.homelinux.net

Left in 2004:

a Blob                malcolmr at cse.unsw.edu.au     21 Jan 03   22 Feb 04
a Magu                mschmahl at acsalaska.net       24 Dec 03   11 Apr 04
a Peekee              peekee at blueyonder.co.uk       6 Sep 02   11 Apr 04
a Cainech             cainech at hotmail.com           9 Feb 04   19 Jun 04
a Steve               gardner at sng.its.monash...[1]  1 Jul 94   19 Jun 04
v Elysion             boehmejo at msu.edu             10 Feb 04    9 Sep 04
a Oerjan              oerjan at nvg.ntnu.no           15 Jul 00   14 Nov 04
a Wes                 netgecko99 at yahoo.com         12 Apr 04   14 Nov 04

[1] gardner at sng.its.monash.edu.au

Left in 2005:

a t                   scurra at iki.fi                14 Oct 99    5 Jan 05
l Pakaran             windrunner at gmail.com          4 Oct 02    7 Apr 05
v gazebo_dude         no.spoon.neo at gmail.com       12 Mar 05   11 Apr 05
a Sir Toby            jjweston at kenny.sir-toby.com   3 Feb 02   20 May 05
v Sherlock            jfry77 at yahoo.com             29 Jan 03   21 Jun 05
v Riail               cpatti at gmail.com             19 May 04   29 Jul 05

Left in 2006:

a Kolja               kolja_nomic at yahoo.de          3 Feb 04   19 Jan 06
a RedKnight           redwallknight at hotmail.com    21 Jul 02   19 Jan 06
v Goddess Eris        taral at taral.net               3 Apr 00   13 Dec 06
v Maud                m.slone at gmail.com            20 Apr 99   13 Dec 06
v root                kellyia at udel.edu             13 May 01   18 Dec 06

Left in 2007:

v Goethe              kerim at u.washington.edu       14 Jul 03   22 Jan 07
                (Writ of FAGE published 18 Dec 2006, resolved by Prop 4882)
v Michael             michael.norrish at nicta.com.au 29 Jun 93   13 Mar 07
v Cecilius            organist at gmail.com           22 Dec 06   23 Mar 07
v Goethe              kerim at u.washington.edu       23 Feb 07   14 May 07
v Sherlock            jfry77 at yahoo.com              4 Feb 06   14 May 07
v Maud                m.slone at gmail.com             7 Mar 07   14 May 07
v Second System Effect c/o Murphy                     13 May 07   20 May 07
p Human Point Three    c/o Murphy                     14 May 07   23 May 07
p Human Point Four     c/o Murphy                     14 May 07   23 May 07
p Human Point Five     c/o Murphy                     14 May 07   23 May 07
p Human Point Six      c/o Murphy                     14 May 07   23 May 07
p Human Point Seven    c/o Murphy                     14 May 07   23 May 07
p Human Point Eight    c/o Murphy                     14 May 07   23 May 07
p Human Point Nine     c/o Murphy                     14 May 07   23 May 07
p Human Point Ten      c/o Murphy                     14 May 07   23 May 07
p Human Point Eleven   c/o Murphy                     14 May 07   23 May 07
p Human Point Twelve   c/o Murphy                     14 May 07   23 May 07
p Human Point Thirteen c/o Murphy                     14 May 07   23 May 07
p Human Point Fourteen c/o Murphy                     14 May 07   23 May 07
p arkestra            arkestra at gmail.com            2 Mar 06   31 May 07
p GreyKnight          greyknight3 at yahoo.com         6 Sep 06   31 May 07
p Peter               civilianjones at gmail.com      24 Dec 06   31 May 07
p sproingie           cja987 at gmail.com             20 Dec 06   31 May 07
p Yang Corp           <none>                          21 May 07   31 May 07
p Yin Corp            <none>                          21 May 07   31 May 07
The Hanging Judge c/o Zefram and comex 22 May 07 9 Jun 07
v Peekee              agora at peekee.co.uk            3 Aug 07   12 Aug 07
The Host c/o Levi and Murphy 21 Aug 07 30 Aug 07
v Murphy              emurphy42 at socal.rr.com     < 23 Jan 96   24 Sep 07
v Wooble              geoffspear at gmail.com          3 Jul 07   30 Sep 07
v BobTHJ              pidgepot at gmail.com           30 Apr 07    1 Oct 07
p Manu                sensoz at gmail.com             16 Dec 04   18 Oct 07
p Quazie              quazienomic at gmail.com        15 Feb 05   18 Oct 07
d Primo Corporation   c/o BobTHJ                      11 May 07   23 Oct 07
a bd_                 bdonlan at fushizen.net         20 Jun 07   20 Dec 07
a Pavitra             celestialcognition at gmail.com 10 Aug 07   20 Dec 07

