I publish the following report:

  ████████ ██   ██ ███████   ███   ██  █████  ████████ ███████  ██████
     ██    ██   ██ ██        ████  ██ ██   ██    ██    ██      ██
     ██    ███████ █████     ██ ██ ██ ██   ██    ██    █████    █████
     ██    ██   ██ ██        ██  ████ ██   ██    ██    ██           ██
     ██    ██   ██ ███████   ██   ███  █████     ██    ███████ ██████

                     -~= Notary's weekly report =~-


        ~~ I can't think of anything interesting to put here. ~~
                    Hope you have a good day though!

All times and dates in this report are given in Coordinated Universal
Time (UTC).

Date of last report: 31 Mar 2021
Date of this report: 09 Apr 2021

Abbreviations used in this report:
P.S.S. | Publius Scribonius Scholasticus
CB     | Cuddlebeam
con.   | contract

If any contract(s) have no name currently, I assign it/them the name(s)
displayed in this report.

======================= SHORT LIST OF CONTRACTS ========================
Contracts marked with an asterisk (*) are charities.

         Title                                           Parties
"The Dragon Corporation"                          Aris, Jason, Falsifian
"TPP"[1]                  CB, R. Lee, G., Bögtil, Jason, Falsifian, Aris
"LoAFER"[2]                                Trigon, Jason, R. Lee, ATMunn
"Co Dependents"                                                   R. Lee
"Cuddlebeam's Locker"                                         Cuddlebeam
"Contract No. 1: GIFT"                                    Trigon, R. Lee
"Contract No. 2: POEM"                            Trigon, R. Lee, ATMunn
"Contract No. 3: CARD"                                            R. Lee
"Contract No. 5: DECK"                            Trigon, R. Lee, ATMunn
"Contract No. 6: BOON"                                            Trigon
"SEAMSTRESS"[3]                                       Trigon, nix, Jason
"Dragon QuickExchange"                                         Falsifian
"Obstruction"                                                        omd
"Obstruction 2: Electric Boogaloo"                                R. Lee
"SNOCS"[4]                                   omd, ATMunn, R. Lee, Gaelan
"Dragon Political Outreach"                             Falsifian, Jason
"The Bank"                                                        ATMunn
"The Platonic Parrot"                    ATMunn, omd, R. Lee, Cuddlebeam
"I bet that was written by G."                               omd, ATMunn
"The Contract Awards: The Contract"                               ATMunn
* "Agoran Press"                     Falsifian, Lucidiot, Murphy, Gaelan
"Team Margaux"              Gaelan, Nathan, R. Lee, shelvacu, Cuddlebeam
"The Splat Market"                 Gaelan, ATMunn, nix, Jason, Falsifian
"The Supertask Experiment"                                        Nathan
"The Supertask Experiment Redux"                                  Nathan
"Humble Agoran Farming"   Cuddlebeam, Trigon, Falsifian, Gaelan, ... [5]
"The Orchard"      ATMunn, Falsifian, Trigon, Cuddlebeam, Jason, ... [6]
"FIAA"[7]                          Aris, Trigon, ATMunn, nix, Cuddlebeam
"Boatloans"                                                       Gaelan
"Secret Dealings"                                       Aris, Cuddlebeam
"Agorans for a Democratic Society"   Aris, Jason, Trigon, Gaelan, ATMunn
"Intent Assassin"                                             Cuddlebeam
"Obstructive Pooling"                              Falsifian, Jason, nix

[1] The Plunder Partnership
[2] League of Agorans Facilitating Effective Recordkeeping
[3] Signature Enthusiast Allows Modification of Signature Through
Rigorous Exchanging of Signature Suggestions
[4] Simple, No-Opportunity-Cost Sets
[5] also Aris, Murphy, Lucidiot
[6] also Gaelan, Murphy, Lucidiot
[7] Food Industry Association of Agora

==================== COMBINED HISTORY OF CONTRACTS =====================

04 Apr 2021: Falsifian became a party to "The Splat Market"
-- time of last report --
-- 2 reports ago --
-- 3 reports ago --


================== FULL TEXT AND HISTORY OF CONTRACTS ==================

All contracts which do not have a Donation Level stated currently have a
Donation Level of 0.

The following 33 contracts exist:

"The Dragon Corporation" (revision 4)
Parties: Aris, Jason, Falsifian


## Bylaw 1: Definition

This contract is named "the Dragon Corporation". The purpose of the
Dragon Corporation is to earn as much money as possible for its

All other provisions of this contract notwithstanding, this contract
does not permit any entity to act on behalf of any other entity.

Shares of Dragon stock (also known as "shares of DRGN", or, in this
contract, "shares") are a currency whose purpose is to represent
ownership of the Dragon Corporation. An entity which owns at least one
share is known as a shareholder.

If, at any time, the Dragon Corporation or the Lost and Found Department
owns any shares, then those shares are destroyed.

Any person CAN, by announcement, become a party to this contract or
cease to be a party to this contract. A shareholder who is a party to
this contract is known as a member.

Wherever this contract states that an entity becomes a party to this
contract or ceases to be a party to this contract, all parties to this
contract are considered to consent to this change.

## Bylaw 2: Proposals

Any member CAN, by announcement, submit a Corporate Proposal. A
Corporate Proposal must have exactly one of the types defined by this
contract. Thereafter, any member CAN vote FOR or AGAINST that proposal
by announcement, or retract such a vote, which causes the vote to become
null and void. Whenever a member votes, all of eir previous votes on the
same proposal are implicitly retracted.

If a Corporate Proposal was submitted fewer than 21 days ago and has
approval (as defined in other bylaws), and the proposal has not been
applied, then any member may, by announcement, apply the proposal, which
has effects as defined in other bylaws.

Members SHALL NOT submit, vote for, or apply proposals that are
egregiously unfair to other shareholders (such as a proposal which takes
or revokes shares from minority shareholders without just compensation).

## Bylaw 3: Amendment Proposals

An Amendment Proposal is a type of Corporate Proposal. An Amendment
Proposal has approval if it was submitted more than 4 days ago, at least
one member has voted FOR it, and the number of shares owned by members
who have voted FOR it is at least 2 times the number of shares owned by
members who have voted AGAINST it.

When an Amendment Proposal is applied, the following occur:

1. Each party to this contract who has not consented to the application
of the proposal ceases to be a party to this contract. A party who has
voted FOR a proposal consents to the application of that proposal,
unless e has publicly stated otherwise at or after the time at which e
voted FOR it.

2. This contract is modified as described in the proposal.

However, the application of an Amendment Proposal is INEFFECTIVE unless,
in the same message, the entity who applies the proposal also publishes
a text which is labeled as being the text of this contract after the
application. E SHOULD, at that point, publish intent to ratify that text
without objection.

## Bylaw 4: Ordinary Proposals

An Ordinary Proposal is a type of Corporate Proposal. A player is
Unsupportive of an Ordinary Proposal if e eir current vote is AGAINST,
or if e has no current vote and the proposal was submitted fewer than 4
days ago. An Ordinary Proposal has approval if the number of shares
owned by members voting FOR it is greater than the number of shares
owned by Unsupportive players.

When an Ordinary Proposal is applied, assets are created, destroyed,
and/or transferred as described in the proposal; and entities may
create, destroy, and/or transfer assets as permitted in the proposal.
Such permission expires 30 days after the proposal is applied.

After an Ordinary Proposal is applied, the person who applied it SHOULD
publish a description of its effects in a timely fashion, including all
balances of assets defined by this contract which were affected by the

## Bylaw 5: Bonds and Banknotes

Perpetual Dragon bonds (hereinafter "bonds") are a currency. Banknotes
are a currency.

At the beginning of each Agoran quarter, each entity is awarded a number
of banknotes equal to the number of bonds that e owns.

