(This document is informational only and contains no game actions).

===============================  CFJ 3883  ===============================

      Jason is REQUIRED to resolve the referendum on proposal 8493
      within a timely fashion.


Caller:                        Gaelan
Barred:                        G.

Judge:                         Falsifian
Judgement:                     FALSE



Called by Gaelan:                                 04 Sep 2020 19:37:44
Assigned to R. Lee:                               06 Sep 2020 14:50:59
R. Lee Recused:                                   18 Sep 2020 16:39:25
Assigned to Publius Scribonius Scholasticus:      18 Sep 2020 16:39:25
Publius Scribonius Scholasticus recused:          24 Sep 2020 18:58:10
Assigned to Falsifian:                            27 Sep 2020 18:23:10
Judged FALSE by Falsifian:                        04 Oct 2020 02:49:52


Caller's Arguments:

208/14 says "The vote collector for an unresolved Agoran decision CAN
resolve it by announcement, indicating the outcome. If it was required to
be initiated, then e SHALL resolve it in a timely fashion after the end of
the voting period."

This decision was not required to be initiated; the PM used the Manifesto
cabinet order, which e had no obligation to do.


Gratuitous Arguments by G.:

The proposal was not Pended when the PM used the Manifesto to distribute


Judge Falsifian's Arguments:

Proposal 8493 was created by G. on August 28, and distributed on that
same day by nix by issuing a Cabinet Order of Manifesto.

I see no evidence that Jason made a pledge or agreed to a contract
REQUIRING em to resolve a referendum, nor am I aware of any
administrative regulations to that effect. The only other rule I know of
that might MANDATE that e resolve the referendum is Rule 208. The
relevant part, as pointed out by the caller, is:

    The vote collector for an unresolved Agoran decision CAN resolve it
    by announcement, indicating the outcome. If it was required to be
    initiated, then e SHALL resolve it in a timely fashion after the end
    of the voting period.

Was the referendum required to be initiated? Again, I'm not aware of any
pledge, contract or administrative regulation about this. This leaves
the following part of Rule 1607 as the only reason I can think of that
anyone might be REQUIRED to initiate it:

    In a given Agoran week, the Promotor SHALL distribute each proposal
    that was in the Proposal Pool and pending at the beginning of that
    week, except for those excepted from automatic distribution by other
    rules, or those that are otherwise removed from the Pool.

The proposal was not in the Proposal Pool at the beginning of any week,
since it was distributed on the same day it was created. Therefore, the
Promotor NEEDED NOT distribute it.

I have not carefully verified that nix was Prime Minister when e
purported to issue a Cabinet Order of Manifesto. If e was not, then the
proposal was never distributed, opening up the possibility that Rule
1607 might apply. However, G. points out the proposal was never pended,
and I can find no evidence to contradict this. So, even if nix was not
Prime Minister, I agree with the caller's assertion that distributing
the proposal was OPTIONAL.

Since the SHALL in Rule 208 was never triggered, Jason was never
REQUIRED to to resolve any referendum on Proposal 8493. I judge CFJ 3883


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