Left in 2008:

d Agora's Child       agoras-child at googlegro...[1]  3 Dec 07    2 Jan 08
d Big Brother         c/o comex                       17 Sep 07    2 Jan 08
    (Big Brother's registration status was UNDETERMINED per CFJ 1744)
d Human Point Two     c/o OscarMeyr                   29 Apr 07    2 Jan 08
d P2P Partnership     c/o root                        22 Dec 07    2 Jan 08
d WALRUS              c/o pikhq                       20 Dec 07    2 Jan 08
w BobTHJ              pidgepot at gmail.com            5 Nov 07   16 Jan 08
a hedgehogcull        jon at peekee.co.uk             16 Aug 07    1 Feb 08
v Levi                levi.stephen at optusnet.com.au  7 Mar 07   17 Feb 08
a Peekee              agora at peekee.co.uk           11 Sep 07   31 Mar 08
v Goethe              kerim at u.washington.edu       27 Oct 07   16 May 08
a Jeremy              koojeremy at gmail.com          28 Jan 08   20 Jun 08
k ehird               penguinofthegods at gmail.com    8 May 08   24 Jun 08
v Teh Cltohed Mna*    penguinofthegods at gmail.com    8 May 08   24 Jun 08
d ehrid               c/o ehird                        9 Jun 08   27 Jun 08
d Bank of Agora       c/o Ivan Hope CXXVII            14 Apr 08   29 Jun 08
k Ivan Hope CXXVII    ihope127 at gmail.com           30 Jan 08   14 Jul 08
a Offhanded           clarion.rain at gmail.com       29 Apr 08    2 Oct 08
a Iammars             iammars21 at gmail.com           9 Dec 07    2 Oct 08
k Ivan Hope CXXVII    ihope127 at gmail.com           16 Aug 08    7 Oct 08
a S's Cat**           schrodingers.katana at gm...[2] 12 Jun 08   24 Oct 08
a avpx                nickv111 at gmail.com           24 Nov 07   24 Oct 08
w P1                  c/o comex                        5 Nov 08    5 Nov 08
w P2                  c/o comex                        5 Nov 08    5 Nov 08
w P3 - P100           c/o comex                        6 Nov 08    6 Nov 08
a cctoide             cctoide at gmail.com            30 Jun 08   16 Nov 08
a doopy               groberts80906 at gmail.com      15 Jun 08   16 Nov 08
d P1 - P100           c/o comex                       16 Nov 08   25 Nov 08
v Sheeple             c/o ehird                       16 Nov 08    1 Dec 08
a Olipro              olipro+agora at gmail.com        7 Jul 08    7 Dec 08
d Left Hand           c/o Murphy                      12 Jan 08    8 Dec 08
v 0x44                bnomic at indistinct.org        10 Oct 08   30 Dec 08

[1] agoras-child at googlegroups.com
[2] schrodingers.katana at gmail.com

*  Teh Cltohed Mna Ni Teh Drak Woh Wtaches Adn Nevre Sasy A Wrod Execpt
          Wehn Psoessed Yb Dmeons Mcuhly Precocupied
** Schrodinger's Cat