If an entity owns a banknote, e CAN redeem the banknote by transferring
1 coin from the Dragon Corporation to emself; the banknote is then

## Bylaw 6: Recordkeeping

If a party to this contract owns more shares than any other party to
this contract, then that party becomes the President of the Dragon
Corporation, if e is not already the President. The former President
SHALL publicly inform the new President of this event in a timely

The President is the recordkeepor of all assets defined by this
contract, except those for which this contract specifies a different

## Bylaw 7: IPO

Within 90 days after this contract is created, any entity CAN pay a
fee of 10 coins or 10 banknotes to the Dragon Corporation to buy a
share. When e does this, e is awarded 1 share.

Within 90 days after this contract is created, any entity who owns at
least 1 share may sell the share by announcement. When e does this, the
share is destroyed and e is awarded 5 banknotes.



01 Mar 2020: contract created by Warrigal
03 Mar 2020: contract amended by Warrigal as only party
14 May 2020: Jason became a party
14 May 2020: Aris became a party
17 May 2020: Falsifian became a party
24 May 2020: contract amended by Aris via contract's procedures
24 May 2020: Warrigal ceased to be a party due to contract's provisions
02 Jun 2020: Falsifian ratified contract's text w/o objection
25 Jun 03:33 2020: contract amended by Falsifian via con.'s procedures
25 Jun 03:33 2020: Aris ceased to be a party due to con.'s provisions
25 Jun 21:34 2020: Aris became a party
29 Jun 23:59 2020: P.S.S. became a party
04 Jul 01:46 2020: Falsifian ratified contract's text w/o objection
05 Jul 03:10 2020: contract amended by Falsifian via con.'s procedures
12 Jul 05:34 2020: Falsifian ratified contract's text w/o objection
31 Dec 15:02 2020: P.S.S. ceased to be a party

"The Plunder Partnership" (revision 6)
Parties: Jason, Aris, Cuddlebeam, Falsifian, and G.


🏴‍☠️ WHO WE BE

The Plunder Partnership is also known as the Plundership. A party to this
contract is known as a Pirate. Any person who is not in Davy Jones’ Locker
can become a Pirate by announcement. Any Pirate can make themselves cease
to be one by announcement.


Any person who has objected to a transferral of coins to the Plundership
are in Davy Jones’ Locker. A person in Davy Jones’ Locker cannot become a
Pirate, and they immediately cease to be a Pirate if they already were one.


Doubloons are a destructible asset that can only belong to Pirates. When an
amount of coins is transferred to the Plundership, each Pirate gains an
amount of Doubloons equal to the amount transferred divided by the amount
of Pirates, rounded down. A Pirate with at least 1 Doubloon can transfer 1
coin to themselves from the Plundership. Doing so destroys 1 Doubloon in
their possession.


Any Pirate can propose a Parley by announcement, which describes amendments
to this contract. If a Parley was proposed at least 2 days ago, at least
2/3rds (rounded up) of all Pirates consent to its contents, and it has not
yet been applied, then any Pirate can apply it by announcement, causing
this contract to be amended according to it.



12 Jun 2020: contract created by Cuddlebeam
12 Jun 2020: contract amended by Cuddlebeam as only party
12 Jun 2020: contract amended by Cuddlebeam as only party
12 Jun 2020: contract amended by Cuddlebeam as only party
12 Jun 2020: nix became a party
12 Jun 2020: R. Lee became a party
12 Jun 2020: P.S.S. became a party
12 Jun 2020: Bögtil became a party
12 Jun 2020: G. became a party
12 Jun 2020: Jason became a party
13 Jun 2020: Falsifian became a party
16 Jun 20:17 2020: contract amended by Cuddlebeam
16 Jun 20:18 2020: P.S.S. became a party [1]
16 Jun 20:18 2020: Jason became a party [1]
17 Jun 00:42 2020: R. Lee became a party [1]
19 Jun 01:27 2020: Falsifian became a party [1]
21 Jun 06:30 2020: Aris became a party
22 Jun 01:01 2020: ATMunn became a party
30 Jun 01:16 2020: contract amended by R. Lee via con.'s provisions
01 Jul 23:45 2020: contract's text ratified by Falsifian
13 Jul 00:28 2020: nix ceased to be a party
13 Jul 00:36 2020: ATMunn ceased to be a party
31 Dec 15:02 2020: P.S.S. ceased to be a party
17 Feb 18:57 2021: contract amended by Jason
17 Feb 18:57 2021: R. Lee ceased to be a party due to con.'s provisions
17 Feb 18:57 2021: Bögtil ceased to be a party due to con.'s provisions
18 Feb 19:52 2021: contract amended by Jason

[1] Due to CFJ 3850 being judged TRUE, these players were already
parties to the contract.

"League of Agorans Facilitating Effective Recordkeeping" (revision 1)
Parties: Trigon, R. Lee, ATMunn

Officers' lives are hard sometimes, but we can make them easier. Parties
to this contract follow a few practices to simplify officering.



When this contract refers to an Officer, it is considered to include all
Officers as defined by the rules (hereafter "Public Officers") as well
as any entity tasked by a contract with the tracking of gamestate
relating to that contract (hereafter "Private Officers").


Parties to this contract should attempt to help the officers of Agora in
their official duties by following the guidelines of this contract,
which are enumerated below:

1. Signaling: the act of placing in the subject text of a message to the
   effect of "[attn {Office}]" when actions taken in the message pertain
   directly to the mentioned office's duties or "[{Action}]" when
   rule-defined actions are taken that pertains to an officer's duties.

   Parties to this contract should signal their own messages.

   A list of actions that should be so signaled and the appropriate
   signals is included below, sorted by which office they are most
   pertinent to the duties of. If the specified action signal is already
   included in the subject of the message, players should signal the
   office instead.

   * ADoP
     * Initiation of, voting on, or declaring the winner of an election:

   * Arbitor
     * Calling and judging of CFJs: [CFJ]
     * Intendion to file and filing Motions to Reconsider: [Motion]
     * Intendion to enter and entering a judgement into Moot: [Moot]
     * Recusing oneself from a CFJ: [Recusal]

   * Herald
     * Performing Any action resulting in winning the game: [Victory]
     * Notices of Honour: [Notice of Honour] or [NoH]
     * Submission of a Thesis for peer-review: [Thesis]
     * Suggestions for or intentions to award patent titles: [Patent

   * Notary
     * Creation and destruction of pledges: [Pledge]
     * Creation and destruction of contracts: [Contract]
     * Any action defined or permitted by a contract: either that
       contract's full name or an easily identifiable part of that
       contract's name that cannot be confused with that of another
       existing contract.

   * Promotor
     * Submission and withdrawal of Proposals and intentions to flip the
       class of a proposal: [Proposal]

   * Referee
     * Pointing one's finger: [Finger Pointing] or [Pointing]
     * Submitting a CFJ to the Referee: signal Referee

   * Registrar
     * Deregistration, changing of master switch, and submissions of
       Cantus Cygnei (if to a public forum): signal Registrar

   * Rulekeepor
     * Cleaning: [Cleaning]

   * Tailor
     * Awarding a ribbon: [Ribbon]
     * Awarding oneself glitter: [Glitter]

   * All Offices
     * Transfer of an asset tracked by an Office: signal that Office
     * Casting a vote on an Agoran decision whose vote collecter is an
       Officer (if not in response to the message in which the decision
       was initiated): signal that Office
     * Making a bid in an auction whose auctioneer is an Officer (if not
       in reponse to the message in which the auction was initiated:
       signal that Office
     * For Private Officers, any business impacting the gamestate e
       tracks: signal that Office
     * Situations not enumerated above that require special attention
       from an Officer: signal that Office

2. Respecting Official Intentions: abstaining from doing anything that
   would majorly hinder or impede an Officer's performance of an action
   related to eir official duties that e has stated either implicitly or
   explicitly that e would perform when there is no cause to believe
   that e is performing that action for any malicious or nefarious

   Parties to this contract should respect official intentions except
   when urgent action is required or when the rules require them to take
   said actions.


