On 7/7/20 9:27 PM, Jason Cobb via agora-official wrote:
> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> ID: 8461
> Title: Redoing Adopted Proposals
> Adoption index: 2.0
> Author: R. Lee
> Co-authors: Aris
> Amend rule 2450 "Pledges" by inserting the following sentence after
>  the words "where N is 2 unless the pledge explicitly states otherwise":
> {It is also Oathbreaking for a player to let a pledge expire without taking
>  an action e pledged to do in that pledge. }
> Amend rule 2531 "Defendant's Rights" by renumbering the list items so that
> each item is preceded by a number one above the previous item, except the
> first item which is preceded by the number 1.

This fails due to ambiguity - the first list item is not preceded by a
list item with any number.

> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> ID: 8470
> Title: Sponsored Proposals
> Adoption index: 1.0
> Author: nch
> Co-authors: G., Trigon
> Amend R2622, "Pending Proposals", to read in full:
>   Pended is an untracked negative boolean proposal switch.
>   Any player CAN pay 1 Pendant to flip the Pended switch of a
>   specified proposal to True. If the player did not create the
>   proposal and is not listed in the list of co-authors of the
>   proposal, e is added to the list of co-authors. When e does so,
>   the proposal becomes sponsored.
>   The Promotor CAN, with 2+X support, flip the Pended switch of a
>   proposal in the Proposal Pool to true. For this, X is equal to the
>   number of times e has done so in the past 7 days.
>   Any player CAN, without objection, flip the Pended switch of a
>   proposal in the Proposal Pool to true.
>   A proposal with a Pended switch set to True is 'pending'.
> Repeal R2626 "Certifiable Patches".

This fails because Rule 2626 has already been repealed.

Jason Cobb

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