The below CFJ is 3750.  I assign it to twg.

===============================  CFJ 3750  ===============================

      In this message, G. destroyed a coin.


Caller:                        G.

Judge:                         twg



Called by G.:                                     01 Jul 2019 15:29:30
Assigned to twg:                                  [now]


Caller's Arguments:

The award in question is not a fee-based action at all.  R2579 specifies
that if a *correct* fee-announcement is (but e.g. the actor does not have
the fee) then no asset holdings are changed.  In the case of an
"incorrect" fee-announcement, there's no fail-safe that I can find one
way or the other - do the assets change?


Caller's Evidence:

On Mon, Jul 1, 2019 at 8:29 AM Kerim Aydin <> wrote:

I award myself the Patent Title "nouveau riche" by paying a fee of 1 Coin for this sole purpose.


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