A LoAFER Proposal is a document containing a list of suggested changes
to this contract or anything defined by it. A player can submit a LoAFER
Proposal by enumerating in a public message its full contents and
specifying clearly that it is a LoAFER Proposal.

Parties can vote on a LoAFER Proposal by replying directly to the
message in which it was created, specifying either Aye or Nay as their

Any party to this contract CAN, by announcement, pass a LoAFER Proposal

1. the number of Aye votes on that LoAFER Proposal exceeds floor(1+P/2),
   where P is the number of parties to this contract; OR
2. the number of Aye votes is greater than the number of Nay votes, and
   the LoAFER proposal in question was submitted at least 96 hours

Any party to this contract CAN, by announcement, fail a LoAFER Proposal
if the number of Nay votes is equal to or greater than the number of Aye
votes and the LoAFER Proposal was submitted at least 96 hours ago.

When a LoAFER Proposal is passed, all the changes specified therein are
put into effect, then it is destroyed. When a LoAFER Proposal is failed,
it is destroyed.



14 Jun 2020: contract created by Trigon
14 Jun 2020: contract amended by Trigon as only member
14 Jun 2020: Jason became a member
14 Jun 2020: R. Lee became a member
14 Jun 2020: ATMunn became a member
14 Jun 2020: P.S.S. became a member
31 Dec 15:02 2020: P.S.S. ceased to be a party

"Co Dependents" (revision 2)
Parties: R. Lee


Contract: Co Dependents

If there are less than 2 parties to this contract, any player CAN become
a party to this contract. Any player CAN quit this contract with 1 day

The Pooled Cards are all rule defined cards.

The Pooled Products are pendants and blot-b-gones.

Once per day any party to this contract CAN transfer all Pooled Cards of
one type owned by the other party. When e does so e SHALL transmute all
cards of that type in eir possession immediately afterwards in the same
message, and SHALL transfer half, rounded up, of the products made by
that transmutation to the other party immediately afterwards in the same

Once per day any party (A) CAN transfer X Pooled Products of a specified
type to emself from the other party (B) where:

* B must have more of the specified type than A,

* X = half, rounded down, of B's number of the specified Pooled Product
   type minus A's number of the specified Pooled Product type.

Anyone who has ever violated a SHALL in this contract ceases to be a
party to this contract.

Nobody but nix and R. Lee can join this contract. R. Lee CAN and MAY act
on nix's behalf for anything except consenting to amendment of this or
any other contract.



14 Jun 2020: contract created by nix
14 Jun 2020: R. Lee became a party
23 Jun 03:09 2020: contract amended with consent of all parties
28 Jun 02:46 2020: contract amended with consent of all parties
30 Jun 14:25 2020: contract amended with consent of all parties
02 Aug 16:15 2020: nix ceased to be a party

"Cuddlebeam's Locker" (revision 2)
Parties: Cuddlebeam

A deposit of assets that only Cuddlebeam, acting as emself, can take
from; as a protection against possible acting-on-behalf scams that may
puppeteer them.


This is Cuddlebeam’s Locker, also known as “my locker” when referred to by

Cuddlebeam is the only party to this contract.

Cuddlebeam, while acting as emself and with Cuddlebeam’s consent, CAN amend
this contract by announcement.
Cuddlebeam, while acting as emself and with Cuddlebeam’s consent, CAN
transfer Assets from this Contract to Cuddlebeam.

Cuddlebeam CANNOT amend this contract by having another person act on their
behalf to do so.
Cuddlebeam CANNOT transfer Assets from this contract by having another
person act on their behalf to do so.



14 Jun 2020: contract created by Cuddlebeam
07 Jul 05:40 2020: contract amended by Cuddlebeam as only party
13 Jul 21:00 2020: contract amended by Cuddlebeam as only party

"Contract No. 1: GIFT" (initial revision)
Parties: Trigon, R. Lee


The party limit of this contract is 3. Players can only join this
contract if the number of parties to this contract is less than the
party limit.

The Secret Action is the action encoded below as a salted SHA-256
hash. No party can leave this contract until the Secret Action has been
performed. By joining this contract, players consent to acting-on-behalf
to transfer assets.

Parties to this contract SHOULD have at least 5 coins when the Secret
Action is performed.

Trigon CAN, when the number of parties to this contract is the same as
its party limit, and SHALL, in a timely fashion after that, perform all
the following steps in order in the same message without performing any
other actions until the process is complete.

1. Reveal the unhashed text of the Secret Action.
2. Perform the Secret Action, taking all steps identified therein.
3. Leave this contract.

The hashed Secret Action is:




19 Jun 23:42 2020: contract created by Trigon
07 Jul 23:03 2020: R. Lee became a party

"Contract No. 2: POEM" (initial revision)
Parties: Trigon, R. Lee, ATMunn


The party limit of this contract is 5. Players can only join this
contract if the number of parties to this contract is less than the
party limit.

The Secret Action is the action encoded below as a salted SHA-256
hash. No party can leave this contract until the Secret Action has been
performed. By joining this contract, players consent to acting-on-behalf
to transfer assets.

Parties to this contract SHOULD have at least 5 coins when the Secret
Action is performed.

Trigon CAN, when the number of parties to this contract is the same as
its party limit, and SHALL, in a timely fashion after that, perform all
the following steps in order in the same message without performing any
other actions until the process is complete.

1. Reveal the unhashed text of the Secret Action.
2. Perform the Secret Action, taking all steps identified therein.
3. Leave this contract.

The hashed Secret Action is:




19 Jun 23:42 2020: contract created by Trigon
07 Jul 23:03 2020: R. Lee became a party
07 Jul 23:32 2020: ATMunn became a party

"Contract No. 3: CARD" (initial revision)
Parties: R. Lee


The party limit of this contract is 2. Players can only join this
contract if the number of parties to this contract is less than the
party limit.

The Secret Action is the action encoded below as a salted SHA-256
hash. No party can leave this contract until the Secret Action has been
performed. By joining this contract, players consent to acting-on-behalf
to transfer assets.

Parties to this contract SHOULD have at least one card when the Secret
Action is performed.

Trigon CAN, when the number of parties to this contract is the same as
its party limit, and SHALL, in a timely fashion after that, perform all
the following steps in order in the same message without performing any
other actions until the process is complete.

1. Reveal the unhashed text of the Secret Action.
2. Perform the Secret Action, taking all steps identified therein.
3. Leave this contract.

The hashed Secret Action is:




19 Jun 23:42 2020: contract created by Trigon
07 Jul 23:03 2020: R. Lee became a party
07 Jul 23:55 2020: Trigon ceased to be a party

"Contract No. 5: DECK" (initial revision)
Parties: Trigon, R. Lee, ATMunn


The party limit of this contract is 5. Players can only join this
contract if the number of parties to this contract is less than the
party limit.

The Secret Action is the action encoded below as a salted SHA-256
hash. No party can leave this contract until the Secret Action has been
performed. By joining this contract, players consent to acting-on-behalf
to transfer assets.

Parties to this contract SHOULD have at least 10 coins when the Secret
Action is performed.

Trigon CAN, when the number of parties to this contract is the same as
its party limit, and SHALL, in a timely fashion after that, perform all
the following steps in order in the same message without performing any
other actions until the process is complete.

1. Reveal the unhashed text of the Secret Action.
2. Perform the Secret Action, taking all steps identified therein.
3. Leave this contract.

