The below case is CFJ 3756.  I assign it to twg.

===============================  CFJ 3756  ===============================

      Jason Cobb qualifies for a Transparent ribbon.


Caller:                        Jason Cobb

Judge:                         twg



Called by Jason Cobb:                             11 Jul 2019 00:11:57
Assigned to twg:                                  [now]


Caller's Arguments:

    This all comes down to whether or not being awarded a Gray ribbon
    counts as a ribbon towards the requirement that "the number of other
    types of Ribbon that [I have qualified] for and/or [have] earned
    within the previous 7 days is at least 5."

    It could possibly be read in under "qualifies" because I have, as
    per Rule 2548, "earned that type of Ribbon within the preceding 7
    days". I argue that I have earned the Ribbon within the previous 7
    days because I came to possess a new Gray Ribbon that I did not
    previously possess. If this is true, I have earned/qualified for 5
    types in the previous 7 days, as noted before, so I qualify for

    I do note that Rule 2438 uses "qualifies" and "earns" somewhat
    interchangeably, especially towards the end of the list (see R's
    definition vs P's definition), which may muddy the waters somewhat.


Caller's Evidence:

Qualifications for 5 types of Ribbon.

      * I earned a Red ribbon for proposals earlier this week
      * I earned an Orange ribbon for proposals earlier this week
      * I earned a Cyan ribbon for deputising for Assessor earlier this
      * I qualify for a White ribbon because I have never previously
        owned one.
      * (?) I earned a Gray ribbon earlier this week by being awarded
        one by G.

Excerpt from Rule 2438 ("Ribbons"):
>      Gray (A): The Tailor CAN award a Gray Ribbon by announcement,
>      unless e has done so earlier in the month. E is ENCOURAGED to
>      award such a Ribbon in the same message in which e publishes eir
>      monthly report.
>      Transparent (T): A person qualifies for a Transparent Ribbon while
>      the number of other types of Ribbon that that person qualifies for
>      and/or has earned within the previous 7 days is at least 5.


Gratuitous Arguments by G.:

"Qualified" and "earned" are actually used very precisely.

Qualified is for continuous conditions that qualify you (e.g. P = being
Speaker).  Earned is for one-time event triggers (e.g. R = a power-3
proposal is adopted) which *then* put you in the condition of being
qualified for 7 days.

So the process is Earned => Qualified => Awarded.

R, O, C, B, U, V, I: each start at Earned.  When the event listed
happens, you move to "qualified" where you stay for 7 days or
until the ribbon is awarded.

G, M, L, P, W, T: each start at qualified - you're either in those
conditions or not.  If you are, you can be awarded.

Gray and awarding W to someone else jump straight to "awarded"
so you never earn nor qualify for those.


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