The January zombie auction has ended. My previous announcement had an error.

On 2020-01-07 at 07:03 UTC, I initiated a zombie auction. It ended
2020-01-14 at 07:03 UTC. Here are the lots, winners, and winning bids:

Lot     Winner      Bid, in Coins
---     ------      -------------
o       G.          111
Bernie  twg         50
Rance   Jason Cobb  21

Here are the bids that were not withdrawn:

Amount (Coins)  Bidder      Time (UTC)
--------------  ------      ----------------  -----
111             G.          2020-01-13 22:48
50              twg         2020-01-13 22:10
22              Gaelan      2020-01-13 19:55
21              Jason Cobb  2020-01-13 19:45
15              Falsifian   2020-01-09 17:21
1               Alexis      2020-01-07 23:01

Agora is the Auctioneer in this auction. Under Rule 2551, the winners
SHALL pay Agora their winning bids as a fee to satisfy their auction

- Falsifian

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