Left in 2009:

a arkestra            arkestra at gmail.com           31 Jul 08   12 Jan 09
a cdm014              cdm014 at gmail.com             17 Jun 08   12 Jan 09
a Quazie              quazienomic at gmail.com         5 Jun 08   12 Jan 09
v ehird               penguinofthegods at googl...[3]  9 Aug 08   26 Jan 09
v root                ian.g.kelly at gmail.com        22 May 07   26 Jan 09
v Warrigal            ihope127+w at gmail.com          6 Nov 08   13 Feb 09
a gavin               hawkblack13 at gmail.com        17 Oct 08   16 Feb 09
a oklopol             oklopol at gmail.com             7 Oct 08   16 Feb 09
a pikhq               josiahw at gmail.com            16 Sep 07   16 Feb 09
a Zefram              zefram at fysh.org              10 Jan 07   16 Feb 09
a Pineapple P         pineapple at fysh.org           26 Feb 07   16 Feb 09
p Protection Racket   c/o BobTHJ                      23 Jun 08   22 Feb 09
p Reformed Ban...[4]  c/o BobTHJ                      23 Jun 08   22 Feb 09
u AFO                 c/o Murphy                      17 Sep 07   11 Feb 09
v Goethe              kerim at u.washington.edu       19 Jun 08    1 Apr 09
a Elysion             boehmejo at msu.edu             20 Oct 08    7 Apr 09
a Craig               teucer at pobox.com              3 Jan 09   19 Apr 09
a harblcat            cblair1986 at gmail.com         28 Nov 08   19 Apr 09
a Sir Toby            jjweston at gmail.com           10 Sep 08   19 Apr 09
v Nameless            pr76952a at hotmail.com         22 Apr 09   13 May 09
a w1n5t0n             chuckles11489 at gmail.com      30 Nov 08   17 May 09
d Human Point Two     quazienomic at gmail.com        20 Jun 08   26 May 09
v root                ian.g.kelly at gmail.com        27 Mar 09   26 May 09
d Bayes               none                             1 Oct 08   26 May 09
a Billy Pilgrim       bad.leprechaun at gmail.com     22 Oct 08    5 Jun 09
a cmealerjr           cdm014 at gmail.com             26 Jan 09    5 Jun 09
a j                   agora at jaycampbell.com        13 Dec 09    5 Jun 09
d Caste8a[1]          c/o C-walker                    18 Jun 09   18 Jun 09
d Caste8b[1]          c/o C-walker                    18 Jun 09   18 Jun 09
d Caste8c[1]          c/o C-walker                    18 Jun 09   18 Jun 09
d Caste8d[1]          c/o C-walker                    18 Jun 09   18 Jun 09
d Caste8e[1]          c/o C-walker                    18 Jun 09   18 Jun 09
d Caste8f[1]          c/o C-walker                    18 Jun 09   18 Jun 09
d Tiger Jr.[1]        c/o Tiger                       18 Jun 09   18 Jun 09
d PNP                 perlnomic at nomictools.com     21 Jan 08   28 Jun 09
v Warrigal            ihope127+w at gmail.com         16 Mar 09    6 Jul 09
d Tiger Jr.[1]        c/o Tiger?                      18 Jun 09   10 Jul 09
d Caste8a[1]          c/o C-walker?                   18 Jun 09   10 Jul 09
d Caste8b[1]          c/o C-walker?                   18 Jun 09   10 Jul 09
d Caste8c[1]          c/o C-walker?                   18 Jun 09   10 Jul 09
d Caste8d[1]          c/o C-walker?                   18 Jun 09   10 Jul 09
d Caste8e[1]          c/o C-walker?                   18 Jun 09   10 Jul 09
d Caste8f[1]          c/o C-walker?                   18 Jun 09   10 Jul 09
v Darth Cliche        kennercat at gmail.com          24 Jul 09   31 Jul 09
v Warrigal            ihope127+ at gmail.com           6 Aug 09    6 Aug 09
v G.                  kerim at u.washington.edu        4 May 09   10 Aug 09
a Randy Olsha         moronservices at gmail.com       6 Apr 09   17 Aug 09
a modulus             david at miradoiro.com          22 Apr 09   24 Aug 09
a Ben Daniel          ben at bendaniel.us             28 Apr 09   24 Aug 09
a Dvorak Herring      dvorak.herring at gmail.com     10 Sep 08   27 Sep 09
a gwen                quazienomic at gmail.com         6 May 09   27 Sep 09
a Luke Lockhart       luke.lockhart at gmail.com       4 Jun 09   27 Sep 09
a Manu                sensoz at gmail.com              1 May 09   27 Sep 09
a OscarMeyr           ke3om at verizon.net             4 Mar 02   27 Sep 09
a Spitemaster         bennerguy at gmail.com           7 Mar 09   27 Sep 09
a thespyguy           thespyguy at gmail.com          19 May 09   27 Sep 09
d Livenomic Partn...  livenomic at nomictools.com     17 Sep 09   10 Oct 09
l Wooble              geoffspear at gmail.com         16 Nov 07   17 Oct 09
v Walker              charles.w.walker at googl...[5] 25 Apr 09   24 Oct 09
a allispaul           allispaul at gmail.com           3 Jun 09   14 Nov 09
a pikhq               josiahw at gmail.com            10 Mar 09   14 Nov 09
a Rodlen              rodlenjack at gmail.com         24 Mar 09   14 Nov 09
a Siege               thesiege at gmail.com           26 Nov 08   14 Nov 09
a teucer              teucer at pobox.com              4 Jun 09   14 Nov 09
a zeckalpha           zeckalpha at gmail.com          30 May 09   14 Nov 09
a People's Bank...[7] c/o PNP?                        14 Oct 08   14 Nov 09
d SCHWA               c/o Warrigal?                   28 Jun 09   14 Nov 09
a Edmond Dantes       dmarketdantes at gmail.com       2 Aug 09   17 Nov 09
a JonnyRotten         jon.gilmour at gmail.com        30 Jul 09   17 Nov 09
a S's Cat [2]         schrodingers.katana at gm...[6] 17 Nov 08   17 Nov 09