The hashed Secret Action is:




19 Jun 23:42 2020: contract created by Trigon
07 Jul 23:03 2020: R. Lee became a party
07 Jul 23:32 2020: ATMunn became a party

"Contract No. 6: BOON" (initial revision)
Parties: Trigon


The party limit of this contract is 2. Players can only join this
contract if the number of parties to this contract is less than the
party limit.

The Secret Action is the action encoded below as a salted SHA-256
hash. By joining this contract, players consent to acting-on-behalf
to transfer assets.

Parties to this contract SHOULD have at least three cards when the
Secret Action is performed.

Trigon CAN, when the number of parties to this contract is the same as
its party limit, and SHALL, in a timely fashion after that, perform all
the following steps in order in the same message without performing any
other actions until the process is complete.

1. Reveal the unhashed text of the Secret Action.
2. Perform the Secret Action, taking all steps identified therein.
3. Leave this contract.

The hashed Secret Action is:




19 Jun 23:42 2020: contract created by Trigon
07 Jul 23:03 2020: R. Lee became a party
08 Jul 00:02 2020: contract amended with consent of all parties
08 Jul 00:02 2020: R. Lee ceased to be a party

"Signature Enthusiast Allows Modification of Signature Through Rigorous
Exchanging of Signature Suggestions" (revision 3)
Parties: Trigon, nix, Jason

With this stupid contract, you can buy space in Trigon's signature at
the end of every message. What could possibly go wrong?


Players can join and leave this contract at any time.

Any player CAN submit a signature suggestion by transferring 3 boatloads
of coins to this contract and stating a short body of text no longer
than 10 words.

Trigon CAN by announcement and SHALL, within 4 days of the signature
suggestion's submission, either approve or deny a signature
suggestion. E SHALL NOT deny a suggestion unless the suggestion breaks
one of the rejection criteria, which are enumerated at the end of this

When Trigon approves a signature suggestion, e adds the suggestion to
eir signature which is included at the end of all of eir messages, then
e transfers the price paid to submit that signature suggestion from this
contract to emself.

When Trigon denies a signature suggestion, e transfers the price paid to
submit that signature suggestion from this contract to the player that
submitted the signature suggestion.

If assets were transferred to this contract by any mechanism not
described above, Trigon CAN by announcement and SHALL within 4 days,
transfer the coins to their owner before said transfer.

Trigon is only obligated to keep each suggestion in eir signature for a
period of two weeks. After that period elapses, e may remove the
suggestion at any time.

The rejection criteria are as follows:

1. The suggestion includes swear words.
2. The suggestion includes serious, intentional insult to a person.
3. The suggestion treats real-world and/or in-game issues lightly.
4. The suggestion is otherwise in poor taste.
5. The suggestion contains a sentence that could be interpreted as a
       game action.



21 Jun 23:16 2020: contract created by Trigon
22 Jun 00:57 2020: contract amended by Trigon as only party
22 Jun 01:14 2020: contract amended by Trigon as only party
22 Jun 01:22 2020: nix became a party
22 Jun 01:54 2020: omd became a party
22 Jun 01:54 2020: omd ceased to be a party
22 Jun 02:00 2020: Jason became a party
22 Jun 02:00 2020: Jason ceased to be a party
22 Jun 02:01 2020: Jason became a party
16 Oct 19:18 2020: Cuddlebeam became a party
16 Oct 19:18 2020: Cuddlebeam ceased to be a party
22 Jan 02:46 2021: contract amended by Trigon
02 Feb 21:37 2021: contract amended by Trigon

"Dragon QuickExchange" (initial revision)
Parties: Falsifian, R. Lee


-- Overview --

In a hurry to convert a couple of Cards? This contract permits exchange
of Cards for Products at a reasonable rate within a single message.

Players can also make a profit by doing card-to-product conversions for
this contract.

-- Basic use --

If this contract owns at least 2 of a type of Product, any player CAN
pay 1 of the corresponding Card to this contract to take 2 of that
Product from this contract.

-- Advanced use --

Victory Credits, Justice Credits, Legislative Credits and Voting Credits
are liquid currencies backed by this contract.

The Allowed Conversions are as follows:

* 1   Card    to 100 Credits
* 47  Credits to   1 Product
* 1   Product to  44 Credits
* 100 Credits to   1 Card

An Allowed Conversion of X to Y is satisfiable if Y is in Credits or
this contract owns at least Y. If an Allowed Conversion is satisfiable,
any player CAN pay a fee of X to this contract to be granted Y (if Y is
credits) or to take Y from this contract (otherwise).

Whenever this contract owns Credits and the above sequence is not in
progress, the Credits are destroyed.

When Cards and Products are destroyed due to a VP win, all Credits are
destroyed as well.

-- Management --

Any player CAN join or leave this contract by announcement.

Any player CAN by announcement transfer assets from this contract to the
Dragon Corporation, if explicitly permitted by the Dragon Corporation's

If an Amendment Proposal for the Dragon Corporation is adopted (as
specified by the Dragon Corporation text) and specifies changes to this
contract, then first any parties to this contract who did not consent to
those changes ceases to be a party, and then the changes are applied.



22 Jun 02:03 2020: contract created by Falsifian
29 Jun 17:31 2020: R. Lee became a member
29 Jun 17:53 2020: contract amended with consent of both parties

"Obstruction" (initial revision)
Parties: omd


omd consents, assents to, wants to, and does automatically amend this
contract by prepending the Secret Word, each time any of the following

- A contract other than this one is created or amended.
- Any player is exiled.
- Any player receives a Welcome Package.

If omd was wearing a hat at the time this contract was created, then the
Secret Word is "Hello".  Otherwise, it is "Goodbye".

[This is an attempt to exploit the following provision:

      Rules to the contrary notwithstanding, any change that would cause
      the full provisions or parties of a contract to become publicly
      unavailable is canceled and does not take effect.

It's based on a discussion on Discord which seemed to conclude that
consent is not just a condition for modifying contracts but the
mechanism for it, under the relevant clause of Rule 1742:

                                           A contract may be modified,
      including by changing the set of parties, with the consent of all
      existing parties.

Note that Rule 1742 does not provide any other mechanism, so if consent
is not a mechanism, amending and terminating contracts is probably
impossible by Rule 2125.

If consent is a mechanism, Rule 2519 item 2 (and to some extent item 4)
suggests that contracts can trigger it automatically.

Whether this actually succeeds at blocking actions depends, I suppose,
on how you define "change", "cause", and "unambiguously".]



23 Jun 05:44 2020: contract created by omd

"Obstruction 2: Electric Boogaloo" (initial revision)
Parties: R. Lee


R. Lee consents, assents to, wants to, and does automatically amend this
by prepending the Secret Word, each time any of the following occur:
-The rule called :"Welcome Package" is amended
-Anyone votes FOR a proposal that would amend the rule "Welcome Package"

If omd was wearing a hat at the time this contract was created, then the
Word is "Hello".  Otherwise, it is "Goodbye".



23 Jun 06:21 2020: contract created by R. Lee

"SNOCS (Simple, No-Opportunity-Cost Sets)" (initial revision)
Parties: omd, ATMunn, R. Lee, Gaelan


Pooling Cards refers to the following procedure:

1. A party collects 4 Cards of the same type as follows:

E nominates a total of 4 Cards of the same type in any party's possession,
   which must include at least 1 of eir own Cards.

   Then e acts on behalf of the owners of those Cards (except emself) to
   transfer the Cards from them to emself.

2. E pays those 4 Cards as a set to get 10 Products.

3. E distributes the just-earned Products evenly as follows:

   If the 4 Cards consisted of 2 from em and 2 from a single other party,
   then e transfers 5 of the Products to that other party for a truly even

Otherwise, e transfers 2 of the Products to the original owner of each of the Cards, for a total of 8 Products. As for the remaining 2 Products, e
   transfers each to the original owner of a random one of the Cards.

