Webmastor's Monthly Report


Agoran Homepage ( https://agoranomic.org/ )
* Ruleset ( https://agoranomic.org/ruleset/ )
* CotC ( https://faculty.washington.edu/kerim/nomic/cases/ )
* Registrar ( https://agoranomic.org/Registrar/ )
* Webmastor ( https://agoranomic.org/Webmastor/ )

Public Archives
* Agora Official
   * ( 
https://www.mail-archive.com/agora-official@agoranomic.org/info.html )
* Agora Business
   * ( 
https://www.mail-archive.com/agora-business@agoranomic.org/info.html )
* Agora Discussion
   * ( 
https://www.mail-archive.com/agora-discussion@agoranomic.org/info.html )

Other Archives
* Reportor's Weekly Summaries ( 
https://github.com/AgoraNomic/Reportor/tree/master/weekly_summaries )
* Assessor's Reports ( https://agoranomic.org/assessor/ )
* Birthday Tournament 2020 Maps ( 
https://agoranomic.org/omd-diplonomic-2020-maps/ )

Please alert the Webmastor of any missing links.


- Some links on the Agora homepage are out of date.
- CotC page does not have a header


None, currently.


Jul 2020

- Added Header to agoranomic.org/Registrar (nix)
- Added Header to agoranomic.org/assessor (nix)
- Updated agoranomic.org/Treasuror header (nix)
- Changed homepage to jeklly/markdown (Trigon)
- Various content improvements for agoranomic.org/Help (PSS)
- Added ACORN (report of regulations) to agoranomic.org/Ruleset (Jason)
- Updated/fixed the ruleset viewer at agora-ruleset.gaelan.me (Gaelan)
- Public turn-by-turn Birthday Tournament maps at 
https://agoranomic.org/omd-diplonomic-2020-maps/ (omd)

Jun 2020

- agornomic.org/Webmastor now online (nix)
- agoranomic.org/Treasuror webpage updated (Trigon)
- agoranomic.org/Treasuror is now maintained (Trigon)
- Minor facelift, numbers/dates updated, removed dead link on homepage (nix)
- Fixed tue link on homepage (Jason)
- Re-added the Agora favicon to the website (nix)
- Added agoranomic.org/Help pages (nix)
- Updated Headers
- Added Header to agoranomic.org/Herald (nix)

Prime Minister, Webmastor

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