[1] The effectiveness of all of these are in question; before the 10
July deregistrations it may have been impossible to deregister
these entities, or they may have automatically re-registered.
[2] Schrodinger's Cat
[3] penguinofthegods at googlemail.com
[4] Reformed Bank of Agora
[5] charles.w.walker at googlemail.com
[6] schrodingers.katana at gmail.com
[7] People's Bank of Agora

Left in 2010:

d Normish Part...[2]  root at normish.org             12 Aug 08   17 Jan 10
a Darth Cliche        kennercat at gmail.com          22 Sep 09   26 Jan 10
a Quazie              quazienomic at gmail.com        27 Apr 09   26 Jan 10
a woggle              woggling at gmail.com           23 Dec 07   26 Jan 10
v Wooble              geoffspear at gmail.com         17 Nov 09   30 Jan 10
v Walker              charles.w.walker at googl...[3]  5 Dec 09   30 Jan 10
d IBA                 c/o comex?                      21 Aug 09    2 Mar 10
v Wooble              geoffspear at gmail.com         21 Mar 10    1 Apr 10
v Pavitra             celestialcognition at gmail.com 25 Jan 08   14 Apr 10
a Ienpw III           james.m.beirne at gmail.com      4 Aug 09   15 Jun 10
a Phoenix             benuphoenix2 at gmail.com       17 Dec 09   15 Jun 10
a BobTHJ              pidgepot at gmail.com           17 Jan 08    1 Aug 10
a allispaul           allispaul at gmail.com          26 Feb 10    7 Sep 10
a Andon               aozeba at gmail.com              1 Mar 10    7 Sep 10
a Epaeris             hermitchipmunk at gmail.com     18 Apr 10    7 Sep 10
a Spitemaster         bennerguy at gmail.com           8 Mar 10    7 Sep 10
a woggle              woggling at gmail.com           23 Dec 07   11 Oct 10
k Wooble              geoffspear at gmail.com          2 May 10   22 Nov 10
v omd[1]              comexk at gmail.com              1 May 07   27 Dec 10

