Helllooo Agora!  Today, we interview the interviewer - up on the show we
have the originator of the Speaker Show - Cuddlebeam!

So let's get speaker showing!

*G.:* Why do you like hanging out with the boring people in Agora?

*CB:* Because fortunately they’re very smart and insightful too.

*G.:* What Agoran game custom or precedent would you completely overturn
if you could?

*CB:* O f f i c e r s.

*G.:* What game custom or precedent would you import from another nomic,
if you could?

*CB:* A stronger general aesthetic theme. We’re kind of all over the place
with Thanos references, Cards and Products and now office hierarchy stuff.
And it’s OK because mechanics are much more important than theme on Agora,
but for visceral reasons I’d prefer if it was all more unified.

*G.:* We've read many nomic philosophies from legal and/or logical
disciplines - what would be an artistic philosophy of nomic?

*CB:* The ability to cause emotions in others via the game.

*G.:* Shh - how are you going to get your next Victory Card?  We can keep
a secret!

*CB:* I’m going to use my secret weapon: begging.

*G.:* anything else you'd like to share?

*CB:* I’m single, ladies.

And with that I'm afraid our time is up.  Thank you Cuddlebeam!  It's been
an honor.

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