To All To Whom these Presents shall come or whom the same
may in any way concern,

A Proclamation

WHEREAS it is proper and good that the accomplishments of
Agorans be celebrated;

WHEREAS the Silver Quill is the highest honor that can be
given to a proposal, awarded only to the best proposal or
proposals in an entire year;

WHEREAS it is the unanimous will of the players of Agora that
nix receive the Silver Quill for authoring the outstanding
Proposal 8408, "Sets v1.4", which created the most successful
Agoran economic system in recent memmory, generating
a substantial portion of 2020's gameplay;

WHEREAS it is the unanimous will of the players of Agora that
Aris also receive the Silver Quill for authoring the outstanding
Proposal 8514, "The Buoyant Economy", which brought a new concept
to Agoran economic design, in the form of an economy explicitly
designed to encourage and adjust to inflation; and

WHEREAS it falls upon us, the Promotor, as the recordkeepor
of proposals, to award the Silver Quill;

THEREFORE, LET IT BE KNOWN that we, hereby bestow the
Patent Title Silver Quill 2020 upon each of nix and Aris; and

FURTHERMORE, LET IT BE KNOWN that we hereby cause rule 2650,
"Silver Quill 2020", which has completed its purpose, to repeal

OF ALL WHICH the Players of Agora and all others whom these Presents
may concern are hereby requested to take notice and to govern
themselves accordingly.

At agora-official, this twenty-third day of May in the Year of our
Proleptic Gregorian Calendar two thousand and twenty one.


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