Here are the final orders I received:

Austria  A Ank S Smy
         A Boh S Mun
         A Bur H
         F ION - AEG
         A Mun S Bur
         A Sil D Ruh
         F Smy H
England  F Bel - ENG
         F ENG - IRI
         F Hol - Kie          **
         F NTH S Bel - ENG
         A Par H
         A Pic - Bre
Germany  A Ruh H
Italy    A Bul S Sev - Rum
         F MAO - Gas
         A Mar S Bur
         F Nap - TYS
         F Por S Spa/sc - MAO
         F Spa/sc - MAO
         F Syr - Lvp
         A Tyr S Mun
         F TYS - WES
Russia   F Arm - Sev
         F BAL S Ber - Kie
         A Ber - Kie
         A Den H              **
         F Kie - HEL
         A Nwy - Swe
         F Sev - Rum
         F SKA S Stp/nc - Nwy
         F Stp/nc - Nwy
Turkey   F Rum - Bul          **

** These orders failed. Turkey's F Rum retreats to BLA after being

Changes in supply centers are as follows:

Austria +Ank
England +Hol
Germany -Hol
Italy   +Bul
Russia  -Ank
Turkey  -Sev

In order to protect strategy, I will not be revealing conditionals, but
they all evaluated to the following build or disband orders:

Austria BUILD   A Vie
Germany DISBAND A Ruh
Italy   BUILD   F Nap
Russia  BUILD   F Stp/nc

Processing all of these, units end up as follows:

Austria  F AEG
         A Ank
         A Boh
         A Bur
         A Mun
         A Sil
         F Smy
         A Vie
England  A Bre
         F ENG
         F Hol
         F IRI
         F NTH
         A Par
Italy    A Bul
         F Gas
         F Lvp
         F MAO
         A Mar
         F Nap
         F Por
         A Tyr
         F TYS
         F WES
Russia   F BAL
         A Den
         F HEL
         A Kie
         F Nwy
         F Rum
         F Sev
         F Stp/nc
         F SKA
         A Swe
Turkey   F BLA

I also note that Germany has already been eliminated.
Publius Scribonius Scholasticus, Herald, Referee, Tailor, Pirate
Champion, Badge of the Great Agoran Revival, Badge of the Salted Earth

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