RESOLUTION OF PROPOSALS 8366-8367 ================================= I hereby resolve the Agoran decisions to adopt the below proposals.
The quorum for all below decisions was 7. Voting Strengths ================ Strength is 3 unless otherwise noted. @: player has voting strength 2 PROPOSALS ========= PROPOSAL 8366 (Asset Determinacy) CLASS: DEMOCRATIC FOR (7): Alexis, Jason, Publius Scribonius Scholasticus, R. Lee, Rance, Trigon, Warrigal AGAINST (0): PRESENT (1): Falsifian BALLOTS: 8 AI (F/A): 21/0 (AI=3.0) OUTCOME: ADOPTED [ Alexis: Endorsement of R. Lee Falsifian: Inextricable: Endorsement of non-voter Aris Rance: Endorsement of Jason ] PROPOSAL 8367 (Slow burn) CLASS: DEMOCRATIC FOR (8): Alexis, Falsifian, Jason, Publius Scribonius Scholasticus, R. Lee, Rance, Trigon, Warrigal AGAINST (0): PRESENT (0): BALLOTS: 8 AI (F/A): 24/0 (AI=3.0) OUTCOME: ADOPTED [ Alexis: Endorsement of R. Lee Rance: Endorsement of Jason ] The full text of each ADOPTED proposal is included below: ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ID: 8366 Title: Asset Determinacy Adoption index: 3.0 Author: Aris Co-authors: twg Amend Rule 2576, "Ownership", by changing the text "If an asset would otherwise lack an owner, it is owned by the Lost and Found Department" to read "If an asset would otherwise lack an owner, or if its ownership would otherwise be indeterminate, it is owned by the Lost and Found Department. If there is a rule titled "A Coin Award", repeal it. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ID: 8367 Title: Slow burn Adoption index: 3.0 Author: Murphy Co-authors: Falsifian Amend Rule 1789 (Cantus Cygneus) by replacing "Registrar's Report" with "Registrar's monthly report". //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////