The below CFJ is 3864.  I assign it to G..


===============================  CFJ 3864  ===============================

      Welcome Package Patch's sole function is not to minimally rectify
      a bug.


Caller:                        nch

Judge:                         G.



Called by nch:                                    23 Jun 2020 13:49:11
Assigned to G.:                                   [now]


Caller's Arguments:

It does rectify a bug (although, again, it introduces a new one). But it
was forced through to prevent a scam. R2626 says "A player SHALL NOT
certify a proposal unless its sole function isto minimally rectify a bug,
error, or ambiguity". This has two functions: rectifying the bug, and
preventing a scam. Sole means only, as in "the only function".


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