The below CFJ is 3734, I assign it to V.J. Rada.

===============================  CFJ 3734  ===============================

      A Player with Blots CAN destroy a Blot in eir possession if e has
      neither gained blots nor expunged any blots from emself in the
      current Agoran week.


Caller:                        Jason Cobb

Judge:                         V.J. Rada



Called by Jason Cobb:                             10 Jun 2019 19:10:58
Assigned to V.J. Rada:                            (as of this message)


Caller's Arguments:

I argue that when a player announces that e expunges a Blot from emself,
then e is the one destroying the Blot. Thus, under Rule 2577, the Blot
CANNOT be destroyed, as it was not destroyed "by a proposal or rule,
other than [Rule 2577], specifically addressing the destruction of
indestructible assets or that asset in particular", but rather by the

I argue that Rule 2240 ("No Cretans Need Apply") does not apply, as the
definition of an asset being "indestructible" does not occur in Rule
2555, but Rule 2555 rather defers to Rule 2577 for the definition, and
then later attempts to override the definition in Rule 2577. Thus the
conflict is between two Rules, rather than within the text of a certain

If the above two arguments are found valid, then Rule 1030 ("Precedence
between Rules") states that the Rule with the higher Power takes
precedence. In this case that is Rule 2577. This would mean that Blots
CANNOT be destroyed.

I thus argue that the ruling on this CFJ should be FALSE.

Caller's Evidence:

Excerpt from Rule 2555/2 ("Blots")

      Blots are an indestructible fixed currency with ownership
      restricted to persons.


      To expunge a blot is to destroy it.


      If a player has neither gained blots nor expunged any blots from
      emself in the current Agoran week, e CAN expunge 1 blot from
      emself by announcement.

Excerpt from Rule 2577/1 ("Asset Actions") [Power=3]

      An asset generally CAN be destroyed by its owner by announcement,
      subject to modification by its backing document. An indestructible
      asset is one defined as such by it backing document, and CANNOT be
      destroyed except by a proposal or rule, other than this one,
      specifically addressing the destruction of indestructible assets
      or that asset in particular; any other asset is destructible.


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