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Date of this ACORN: 11 Apr 2021


Table of Contents:

Auction Regulations
   * Regulation  AM0: Generalized Auction
   * Regulation  AM1: Forward Auctions
   * Regulation  AM2: Sealed-bid Auctions
   * Regulation  AM3: Second-price Auctions
   * Regulation  AM4: Nonwinning-price Auctions
   * Regulation  AM5: Selective-bid Auctions
Administrative Regulations
   * Regulation  PA0: Certification
   * Regulation  PA1: Proposal Style Guide
   * Regulation  RA0: Limitations to Powers of Interim Referees
   * Regulation  RA1: General Enforcement Policies
   * Regulation  RA2: Guidelines to Referees for Compiling Weekly Reports
   * Regulation  RA3: Holiday Rule Reminder Practice


Auction Regulations
   This section has the regulations, written by the Treasuror, governing
   how auctions proceed.
Regulation AM0/1
Generalized Auction

      Generalized auctions exist to give context to the form of other
      types of auctions. They cannot be held directly. Other auction
      methods that use this type of auction as a starting point can
      override attributes of generalized auctions except when it is
      explicitly stated that that attribute is not able to be
      1. INITIATION:
          * The auctioneer CAN begin an auction that e is authorized to
            by creating a public message (henceforth the "initiation
            message"), specifying the type of auction method that will
            be held, a list of lots that will be auctioned off, and the
            currency that the auction uses. Bidding is initally open.
          * Derivative auction methods cannot specify the exclusion of
            any information listed above from the initiation message of
            auctions using that method.
      2. BIDDING:
          * Players CAN place a bid on an open auction by creating a
            public message (henceforth a "bid message") specifying a
            number of the auction's currency as eir bid not equal to the
            bid of another player.
          * Players CAN withdraw from an open auction by announcement.
          * Bidding is closed four days after either the beginning of
            the auction or after the most recent bid was placed,
            whichever is later. The auction ends at this time as well.
      4. AWARDING:
          * For each auction, there are a number of awardees equal to
            the number of lots. The Nth lot of an auction goes to the
            Nth awardee of that auction. If the identity of an awardee
            is undecidable, then that lot cannot be given away.
          * Auction methods specify how awardees are picked for auctions
            using that method.
          * Derivative auction methods should ensure that only players
            who have at least as much of that auction's currency as eir
            highest bid on that auction (hereafter "funded players") can
            be selected as awardees for auctions using that auction
          * The auctioneer of an auction SHALL after the ending of that
            auction create a public message (henceforth the
            "termination message") that contains a full history of bids
            on the auction and withdrawals from the auction. It should
            also clearly indicate each awardee and the lot e recieves.
      5. CLAIMING:
          * During the period from the end of the auction until 7 days
            after the publication of the termination message, each
            awardee of that auction CAN transfer (or create in eir own
            possession if the item is new) the set of assets associated
            with the lot e won by paying a fee corresponding to eir
            winning bid.


Enacted by Trigon, 08 Aug 2020
Amended(1) by Trigon, 28 Mar 2021


Regulation AM1/0
Forward Auctions

      Forward auctions function like generalized auctions except:
      * The Nth awardee for a forward auction is the player who
        submitted the Nth-highest bid in the set of all funded,
        non-withdrawn players' highest bids on that auction.


Enacted by Trigon, 08 Aug 2020


Regulation AM2/0
Sealed-bid Auctions

      Sealed-bid auctions function like generalized auctions except:
      * Players can only submit bids on a sealed-bid auction if they do
        not have a bid in that auction.
      * Bids must be initially hidden so that it is impossible to tell
        its value but that it is verifiable that the amount bid was *
        decided before the bid was placed. Anything that claims to be a
        bid and fits these conditions is considered a bid.
      * Sealed-bid auctions do not end when bidding is closed. Instead,
        they end four days afterward.
      * Each player SHOULD reveal eir bid amount on a sealed-bid auction
        while the auction is closed but has not ended. If e does not do
        so then eir bid is nulled.
      * The termination message also includes whether or not each bid is
      * The Nth awardee of a sealed-bid auction is the non-withdrawn
        funded player whose bid is not nulled and is the Nth highest of
        all bids placed.


Enacted by Trigon, 08 Aug 2020


Regulation AM3/0
Second-price Auctions

      Second-price auctions function like forward auctions except:
      * When claiming lots in a second-price auction, awardees instead
        pay a fee corresponding to the next-highest bid in the set of
        all funded, non-withdrawn players' highest bids in that auction.


Enacted by Trigon, 08 Aug 2020


Regulation AM4/0
Nonwinning-price Auctions

      Nonwinning-price auctions function like forward auctions except:
      * When claiming lots in a nonwinning-price auction, awardees
        instead pay a fee corresponding to the highest bid on that
        auction from a funded, non-withdrawn player who is not an


Enacted by Trigon, 08 Aug 2020


Regulation AM5/0
Selective-bid Auctions

      Selective-bit auctions function like generalized auctions except:
      * Bidding messages on a selective-bid auction must also specify a
        lot that is preferred.
      * The Nth awardee of a selective-bid auction is the highest bid
        from a funded, non-withdrawn player whose preferred bid is that


Enacted by Trigon, 08 Aug 2020


Administrative Regulations
   This section has regulations enacted by officers, pursuant to Rule
Regulation PA0/0