[1] (Cantus Cygneus submitted 25 Dec, published 28 Dec, but omd
deregistered voluntarily 27 Dec)
[2] Normish Partnership 2
[3] charles.w.walker at googlemail.com

Left in 2011:

v scshunt             scshunt at csclub.uwaterloo.ca   7 Mar 09   26 Jan 11
v Wooble              geoffspear at gmail.com         22 Dec 10   31 Jan 11
v ais523              ais523 at bham.ac.uk            28 Apr 08    4 Feb 11
v Taral               taralx at gmail.com             28 Apr 07    4 Feb 11
a Ienpw III           james.m.beirne at gmail.com      2 Oct 10    8 Mar 11
a Keba                agora at kebay.org              12 Aug 10    8 Mar 11
a Tiger               jonatan.kilhamn at gmail.com     2 Feb 09    8 Mar 11
a Darth Cliche        kennercat at gmail.com          16 Dec 10    6 Apr 11
a Flameshadowx...[2]  [1]                             10 Nov 10    6 Apr 11
v Wooble              geoffspear at gmail.com          3 Mar 11   15 Apr 11
a BobTHJ              pidgepot at gmail.com           28 Dec 10   26 Jun 11
a Wofi                wofi253 at yahoo.com            30 Mar 11   26 Jun 11
v Wooble              geoffspear at gmail.com         17 May 11   28 Jun 11
v root                ian.g.kelly at gmail.com        29 Jun 11   29 Jun 11
a Sgeo                sgeoster at gmail.com           27 Jun 08   31 Jul 11
a Florw               florwx at gmail.com             13 Apr 11   31 Jul 11
a Quazie              quazienomic at gmail.com        12 Apr 11   31 Jul 11
v G.                  kerim at u.washington.edu       29 Oct 09    9 Aug 11
v Wooble              wooble at nomictools.com        29 Jul 11    1 Sep 11
v ehird               penguinofthegods at googl...[3] 26 Feb 09   14 Oct 11
a Gondolier           gondola43 at gmail.com          24 Jun 11   11 Nov 11
a BobTHJ              pidgepot at gmail.com           13 Jul 11    8 Dec 11
a Droowl              droowl at gmail.com              4 Jun 11    8 Dec 11
a Flameshadowx...[2]  [1]                              5 Jul 11    8 Dec 11
a Math321             math321 at ymail.com            28 Jun 11    8 Dec 11
a Turiski             turiski.nomic at gmail.com      20 Apr 11    8 Dec 11

[1] Flameshadowxeroshin at gmail.com
[2] Flameshadowxeroshin
[3] penguinofthegods at googlemail.com

Left in 2012:

v Tiger               jonatan.kilhamn at gmail.com    12 Jul 11   26 Jan 12
v Mr. Incredible      c/o omd                         16 Feb 12   17 Feb 12
e Tweedledee          c/o G.                          16 Feb 12   22 Feb 12
e Tweedledum          c/o G.                          16 Feb 12   22 Feb 12
v Flameshadowx...[4]  flameshadowxeroshin at gm...[5]  9 Jan 12   28 Feb 12
v ehird               penguinofthegods at gmail.com    5 Dec 11   28 Feb 12
v Machiavelli         swettt at mail.gvsu.edu          1 Sep 09   29 Feb 12
v Golem-1-50          c/o FKA441344                   04 Mar 12   05 Mar 12
v Ghost               c/o Bucky [3]                   31 Mar 12   31 Mar 12
v The President       c/o the Speaker [1]         13 May 12
e Number Two          c/o Murphy                      17 Feb 12   05 Jun 12
e The Diplomat        c/o Blognomic (blognomic.com)   31 Mar 12   05 Jun 12
v I create [2]        c/o omd                         08 Jun 12   13 Jul 12
v Scapegoat           c/o the number 441,344          08 Jun 12   06 Aug 12
v ehird               penguinofthegods at googl...[4] 09 Apr 12   28 Sep 12
a davidcjackman       davidcjackman at gmail.com       2 Jan 12   19 Oct 12
a Florw               florwx at gmail.com             17 Mar 12   19 Oct 12
a kcnomic             kcnomic at gmail.com            25 Mar 12   19 Oct 12
a pikhq               josiahw at gmail.com            21 Oct 11   19 Oct 12
a Sonny Jim           sonny_jim at studiofrobel.com   23 Jan 12   19 Oct 12
a woggle              woggling at gmail.com           30 May 11   19 Oct 12