For the purposes of the above paragraph, to transfer Products to oneself is
   to do nothing.

   The random choice shall be made following the guidelines in Rule 2505.

Any party CAN at any time Pool Cards.

 - The other parties consent to that party acting on behalf of them as
specified in the procedure, as long as (a) e attempts to perform all actions in the procedure, in order, in a single message; (b) e does not intersperse
   them with any other attempted actions; (c) in that message e labels the
attempted actions as an attempt to Pool Cards, and (d) all of the actions
   would be successful assuming the aforementioned consent is given.

Any player CAN join the contract by announcement; any party CAN leave the
contract by announcement. Any party CAN remove another party from the contract
without objection.  Each party consents to the aforementioned membership



29 Jun 00:07 2020: contract created by omd
29 Jun 15:45 2020: ATMunn became a party
29 Jun 15:47 2020: R. Lee became a party
01 Nov 14:58 2020: Gaelan became a party

"Dragon Political Outreach" (initial revision)
Parties: Falsifian, Jason


Any person CAN join or leave this contract by announcement.

Whenever a party (Party A) to this contact grants a Card to another
party (Party B) of this contract, party A CAN once in the same message
act on party B's behalf to transfer a Card of the same type from Party
B to the Dragon Corporation.



29 Jun 13:38 2020: contract created by Falsifian
30 Jun 00:09 2020: Aris became a party
30 Jun 00:09 2020:
28 Jul 00:57 2020: Jason became a party
28 Jul 01:03 2020: Aris became a party
28 Jul 01:03 2020: Aris ceased to be a party

"The Bank" (revision 1)
Parties: ATMunn


Any person CAN become a party, or cease to be a party, to this contract
by announcement.

When a person transfers any number of assets to this contract, those
assets are considered to be in eir account. A party to this contract
CAN, acting as emself, transfer any number of assets from eir account to
emself. Attempts to transfer more assets to emself than are in eir
account are INEFFECTIVE.

The person who has been party to this contract the longest is known as
the Bankor. The Bankor SHOULD publish the contents of all accounts in a
report weekly.

Any party to this contract CAN propose an amendment to this contract by
announcement. Once all parties have publicly consented to that
amendment, then the person who proposed the amendment CAN cause this
contract's text to be modified in the way specified originally by

This contract CANNOT be destroyed if any person has assets in eir



07 Jul 22:02 2020: contract created by ATMunn
07 Jul 22:09 2020: contract amended by ATMunn as only party

"The Platonic Parrot" (initial revision)
Parties: ATMunn, omd, R. Lee, Cuddlebeam


The Platonic Parrot

A party to this contract is also known as a Platonic Pirate. Any player
who is not currently Marked can join this contract by announcement. Any
player can leave this contract by announcement. When someone is
deregistered, e automatically leaves the contract.

If a Platonic Pirate objects to an intent to transfer assets to this
contract, e ceases to be a party to the contract. If a player has
objected to an intent to transfer assets to this contract in the last 7
days, e is Marked.

When the Platonic Parrot has assets, any Platonic Pirate CAN by
announcement divy them in the following way:

* Where X is the total number of coins owned by the Platonic Parrot and
Y is the number of Platonic Pirates, e transfers each Platonic Pirate
X/Y (rounded down) coins from the Platonic Parrot.

* If there are still coins owned by the Platonic Parrot, e transfer
emself all the remaining coins.

* If there are any other assets owned by the Platonic Parrot, e
transfers emself one of them of eir own choice.

* If there are still assets owned by the Platonic Parrot, e transfers
them to other Platonic Pirates such that no Platonic Pirate receives
more than 1 more asset than any other Platonic Pirate (excluding the
coins e gave emself in the earlier step). As long as this constraint
is met, e may choose who gets what assets.

This contract may be amended by a Platonic Pirate with the consent of
2/3rds (rounded up) of all Platonic Pirates.



13 Jul 00:22 2020: contract created by nix
13 Jul 00:29 2020: P.S.S. became a party
13 Jul 00:30 2020: Jason became a party
13 Jul 00:36 2020: ATMunn became a party
13 Jul 01:40 2020: omd became a party
13 Jul 02:14 2020: R. Lee became a party
13 Jul 07:20 2020: Cuddlebeam became a party
13 Jul 20:46 2020: Jason ceased to be a party
28 Jul 20:28 2020: nix ceased to be a party
31 Dec 15:02 2020: P.S.S. ceased to be a party

"I bet that was written by G." (initial revision)
Parties: omd, ATMunn


1. Joining: If this contract has only one party, anyone CAN join it by
publicly consenting after transferring 25 coins to the contract.

2. Bet: omd CAN transfer coins from this contract by announcement.  If
this contract has two parties, e SHALL do so only as follows:

- In a timely fashion after it becomes reasonably clear which person
sent a message titled "[Diplonomic 2020] Chicago International Tribune"
to agora-discussion on or about 13 July 2020 08:10, e SHALL transfer all
this contract's coins to emself if that person was G., or to the other
party otherwise.

- Alternately, if this contract has existed for at least 60 days, and
the identity of the aforementioned author is still not reasonably clear,
omd MAY transfer this contract's coins in a way that divides them as
equally as possible between the parties.

3. Termination: If this contract has no coins, omd CAN terminate it by

4. Self-Dealing Encouraged: The aforementioned author SHOULD NOT
hesitate to join the contract emself if e sees fit to reveal eir



13 Jul 08:41 2020: contract created by omd
13 Jul 19:17 2020: ATMunn became a party

"The Contract Awards: The Contract" (initial revision)
Parties: ATMunn


Contract Points are a fixed, indestructible currency with ownership
restricted to persons, tracked by the Notary. Once per week, the Notary
SHOULD publish a list of all Contract Point balances.

To award a gold medal to a person is to cause em to earn 3 Contract
Points; to award a silver medal to a person is to cause em to earn 2
Contract Points; and to award a bronze medal to a person is to cause em
to earn 1 Contract Point.

If e has not done so already in the current week, the Notary CAN award
gold, silver, and bronze medals. E SHALL NOT do so except in accordance
with the following set of guidelines:

1. There are three award categories: Participation, Popularity, and

2. The Participation Award shall be given to the persons who are party
to the greatest number of contracts.

3. The Popularity Award shall be given to the persons who are creators
of contracts with the greatest numbers of parties.

4. The Opulence Award shall be given to the persons who are creators of
contracts with the greatest number of coins.

5. In each category, a gold medal shall be awarded to the single person
who came in first place; a silver medal shall be awarded to the single
person who came in second place; and a bronze medal shall be awarded to
the single person who came in third place.

6. If two or more players would qualify for a gold, silver, or bronze
medal in a particular category, no medal of that type shall be awarded
in that category.

The Notary is ENCOURAGED to publish the list of Contract Point balances
and award medals soon after e publishes eir weekly report.

If any person has at least 30 Contract Points, the Notary SHOULD award
em the Terms of Service Patent Title. Unless the Notary deems that a
particular person has created an exceptionally outstanding contract
worthy of bypassing this system, e SHOULD NOT award any player the Terms
of Service Patent Title for reasons outside of this contract.

When a person is awarded the Terms of Service Patent Title, all of eir
Contract Points are destroyed.

Any player CAN become a party, or cease to be a party, to this contract
by announcement.



13 Jul 19:33 2020: contract created by ATMunn

"Agoran Press" (revision 1)
Parties: Falsifian, Lucidiot, Murphy, Gaelan
Donation Level: 25

Coordinates Agoran journalism and payment for same. If you want to
report on the current week, just join and take the Weekly Assignment
(unless it's already taken).


Purpose: support the documentation of Agoran events in a way that
informs current players and non-players and also supports future

-- Joining and leaving --

Parties to this contract are called Reportors.

