CoE on the report quoted below: o's, Bernie's and Rance's master
switches may be set to Agora, if my message flipping them was actually
sent via a public forum. I respond to this CoE by citing the CFJ I
called less than an hour ago ("In December, I flipped o's, Bernie's
and Rance's master switches to Agora").

On Wed, 1 Jan 2020 at 16:46, James Cook <> wrote:
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>                          The Agoran Directory
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Disclaimer: this report assumes that Falsifian's attempts to flip o's,
> Bernie's and Rance's master switches to Agora on 2019-12-20: eir
> message may not have been delivered to enough players to count as a
> public message).
> Date of last report: 2019-12-28 (Sat)
> Date of this report: 2020-01-01 (Wed)
> (all times UTC)
> Archive of reports on the web:
> Recent Events (recent events section not ratifying)
> 07-Oct-19 12:10  Falsifian flips Cuddle Beam's master switch to Agora.
> 07-Oct-19 12:10  Falsifian flips Walker's master switch to Agora.
> 08-Oct-19 12:08  twg flips Jacob Arduino' master switch to Agora.
> 08-Oct-19 15:02  Gaelan flips Gaelan's master switch to Gaelan.
> 18-Oct-19 19:24  Nch registers.
> 20-Oct-19 11:58  Agora flips Cuddle Beam's master switch to D. Margaux.
> 20-Oct-19 17:59  Agora flips Walker's master switch to Murphy.
> 20-Oct-19 21:16  pikhq registers.
> 22-Oct-19 16:21  Cuddle Beam flips eir master switch to emself.
> 11-Nov-19 00:52  Jacob Arduino is an excess lot: resale value decreased.
> 19-Nov-19 04:32  Falsifian deregisters Jacob Arduino with notice.
> 06-Dec-19 20:55  ATMunn flips eir master switch to emself.
> (time of last report)
> 29-Dec-19 10:04  R. Lee registers.
> 01-Jan-20 08:54  Alexis registers.
> Players (by Rule 869, Persons with 'Registered' Citizenship):
> There are 21 Players.
>  Player               Contact                                 Registered
>  ------               -------                                 ----------
>    omd                comexk at [1]                 03 Feb 11
>    Aris               thoughtsoflifeandlight17 at   13 Sep 16
>    Gaelan             gbs at                      15 May 17
>    G.                 kerim at                         25 Aug 17
>    Cuddle Beam        cuddlebeam at                 25 Aug 17
>  * Trigon             reuben.staley at              24 Sep 17
>    Murphy             emurphy42 at                   17 Dec 17
>    ATMunn             iamingodsarmy at              11 Mar 18
>    twg                me at                         24 May 18
>  * D. Margaux [2]     dmargaux000 at                25 Aug 18
>  * Baron von Vaderham davidseeber at              04 Feb 19
>    Falsifian          jcook at                13 Feb 19
>    Jason Cobb         jason.e.cobb at               02 Jun 19
>    Nch                nchagora at              18 Oct 19
>    pikhq              agora at                  20 Oct 19
>    R. Lee             edwardostrange at             29 Dec 19
>    Alexis             alercah at                    01 Jan 20
> z**Bernie             hidreigon at                  06 Apr 19
> z**Rance              rance_28 at                   09 Apr 19
> z**o                  owen at                     23 May 19
> z**Walker             charles.w.walker at           02 Jun 19
> z=zombie
> *=no public messages since the start of 2019-11
> **=no public messages since the start of 2019-10
> Zombie master and resale value switches (self-ratifying)
>                              Resale   Last owned        Due to flip
> Zombie         Master        value    by Agora          to Agora
> ------         ------        -------  ---------------   ---------------
> o              Trigon        1        13-Sep-19 03:41   12-Dec-19 03:41
> Bernie         Jason Cobb    1        13-Sep-19 03:42   12-Dec-19 03:42
> Rance          G.            1        13-Sep-19 12:44   12-Dec-19 12:44
> Walker         Murphy        1        20-Oct-19 17:59   18-Jan-20 17:59
> Fora (Rule 478, self-ratifying)
> Type         Location                                Typical use
> ----         --------                                -----------
> Public       agora-official at        official reports
> Public       agora-business at        other business
> Discussion   agora-discussion at      discussion
> Discussion   irc://
> <> discussion
> Public       agora at              backup
> Subscribe or unsubscribe from main
> lists:
> Subscribe or unsubscribe from backup
> list:
> The IRC channel does not require subscription; set your IRC client to
> server, port 6667, channel ##nomic, and whatever
> nickname you like.
> Writs of FAGE (Rule 1789)
> Player            Date
> ------            ----
> Kelly             17 Sep 95
> Andre             13 Feb 99
> BobTHJ            16 Jan 08
> P1                 5 Nov 08
> P2                 5 Nov 08
> P3 to P100 [3]     6 Nov 08
> G.                29 Jun 17
> Telnaior          29 Jan 19
> Watchers (4)
> The list of Watchers is not governed by the rules, but is
> traditionally maintained in the Registrar's Report.  If you'd like to
> be listed as a Watcher or removed from the list, feel free to email
> the fora or the Registrar directly.
> Watcher added September 2019:
> Nickname          Contact
> --------          -------
> Lykaina           mjbermanator at
> Watchers confirmed as of May 2017:
> Nickname          Contact
> --------          -------
> Ørjan             oerjan at
> Watchers confirmed as of May 2013:
> Nickname          Contact
> --------          -------
> Dave              davidnicol at
> Phlogistique      noe.rubinstein at
> Steve             zardoz37 at
> [1] officially, but technically equivalent c.ome.xk at
> [2] also known as D Margaux
> [3] P3 to P100 inclusive each deregistered in writs of FAGE on this
>     date.
> --
> - Falsifian

- Falsifian

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