[1] 03 Mar 11 or 31 Jul 11
[2] {I create a Slave Golem whose name is the full body of this message.

             (Preemptive arguments: It's not confusing, merely long.)

On Fri, Jun 8, 2012 at 7:16 PM, Pavitra <celestialcognition at gmail.co
             m> wrote:
             > On 06/08/2012 07:03 PM, John Smith wrote:
             >> For good measure, I transfer Scapegoat to Pavitra.
I transfer Scapegoat to the number four hundred forty-one thousand
             > hundred forty-four.
[3] (spambait3 at yahoo.com)
[4] penguinofthegods at googlemail.com
[5] flameshadowxeroshin at gmail.com

Left in 2013:

v scshunt             scshunt at csclub.uwaterloo.ca   3 Mar 11   12 Jan 13
e Solider-*-* [1]     c/o Pavitra                     16 Jan 13   16 Jan 13
e Ted                 c/o Italy                       16 Jan 13   16 Jan 13
e a person ...[2]     c/o G.                          28 Sep 12   22 Jan 13
e Eileen              c/o Pavitra                      5 Jun 12   22 Jan 13
e the Cayman Islands  c/o G.                           4 May 12   22 Jan 13
e Our Lady of [3]     ?                               30 Jun 12   22 Jan 13
e Ur                  ?                               31 Mar 12   22 Jan 13
a BobTHJ              pidgepot at gmail.com            3 Jun 12    7 Apr 13
a FKA441344           441344 at gmail.com             13 Jan 12    7 Apr 13
a justine sells       dudebabe3 at gmail.com          18 Jun 12    7 Apr 13
a Ozymandias          ozymandias.haynes at gmail.com  28 Jun 12    7 Apr 13
a scat                agora at lesidhetree.com [4]    18 May 12    7 Apr 13
e ais523's [5]        ?                               29 Jun 12   20 Apr 13
e BuckyBot            c/o Bucky spambait3 at ya...[6] 31 Mar 12   20 Apr 13
e Tweedledee          ?                               28 Jan 13   20 Apr 13
e Tweedledum          ?                               28 Jan 13   20 Apr 13
d Agora Nomic         ?                               23 Jun 11   22 Apr 13
a Arkady              arkadyenglish+agora at gm...[7] 18 Jul 11   21 May 13
a moonroof            roycewoodspam at gmail.com      13 Jul 12   21 May 13
a Phlogistique        rnoe.rubinstein at gmail.com    25 Jun 12   21 May 13
r scshunt             scshunt at csclub.uwaterloo.ca   1 Apr 13   30 Apr 13
r scshunt             scshunt at csclub.uwaterloo.ca  30 Apr 13    6 May 13
r scshunt             scshunt at csclub.uwaterloo.ca   9 May 13   12 May 13
r scshunt             scshunt at csclub.uwaterloo.ca  13 May 13   20 May 13
r scshunt             scshunt at csclub.uwaterloo.ca  26 May 13   28 May 13
v Turiski             turiski.nomic at gmail.com      26 Jul 13   30 Jul 13
v Wooble              wooble at nomictools.com         3 Oct 11   12 Aug 13
v Machiavelli         swettt at mail.gvsu.edu         25 Apr 12   25 Aug 13
v Arufonsu            swettt at mail.gvsu.edu         15 Dec 13   29 Dec 13

[1] Many entities; effectiveness disputed.
[2] a person announcing support or intent to do so
[3] Our Lady of Perpetual Responsibility
[4] Also schrodingers.katana at gmail.com
[5] ais523's imaginary friend
[6] c/o Bucky spambait3 at yahoo.com
[7] arkadyenglish+agora at gmail.com