Any person CAN become a party to this contract by publicly consenting.

Any person CAN cease to be a party by announcement, unless e owns the
Weekly Assignment, or is responsible for publishing a report in the
current week and has not done so.

-- Assignment --

The Weekly Assignment is a unique indestructible asset which can be
owned by players and this contract. If a non-player owns it, then any
player CAN transfer it to emself by announcement. If a player owns it, e
CAN transfer it to this contract by annoucement, but e CANNOT transfer
it to another player. If the owner is not otherwise determined, this
contract owns the Weekly Assignment.

At the end of each week, the Weekly Assignment is transferred to this
contract. The player (if any) who owned the Weekly Assignment
immediately before that happened is assigned to that week that is

If a person is Assigned to a week, then e SHALL publish a Weekly Report
during the following week, summarizing notable events for the Assigned
week. Notability, and what must be included in a summary, are at the
author's discretion. (If this becomes a problem, we can sort it out

-- Payment --

Credits are a currency. If a player is Assigned to a week, then the
first time e publishes a Weekly Report for that week e is granted one
credit. (No time limit for payment; late is better than never.)

Whenever a player owns a Credit and this contract owns at least 5
Boatloads of Coins, that player CAN transfer 5 Boatloads of Coins from
this contract to emself by announcement. When e does so, one of eir
Credits is destroyed.

The Editor is the recordkeepor for Credits. The player Assigned to the
previous week is the recordkeepor for Credits, or Falsifian if nobody is

-- Amendment --

Any Reportor can propose an amendment to this contract by announcement.
If an amendment was proposed at least 2 days ago, at least two thirds
(rounded up) of all Reportors consent to it, and it has not yet been
applied, then any Reportor can apply it by announcement, causing this
contract to be amended according to it.



13 Aug 15:22 2020: contract created by Falsifian
21 Aug 20:38 2020: donation level set to 25 by ATMunn
12 Nov 17:51 2020: contract amended by Falsifian
12 Nov ??:?? 2020: Lucidiot became a party
15 Nov ??:?? 2020: Murphy became a party
31 Dec 05:54 2020: Gaelan became a party

"Team Margaux" (revision 2)
Parties: Gaelan, Nathan, R. Lee, shelvacu, Cuddlebeam


Name: Team Margaux
Parties: Gaelan

Any player may become a party to this contract. Any player other than
Gaelan may cease to be a party to this contract.

Any party may transfer coins to this contract. A person's contribution
is the total number of coins they have transferred to this contract. A
person's share is eir contribution, divided by the total number of coins
transferred to this contract.

Whenever this contract has more coins than the current highest bid on
the August 2020 zombie auction, Gaelan SHALL within 24 hours, and any
party may act on Gaelan's behalf to, place a bid of the number of coins
held by this contract. For the avoidance of doubt, another player acting
on Gaelan's behalf to perform this actions satisfies Gaelan's obligation
to do so.

When the August 2020 zombie auction ends, if Gaelan is an awardee of a
lot, e SHALL within a timely fashion, and any party may act on eir
behalf to perform the following process:
- transfer all coins held by this contract to emself (which e MAY do
 only as part of this process)
- pay a fee of that many coins to transfer the corresponding talisman to
- act on behalf of the zombie corresponding to said talisman to transfer
 all of the zombie's coins to Gaelan
- transfer to each party a number of coins equal to the number
 transferred from the zombie, multiplied by eir share, rounded down
 (instead of transferring assets to emself, Gaelan may do nothing)

After the August 2020 zombie auction ends, if Gaelan is not the awardee
of a lot, any party may transfer a number of coins equal to eir
contribution from this contract to emself.

Gaelan may destroy this contract by announcement if it holds no assets
and e has fulfilled all of eir obligations under this contract.



19 Aug 19:27 2020: contract created by Gaelan
19 Aug 19:35 2020: contract amended by Gaelan as only party
19 Aug 19:38 2020: contract amended by Gaelan as only party
19 Aug 20:18 2020: Nathan became a party
19 Aug 23:51 2020: R. Lee became a party
20 Aug 03:56 2020: shelvacu became a party
20 Aug 07:33 2020: Cuddlebeam became a party
22 Aug 16:45 2020: nix became a party
11 Oct 16:06 2020: nix ceased to be a party

"The Splat Market" (revision 1)
Parties: Gaelan, ATMunn, nix, Jason, Falsifian


Any player may become a party to this contract. Any party may cease to
be a party to this contract; upon a player ceasing to be a party (by any
mechanism), all of eir orders are destroyed.

Any party may amend this contract with the consent of a simple majority
of parties. Upon doing so (and without any of the new provisions
becoming binding upon em), any players who did not consent cease to be
parties. Players making amendments SHOULD wait to allow all interested
parties to indicate eir consent.

An order is an entity with the following properties:
- currency (any non-fixed currency that is not the official currency of
- direction (buy or sell)
- owner (a player)
- a price (a number of instances of the official currency of Agora)

A buy order is an order with a direction of buy, and a sell order is an
order with a direction of sell. A player's orders are the orders where
the owner is that player.

Parties can create orders with emself as the owner, by announcement,
specifying all other properties. Parties can destroy eir orders by

For each (currency, direction) pair, there is an "active order." For buy
orders, this is the order with that currency and the highest price. For
sell orders, this is the order with that currency and the lowest price.
In either case, if multiple orders have the same price, the oldest order
is the sell order.

For any given currency, it is IMPOSSIBLE to create a sell order with a
price lower than the active buy order, and IMPOSSIBLE to create a buy
order with a price higher than the active sell order.

To perform a set of actions atomically is to preform them, in order, in
the same message, with no intervening actions. Where this contract
permits players to perform actions as part of an atomic set, it permits
doing so only if all actions in the set would be EFFECTIVE.

Any player CAN perform the following actions atomically: {
Transfer a number of instances of Agora's official currency equal to an
active sell order's price to that order's owner.
Act on that order's owner's behalf to transfer one instance of the
order's currency to emself.
Destroy that order.
"Executing N of <owner>'s sell orders for <currency type> at <price>"
(or similar language) is shorthand for completing the above process, N
times, with the specified attributes.

Any player CAN perform the following actions atomically: {
Transfer or grant one instance of an active buy order's currency to
that  order's owner.
Act on that order's owner's behalf to transfer a number of instances of
Agora's official currency equal to that order's price to emself.
Destroy that order.
"Executing N of <owner>'s buy orders for <currency type> at <price>" (or
similar language) is shorthand for completing the above process, N
times, with the specified attributes. Unless otherwise specified, it is
assumed that the executor does so by transferring assets, not granting them.

If either of the above sets of actions would be IMPOSSIBLE due to the
active order's owner having an insufficient currency balance, any player
CAN destroy the active order by announcement.

Gaelan SHALL publish a weekly report listing the properties of each
order, and the relative age (i.e. which orders are older, but not
necessarily any specific dates) of any orders with the same currency,
direction, and price.



24 Aug 17:01 2020: contract created by Gaelan
24 Aug 17:22 2020: contract amended by Gaelan as only party
06 Sep 15:21 2020: contract amended by Gaelan as only party
21 Sep 21:02 2020: ATMunn became a party
25 Oct 16:08 2020: Cuddlebeam became a party
25 Oct 16:08 2020: Cuddlebeam ceased to be a party
01 Nov 21:54 2020: G. became a party
01 Nov 21:54 2020: G. ceased to be a party
02 Nov 01:35 2020: nix became a party
06 Feb 02:17 2021: Jason became a party
04 Apr 21:03 2021: Falsifian became a party

"The Supertask Experiment" (initial revision)
Parties: Nathan


Only Nathan may be a party to this contract. Nathan may not destroy this
contract. All actions in this contract happen under a "I say, I do,
therefore it happens" basis, meaning that all actions are taken
instantly, without implicitly advancing time. As the rules do not
prohibit it, in this contract, multiple actions may happen at the same
time. Time does not advance during this contract's effects unless
explicitly stated by this contract or the rules. This contract is
capable of owning assets.