      For the Promotor to cause a proposal to become pending with 2+N
      support, where N is equal to the number of times e has done so in
      the past 7 days, is for em to certify it.
      A proposal is certifiable if:
      1. it is reasonably narrowly tailored to fix one or more problems,
         including a) bugs, b) errors, c) ambiguities, and d)
         vulnerabilities*; or
      2. unusual or exigent circumstance render it in the public
         interest for it to become pending via this method.
      * Note: Any of these problems may arise from a single source or
        the interaction of multiple sources, which may be individually
        unproblematic. This provision is to be interpreted broadly and
        flexibly to effectuate its spirit.
      The Promotor SHOULD NOT certify a non-certifiable proposal.
      Players SHOULD support an intent to certify a proposal if and only
      if it is certifiable.
      The author of a proposal in the pool CAN, by announcement, request
      certification of the proposal, provided e does so in a message
      that has either "Promotor" or "Proposal" in the subject line; e
      SHOULD NOT do so unless e believes eir proposal is certifiable and
      is ENCOURAGED to explain why eir proposal is certifiable. Once
      certification is requested, the Promotor SHALL respond publicly
      before publishing the next report that contains the proposal,
      unless the proposal is withdrawn or pended in the interim.
      Petitioning the Promotor to certify a proposal is DEPRECATED.


Enacted by Aris, 13 Sep 2020


Regulation PA1/0
Proposal Style Guide

      Players SHOULD format proposals in accordance with the following
      guidelines.  These guidelines represent the Promotor's preferred
      formatting. Most of these guidelines are flexible recommendations,
      but where something is marked as STRONGLY DISCOURAGED, doing it is
      actively inconvenient for the Promotor.
      I. Headers and Metadata.
      1. Format headers as close as possible to the heading used for
         distributions, which looks like this:
      Title: _____
      Adoption index: _._
      Author: ____
      Co-authors: ____, ____
      To be clear:
      a) write the fields in that order;
      b) write out all the fields, even the ones that have default
         values; and
      c) write each field on its own line.
      2. a) Give proposals titles 35 characters or less.
         b) Giving proposals titles over 70 characters is STRONGLY
      II. Bodies.
      1. Indent Proposals two spaces per indent level.
      2. a) Wrap proposal lines to 80 characters or less.
         b) Making it so the Promotor cannot wrap lines to 80 characters
            or less is STRONGLY DISCOURAGED unless it is absolutely
            unavoidable (e.g.  in the case of URLs).
      3. Players are STRONGLY DISCOURAGED from placing markings that
         indicate the start of the proposal's text on the same line as
         the start of the text.


Enacted by Aris, 13 Sep 2020


Regulation RA0/0
Limitations to Powers of Interim Referees

      An interim holder of the office of Referee (henceforth known as an
      ‘Interim Referee’) SHALL NOT impose summary judgement more than
      twice a week.
      It is PROHIBITED for an Interim Referee levy a fine to a person
      who commits the Class 2 Crime of Tardiness, if the person's
      deadline to perform eir duty occurs during a Holiday, as defined
      by rule 1769.
      A Referee MUST NOT enact or amend any other regulations in such a
      manner as to cause any of them to take precedence over this
      This regulation takes precedence over all other administrative
      regulations promulgated by any Referee.


Enacted by JTAC, 31 Jan 2021


Regulation RA1/0
General Enforcement Policies

      If a Referee wishes to impose the Cold Hand of Justice on any perp
      for the Class 2 Crime of Tardiness, e is strongly RECOMMENDED to
      specify the violation as forgivable, unless the perp has
      consecutively committed the violation or the evidence indicates
      that the perp has used or has attempted to use the violation as
      part of a plan to abuse eir official position.
      Referees are ENCOURAGED to amend this regulation to specify best
      practices for other crimes and violations.


Enacted by JTAC, 31 Jan 2021


Regulation RA2/0
Guidelines to Referees for Compiling Weekly Reports

      Courtesy of the illustrious Publius Scribonius Scholasticus, when
      making eir weekly report on blot holdings, a Referee is ENCOURAGED
      to additionally include:
      1. A section tracking investigations resulting from a finger being
      pointed of which the Referee is the investigator, which have not
      been concluded at the time of the report’s publishing; e SHOULD
      provide the following fields for each entry:
          a. Name of the perp
          b. Name of the person who pointed eir finger
          d. Summary of the available findings at the time of the report
      The Referee is strongly DISCOURAGED from reporting on
      investigations of which e is not the investigator. At the time of
      the promulgation of this regulation, the only rule-defined
      circumstance in which the Referee is not the investigator is when
      the Referee is the perp. As such, eir reports on such
      investigations may be misleading and are at a high likelihood of
      violating rule 2471.
      2. A section tracking historical changes to the blots possessed by
      persons. If available, the time period tracked is RECOMMENDED to
      begin from approximately two years prior and end at the time of
      the report’s publishing. E SHOULD provide the following columns
      for this section:
          a. Name of person in whose possession the number of blots has
          b. Change in number of blots
          c. Date of change
          d. Reason of change


Enacted by JTAC, 31 Jan 2021


Regulation RA3/0
Holiday Rule Reminder Practice

      In addition to the recommendations contained within rule 1769, the
      Referee is strongly ENCOURAGED to remind the players of the end of
      the Holiday by announcement. This SHOULD be done between 2 to 4
      days before the end of the Holiday.


Enacted by JTAC, 31 Jan 2021



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