Left in 2014:

v OscarMeyr           ben.dov.schultz at gmail.com     9 Jul 13   28 Jan 14
a arkestra            arkestra at gmail.com           28 Jun 13   12 Feb 14
a ehird               penguinofthegods at gmail.com   29 Jan 13   12 Feb 14
a FKA441344           441344 at gmail.com              2 Jul 13   12 Feb 14
a FSX                 flameshadowxeroshin at gm...[1]  3 Apr 12   12 Feb 14
a Ienpw III           james.m.beirne at gmail.com     14 May 13   12 Feb 14
a Lindar              lindarthebard at gmail.com       8 Jul 13   12 Feb 14
a Max Schutz          maxschutz777 at gmail.com        5 Nov 12   12 Feb 14
a Sgeo                sgeoster at gmail.com           21 Oct 11   12 Feb 14
a teucer              teucer at pobox.com              5 Aug 13   12 Feb 14
a Walker              charles.w.walker at gmail.com   19 Mar 11   12 Feb 14
a Wes                 wesc at antitribu.com           29 Jan 13   12 Feb 14
v Phlogistique        noe.rubinstein at gmail.com     30 Jan 14   28 Feb 14
v Wooble              wooble at nomictools.com        24 Oct 13   28 Feb 14
v Sam (disputed)      c/o Walker                      14 Aug 13   26 Mar 14
a aperfectring        jstefek at gmail.com            15 Aug 13    6 May 14
a Cole Jackson        colejackson at gmail.com        26 Jan 14    6 May 14
a Ludwig              tysger.nomic at gmail.com        8 Apr 13    6 May 14
a nichdel             nichdel at gmail.com            14 Aug 13    6 May 14
a Philomory           philomory at gmail.com          18 Oct 13    6 May 14
a Schrodinger's Cat   agora at lesidhetree.com        15 Sep 13    6 May 14
a Shredder            geoff at geoffschmidt.com       30 Jan 14    6 May 14
a Telnaior            JDGA at iinet.net.au            18 Oct 13    6 May 14
a Thimblefox          brianblomlie at icloud.com      14 Feb 14    6 May 14
a William Eisenburg   william.eisenberg at gmail.com  14 Aug 13    6 May 14
a Fool                fool1901 at gmail.com           24 Jun 13   22 Jul 14
a Walker              charles.w.walker at gmail.com   26 Mar 14   22 Jul 14
a Liberonscien [2]    x1122334455 at Writing.Com      23 Apr 14   22 Jul 14
a Yally                aarongoldfein at gmail.com      7 Feb 09   22 Jul 14
v G.                  kerim at u.washington.edu       18 Oct 11   11 Aug 14
v scshunt             scshunt at csclub.uwaterloo.ca   2 Jan 14   22 Aug 14
r Eritivus            eritivus at gmail.com           11 Oct 14   11 Oct 14
v Chester Mealer      cdm014 at gmail.com              3 Jul 14   24 Oct 14
v the Warrigal        tannerswett at gmail.com         5 Aug 14   24 Nov 14
v Eritivus            eritivus at gmail.com           19 Oct 14   16 Dec 14

[1] flameshadowxeroshin at gmail.com
[2] also x1122334455

Left in 2015:

v scshunt            scshunt at csclub.uwaterloo.ca   15 Oct 14    6 Apr 15
v nichdel            nichdel at gmail.com             15 Oct 14    6 Apr 15
a Bayushi            thelas.staloras at gmail.com     19 Oct 13   16 Jul 15
a Khoyo              khoyobegenn at gmail.com         13 Nov 13   16 Jul 15
v ironiridis         ironiridis at gmail.com           1 May 15   29 Jul 15
d Gaelan Steele      gbs at canishe.com               27 May 15   10 Aug 15
d Ienpw III          james.m.beirne at gmail.com       8 Oct 14   10 Aug 15
d Joe Piercey        joerpiercey at gmail.com         15 Oct 14   10 Aug 15
d scshunt            scshunt at csclub.uwaterloo.ca   23 Apr 15   10 Aug 15
d stadjer            stadjernomic at gmail.com        23 Mar 15   10 Aug 15
d Tiger              jonatan.kilhamn at gmail.com     17 Dec 13   10 Aug 15
d Tristan Bredeweg   trstnbrdwg0 at gmail.com         28 Jul 15   10 Aug 15
d woggle             woggling at gmail.com            19 Jan 13   10 Aug 15

