The below is CFJ 3858.  I assign it to grok.

CFJ Statement:
An action to be performed with 7 days notice depends on objections.

Called by:
Jason on 23 Jun 2020 21:58:23 -0400
(Barred: nch)

Caller's Evidence:

Rule 2124/26 [Excerpt]:

>       The above notwithstanding, if an action depends on objections, and
>       an objection to an intent to perform it has been withdrawn within
>       the past 24 hours, then Agora is not Satisfied with that intent.
>       The above notwithstanding, Agora is not satisfied with an intent
>       if the Speaker has objected to it in the last 48 hours.

Dictionary definition of "define":


Caller's Arguments:

What it means for an action to "depend on objections" is not defined in
the rules. This means that it has its common language meaning. The word
at issue is "depend". Merriam-Webster [0] defines "depend" as an
intransitive verb meaning:

1. to be determined, based, or contingent

2. to be pending or undecided

3. a. to place reliance or trust

   b. to be dependent especially for financial support

4. to hang down

I believe definition 1 here makes the most sense in context. I see two
ways to interpret an action "depending on objections" - it either must
require objects to be performable, or it must be affected by objections.
The former makes no sense - no dependent action requires objections in
order to be actionable, which would mean the clause has no effect. This
leaves the second reading - the action "depends on objections" if
objections affect whether it can be performed.

An action to be performed with 7 days notice is affected by the presence
or absence of objections. In particular, it is affected by the presence
of an objection from the Speaker, who can veto an action for 48 hours by
objecting. This is consistent with a common language reading - the
effectiveness of an action to be performed with 7 days action is, in
part, "determined" by, "based" on, or "contingent" upon, the presence or
absence of an objection. Because of this, I argue that an action to be
performed with 7 days notice "depends on objections" and argue for TRUE.

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