For the purposes of this contract, an instant is defined to be a
specific moment in time, with infinite instants in any given division or
unit of time. An example of an instant would be precisely 1.87856
seconds after midnight on July 12, 1983. Any measurement of precise time
can be understood to be an instant. An instant can not cover more than a
single instance of precise time. For example, an instant can not be the
entirety of the second after midnight on July 12, 1983, but precisely
one second after midnight on July 12, 1983 can be understood to be an

Multiple actions can resolve in the same instant. If an action starts
and resolves in the same instant, that action takes no time. Actions
that resolve in the same instant can be dependent upon prior actions in
that instant. For example, in the same announcement, one can transfer
coins from a locker or similar contract to themselves, and then perform
an action with those coins, both of those actions happening in the same
instant despite the second action being dependent on the first one.
Actions dependent on another action can be started and resolved at the
same instant as the action it is dependent on without passing time.

This contract can perform any number of, or every, action(s) on the
behalf of any party to this contract. This contract can consent to any
number of, or every, action(s) on the behalf of any party to this

This contract and any parties to this contract consent to every transfer
of Dock assets.

A Dock asset is an asset with default owner Nathan. The class of
entities which can own a Dock asset is restricted to Nathan and this
contract. If the ownership of a Dock asset were to be transferred to the
Lost and Found Department, ownership is instead transferred to whoever
most recently had the Dock Asset, not including the Lost and Found
Department. A Dock asset can be transferred to this contract or any
party to this contract. Consent of parties to this contract or the
consent of this contract itself is not needed to transfer a Dock asset
to this contract or to parties of this contract. This contract can
create a Dock asset at any instant.

This contract creates one Dock asset.

If, at any instant, Nathan owns any given Dock asset, this contract
will, on eir behalf, transfer that Dock asset to this contract.

If, at any instant, this contract owns any given Dock asset, this
contract will transfer that Dock asset to Nathan.



25 Aug 18:21 2020: contract created by Nathan

"The Supertask Experiment Redux" (initial revision)
Parties: Nathan


Only Nathan may be a party to this contract. Nathan may not destroy this
contract. All actions in this contract happen under a "I say, I do,
therefore it happens" basis, meaning that all actions are taken
instantly, without implicitly advancing time. As the rules do not
prohibit it, in this contract, multiple actions may happen at the same
time. Time does not advance during this contract's effects unless
explicitly stated by this contract or the rules. This contract is
capable of owning assets.

For the purposes of this contract, an instant is defined to be a s
pecific moment in time, with infinite instants in any given division or
unit of time. An example of an instant would be precisely 1.87856
seconds after midnight on July 12, 1983. Any measurement of precise time
can be understood to be an instant. An instant can not cover more than a
single instance of precise time. For example, an instant can not be the
entirety of the second after midnight on July 12, 1983, but precisely
one second after midnight on July 12, 1983 can be understood to be an

Multiple actions can resolve in the same instant. If an action starts
and resolves in the same instant, that action takes no time. Actions
that resolve in the same instant can be dependent upon prior actions in
that instant. For example, in the same announcement, one can transfer
coins from a locker or similar contract to themselves, and then perform
an action with those coins, both of those actions happening in the same
instant despite the second action being dependent on the first one.
Actions dependent on another action can be started and resolved at the
same instant as the action it is dependent on without passing time.

This contract and any parties to this contract consent to every transfer
of Dock assets.

A Dock asset is an asset with default owner Nathan. The class of
entities which can own a Dock asset is restricted to Nathan and this
contract. If the ownership of a Dock asset were to be transferred to the
Lost and Found Department, ownership is instead transferred to whoever
most recently had the Dock Asset, not including the Lost and Found
Department. A Dock asset can be transferred to this contract or any
party to this contract. Consent of parties to this contract or the
consent of this contract itself is not needed to transfer a Dock asset
to this contract or to parties of this contract. This contract can
create a Dock asset at any instant.

Under rule 2577, "An asset generally CAN be transferred (syn. given) by
announcement by its owner to another entity, subject to modification by
its backing document". This backing document for Dock assets specifies
that a Dock asset is transferred, without announcement, between any
players that consent to this contract and this contract if any non-zero
number of two conditions are met, with the specific transfer stated
after the condition. These conditions are:

1. If a dock asset is owned by Nathan. The Dock asset is transferred
from Nathan to this contract.

2. If a dock asset is owned by this contract. The Dock asset is
transferred from Nathan to this contract.

This contract creates one Dock asset.



25 Aug 18:49 2020: contract created by Nathan

"Humble Agoran Farming" (initial revision)
Parties: Cuddlebeam, Trigon, Falsifian, Gaelan, Aris, Murphy, Lucidiot


Members to this contract are Farmers. Any Player can become a Farmer by
announcement, or cease to be one by announcement.

Farmers can, up to once per Agoran week, PLANT POTATOES. Doing so causes
them to gain 1 Potato. Potatoes are an asset.

There is a Farmer who is the Farmest. The Farmest is the recordkeeper of
Potatoes. Cuddlebeam is the Farmest.



21 Oct 18:34 2020: contract created by Cuddlebeam
21 Oct 18:59 2020: PSS became a party
21 Oct 19:12 2020: Trigon became a party
25 Oct 03:46 2020: Falsifian became a party
25 Oct 09:39 2020: Gaelan became a party
25 Oct 21:35 2020: Aris became a party
31 Oct 16:55 2020: Murphy became a party
12 Nov 17:01 2020: Lucidiot became a party
31 Dec 15:02 2020: P.S.S. ceased to be a party

"The Orchard" (initial revision)
Parties: ATMunn, Falsifian, Trigon, Cuddlebeam, Jason, Murphy, Gaelan,


Players to this contract are known as Orchardors. Any player can become
an Orchardor by announcement, and any Orchardor may cease to be one by

Trees are a type of asset. Any Orchardor can PLANT A TREE by
announcement, specifying a fruit type, as long as e has not already done
so in the last 7 days. When an Orchardor PLANTS A TREE, e is granted one
new Tree of the specified fruit type.

Fruits are a type of asset. Each Fruit has a type; Fruits with the same
type are fungible. A Fruit may also be referred to by its type. Any
Orchardor can PICK FRUIT by announcement, if e has not already done so
in the last 7 days. When an Orchardor does so, for every Tree e owns, e
earns one Fruit of the same type as that tree.

The player who has been an Orchardor for the longest is known as the
Orchardoror. The Orchardoror is the recordkeepor of Trees and Fruits.



26 Oct 21:49 2020: contract created by ATMunn
26 Oct 22:11 2020: Falsifian became a party
26 Oct 22:15 2020: Trigon became a party
26 Oct 22:30 2020: Cuddlebeam became a party
26 Oct 22:32 2020: Jason became a party
27 Oct 00:28 2020: P.S.S. became a party
31 Oct 16:55 2020: Murphy became a party
08 Nov 12:50 2020: Gaelan became a party
08 Nov 15:47 2020: Lucidiot became a party
31 Dec 15:02 2020: P.S.S. ceased to be a party

"Food Industry Association of Agora" (revision 1)
Parties: Aris, Trigon, ATMunn, nix, Cuddlebeam


This contract shall be known as the Food Industry Association of Agora.

It is the purpose of this contract to maintain a record of the authorized
producers of each type of food. A member of a contract is known as
the Director. This is by default the member who first joined the contract
earliest, but e can be removed and a new director selected by announcement,
provided two thirds of the members consent.