Left in 2017:

v Alexis             alercah at gmail.com             14 Sep 16    8 Jan 17
v Roujo              jonathan.rouillard at gmail.com  16 Dec 10   27 May 17
v grok               grokagora at gmail.com           18 May 17   29 May 17
v nichdel            nichdel at gmail.com             01 Dec 15   29 May 17
d aranea             aranea at aixea.de               31 Aug 14   31 May 17
d Charles            charles.w.walker at gmail.com    11 Jul 16   31 May 17
d Henri              henrib736 at gmail.com           07 May 13   31 May 17
d Sci_Guy12          jwc.science at gmail.com         14 Jul 16   31 May 17
d Tekneek            tekgora at theglycerintekneek.com12 Jun 15   31 May 17
d Warrigal, the [1]  tannerswett at gmail.com         25 Apr 15   31 May 17
d Yally              aarongoldfein at gmail.com       11 Jul 16   31 May 17
w G.                 kerim at u.washington.edu        29 Jun 17   29 Jun 17
v Cuddlebeam         cuddlebeam at googlemail.com     20 May 17   21 Jul 17
d Zachary Watterson[2]tannerswett at gmail.com        26 Mar 17   27 Aug 17
d tmanthe2nd         trstnbrdwg0 at gmail.com         13 May 17   27 Aug 17
v Kyle Anderson      kyescott513c at gmail.com        23 Aug 17   24 Aug 17
d Sprocklem          sprocklem at gmail.com           19 Oct 13   10 Sep 17
d Veggiekeks         martinjroensch at gmail.com      25 May 17   15 Sep 17
d babelian           kumarraja.ajay at gmail.com      29 Jul 17   15 Sep 17
v ais523             ais523 at alumni.bham.ac.uk [3]  20 Mar 11   23 Sep 17
v grok               grokagora at gmail.com           24 Jul 17   27 Sep 17
d Ienpw III          james.m.beirne at gmail.com      21 May 17   16 Nov 17
d Bayushi            thelas.staloras at gmail.com     29 Jun 17   16 Nov 17
d ProofTechnique     jhenahan at me.com               23 Sep 17   16 Nov 17
d Murphy             emurphy42 at zoho.com            27 Oct 07   17 Nov 17
v V.J. Rada          vijarada at gmail.com            05 Sep 17   28 Nov 17

[1] previously Alfonso Machiavelli, the Warrigal
[2] also known as Gumball
[3] also callforjudgement at yahoo.co.uk

Left in 2018:

v ATMunn             iamingodsarmy at gmail.com       21 Sep 17   09 Feb 18
v Alexis             alercah at gmail.com             27 Sep 17   28 Feb 18
a o                  owen at grimoire.ca              12 Jul 16   16 Oct 18
a Kenyon             kprater3.14 at gmail.com         27 Feb 18   16 Oct 18
a Quazie             quazienomic at gmail.com         15 Apr 17   16 Oct 18
a Ouri               ouri.poupko at gmail.com         03 Apr 18   16 Oct 18

Left in 2019:

a Telnaior           jdga at iinet.net.au                         15 Jan 19
w Telnaior           jdga at iinet.net.au             29 Jan 19   29 Jan 19
a 天火狐              draconicdarkness at gmail.com    06 Nov 16  03 Jan 19
a pokes              pokes at botnoise.org            11 Dec 17   03 Jan 19
a nichdel            nichdel at gmail.com             29 Jun 17   24 May 19

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