Alexis, Herald of Agora

To All To Whom these Presents shall come or whom the same may in any
way concern,

A Proclamation

WHEREAS, on the tenth day of February in the Year of our
Gregorian Calendar two thousand and twenty, twg did spend One Thousand
Coins on Economics, being the two thousand and eighty-third Rule of
Agora; and

WHEREAS, by so doing, twg did win the game of Agora;

NOW KNOW YOU that we, Alexis, Herald of Agora, do hereby confirm that
twg has so won the game of Agora;

NOW KNOW YOU that we, by the Powers granted to us under Winning the
Game, being the two thousand and forty-fourth Rule of Agora, do hereby
bestow upon Falsifian the Patent Title of Champion; and

NOW KNOW YOU that the game may be won, but the game never ends.

OF ALL WHICH the Players of Agora and all others whom these Presents
may concern are hereby requested to take notice and to govern
themselves accordingly.

At agora-official, this twenty-ninth day of February in the Year of our
Gregorian Calendar two thousand and twenty.

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