The Product List contains the authorized backing contract for each
type of foodstuff. To qualify:
- the creator of the contract should not have created any other foodstuff
  contract within the same Agoran week
- the contract should guarantee that the quantity of the foodstuff
  be reasonably limited

The Director can modify the Product List by announcement; any member
can modify it by announcement provided a majority of members consent.
The Product List cannot have any game effect beyond listing
the products each contract is authorized to back; any change to the list
which could plausibly be interpreted to give it another effect is canceled
and does not occur.

Players may join or leave this contract by announcement; parties to this
contract are known as members. This contract may be amended with
2 Agoran consent, where only members are eligible to support or object. When
an amendment occurs (other than to change the Product List, within the bounds
set for changes of the Product List), every member who did not consent
is ejected from the contract.

The Product List:
- “Humble Agoran Farming” is authorized to back potatoes.
- "The Orchard" is authorized to back culinary fruits.



27 Oct 22:46 2020: contract created by Aris
27 Oct 23:16 2020: Trigon became a party
27 Oct 23:18 2020: ATMunn became a party
27 Oct 23:20 2020: nix became a party
28 Oct 01:03 2020: P.S.S. became a party
28 Oct 07:59 2020: Cuddlebeam became a party
08 Nov 04:19 2020: contract amended by Aris with 2 consent among parties
31 Dec 15:02 2020: P.S.S. ceased to be a party

"Boatloans" (revision 2)
Parties: Gaelan


The parties consent to any players joining this contract. The parties
consent to parties who do not own debts leaving this contract.

Debts are a fixed asset defined by this contract. Debts owned by the
player, and created in the same month (and year) are fungible. A debt
has a status. In the month a debt was created, its status is New; an
asset that was created 1-2 months ago has a status of Repayable; after
that, its status is Overdue. For example, a debt created in January 2021
is New for that month, Repayable between February and March 2020, and
Overdue during and after the month of April 2020.

A party to this contract (the debtor) may Take Out a Loan, performing
the following actions by announcement in the same message:
- Act on Gaelan's behalf to transfer a boatload of coins from Gaelan to
  the debtor.
- Create a debt in eir possession.

A party to this contract may Pay Back a Loan, performing the following
actions by announcement in the same message:
- Transfer a boatload of coins to Gaelan.
- Revoke a Repayable or Overdue debt in eir possession.

Gaelan may Discharge a Debt, performing the following actions by
announcement in the same message:
- Act on another party's behalf to create a blot in eir possession.
- Revoke an Overdue debt in that party's possession.



08 Nov 18:22 2020: contract created by Gaelan
08 Nov 18:29 2020: contract amended by Gaelan as only party
08 Nov 18:47 2020: contract amended by Gaelan as only party

"Secret Dealings" (initial revision)
Parties: Aris, Cuddlebeam


The only Players that can become members of this contract are Aris and

Either can become a member of this contract by announcement. Both Aris
and CuddleBeam SHALL act as specified by a SHA-256 hashed document,
exchanged privately between them, with the following hash:

If any player Takes Over the Economy, any party to this contract can
terminate it by announcement.



02 Feb 23:33 2021: contract created by Aris
03 Feb 00:04 2021: Cuddlebeam became a party

"Agorans for a Democratic Society" (initial revision)
Parties: Aris, Jason, Trigon, Gaelan, ATMunn


Agorans for a Democratic Society

Aris CAN, by announcement, nominate a specified player for membership
of this contract, or withdraw such nomination. Any person who has been
so nominated, and whose nomination has not been so withdrawn, can join
this contract by announcement. Any member can destroy this contract by
announcement if it is after the beginning of April, 2021.

The Purpose of this contract is to remove the powers G. has gained as
a result of eir dictatorship.

Members of this contract SHALL NOT knowingly use private information
they obtain as a result of any secret meetings related to the Purpose
to help G., including through unnecessary public disclosure. However,
they may disclose such information if Aris privately authorizes them

Aris SHALL NOT knowingly aid or abet G. in working against the
Purpose. Other members SHOULD NOT do so.



03 Feb 04:50 2021: contract created by Aris
03 Feb 04:52 2021: Jason became a party
03 Feb 05:13 2021: Trigon became a party
03 Feb 07:33 2021: Gaelan became a party
03 Feb 15:04 2021: ATMunn became a party

"Intent Assassin" (revision 1)
Parties: Cuddlebeam


Any player can become a member of this contract by announcement.
Cuddlebeam can destroy this contract by announcement.

A member of this contract (the Client) can act on behalf of Cuddlebeam to
have him object to an intent via a message, if that message only causes
Cuddlebeam to object once, and the Client transfers 1 Victory Point to
Cuddlebeam from themselves in that message.



04 Feb 12:59 2021: contract created by Cuddlebeam
04 Feb 13:00 2021: contract amended by Cuddlebeam

"Obstructive Pooling" (initial revision)
Parties: Falsifian, Jason, nix


--- Introduction ---

This contract is for players to pool their Victory Cards and Points in
order to prevent others from Taking Over the Economy, and also to aid
exchanging Cards for Points.

It's intended to work like this: one party (the Trustee) is entrusted
with holding Victory Points and Victory Cards on behalf of others. The
Trustee can freely transfer the duty to another party as long as e
transfers the associated Cards and Points, so there shouldn't be any
disadvantage to the role.

--- Joining and leaving ---

Any player CAN join this contract by announcement.

Any player other than the Trustee (defined below) CAN leave this
contract by announcement.

--- Holding ---

The Trust is a unique asset which can only be held by parties to this
contract. Its owner is called the Trustee. Falsifian is the first

The Trustee SHALL NOT Take Over the Economy.

The Trustee SHALL ensure at all times that e holds Victory Cards and
Points with total value at least equal to the number of Decipoints in

The Trustee CAN transfer the Trust to any other party (the receiver) by
transferring Victory Cards and Victory Points to the receiver with
total value equal to the number of Decipoints in existence, so long as
e does so for the sole purpose of transferring the Trust, and says so
in eir message. It is IMPOSSIBLE to transfer the Trust in any other

The Trustee SHOULD exchange four Victory Cards for ten Victory Points
whenever possible.

--- Banking ---

Decipoints are a currency. A Victory Point is worth ten Decipoints and
a Victory Card is worth 25 Decipoints.

Any player CAN Deposit Victory Cards and/or Victory Points by
transferring them to the Trustee (defined below) for the sole purpose
of Depositing. When e does so, e gains the equivalent value in

Any player (the withdrawer) CAN act on behalf of the Trustee to
transfer Victory Cards and/or Victory Points to the withdrawer with
value up to the withdrawer's Decipoints balance; when the withdrawer
does this, that value in Decipoints in eir possession is destroyed.

If the Trustee attempts to deposit or withdraw, e is successful, even
if no assets are transferred. (That is: the Trustee can freely grant
emself Decipoints or destroy eir own Decipoints.)

--- Resets ---

Whenever all Victory Cards and Products are destroyed because a player
Took Over the Economy, all Decipoints are destroyed as well.

--- Reporting ---

Any player can become The Accountant or cease being The Accountant by
announcement. In other words, The Accountant is the last person to
claim the role, if e has not left it since.

The Accountant is the recordkeepor for the Trust and for Decipoints.

--- Amendment ---

Any player can propose an amendment to this contract by announcement.
If an amendment was proposed at least two days ago, the Trustee
consents to it, at least two thirds of the parties consent to it, and
it has not yet been applied, then any party can enact it by
announcement. When the amendment is enacted, first, non-consenting
players cease to be parties to the contract, and then it is applied.



06 Feb 05:20 2021: contract created by Falsifian
06 Feb 05:21 2021: Jason became a party
06 Feb 15:51 2021: nix became a party

This report shall be continued in a separate message, containing
pledges and promises.

friendly neighborhood notary :)

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