I deputise for Registrar (office is vacant) & publish the below weekly

                         The Agoran Directory

Date of last report: 2021-07-04
Date of this report: 2021-08-09
(all times UTC)

Archive of reports on the web: https://agoranomic.org/Registrar/

Recent events
16-Mar-21 23:17  cuddlybanana registers.
16-Mar-21 23:42  Aenet registers.
21-Mar-21 03:06  Jumble registers.
10-Apr-21 19:00  Aspen deactivates lucidiot with notice.
10-Apr-21 19:00  Aspen deactivates JTAC with notice.
10-Apr-21 19:00  Aspen deactivates Ubercrow with notice.
10-Apr-21 19:00  Aspen deactivates Noah with notice.
10-Apr-21 19:00  Aspen deactivates Slam_Joe_Jr_Supreme with notice.
17-Apr-21 05:18  seventeenMachine registers.
01-May-21 07:16  Nathan activates emself.
01-May-21 22:43  Aspen deregisters grok without 3 objections.
01-May-21 22:43  Aspen deregisters Shy Owl without 3 objections.
08-Jun-21 15:45  ais523 registers.
08-Jun-21 07:41  Aspen deactivates Aenet.
08-Jun-21 07:41  Aspen deactivates Jumble.
14-Jun-21 07:09  Telna registers.
20-Jun-21 02:17  surprise registers.
01-Jul-21 08:27  Aspen deregisters lucidiot.
01-Jul-21 08:27  Aspen deregisters JTAC.
01-Jul-21 08:27  Aspen deregisters Noah.
03-Jul-21 02:20  Mask registers.
06-Jul-21 04:20  Mask becomes inactive by announcement
(time of last report)
27-Jul-21 14:29  D. Wet registers

Players, activity, and registration dates

The following information from this section is self-ratifying:
- The value of each instance of the Citizenship switch (implied by the
  list of players).
- The value of each instance of the Activity switch.

There are 23 Players. The below is a list of all players.

Player               Registered  Activity  Last Changed  Notes
------               ----------  --------  ------------  -----
omd                  03 Feb 11   Active    03 Feb 21
Aspen                13 Sep 16   Active    03 Feb 21
Gaelan               15 May 17   Active    03 Feb 21
G.                   25 Aug 17   Active    03 Feb 21
Cuddlebeam           25 Aug 17   Active    03 Feb 21
Trigon               24 Sep 17   Active    03 Feb 21
Murphy               17 Dec 17   Active    03 Feb 21
ATMunn               11 Mar 18   Active    03 Feb 21
Falsifian            13 Feb 19   Active    03 Feb 21
Jason                02 Jun 19   Active    03 Feb 21
nix                  18 Oct 19   Active    03 Feb 21
R. Lee               30 Jun 20   Active    03 Feb 21
Nathan               19 Aug 20   Active    01 May 21
cuddlybanana         16 Mar 21   Active    16 Mar 21
seventeenMachine     17 Apr 21   Active    17 Apr 21     seventeen for short
ais523               08 Jun 21   Active    08 Jun 21
Telna                14 Jun 21   Active    14 Jun 21
surprise             20 Jun 21   Active    20 Jun 21
D. Wet               27 Jul 21   Active    27 Jul 21
Mask                 03 Jul 21   Inactive  06 Jul 21
Ubercrow             11 Jan 21   Inactive  10 Apr 21
Slam_Joe_Jr_Supreme  19 Jan 21   Inactive  10 Apr 21     Joe for short
Aenet                16 Mar 21   Inactive  10 Jun 21
Jumble               21 Mar 21   Inactive  10 Jun 21

Contact information

(Required by rule 2139.)

Player               Contact
------               -------
omd                  comexk at gmail.com [0]
Aspen                thoughtsoflifeandlight17 at gmail.com
Gaelan               gbs at canishe.com
G.                   kerim at uw.edu
Cuddlebeam           cuddlebeam at gmail.com
Trigon               reuben.staley at gmail.com
Murphy               murphy.agora at gmail.com
ATMunn               iamingodsarmy at gmail.com
Falsifian            agora at falsifian.org
Jason                jason.e.cobb at gmail.com
nix                  nixnull+agora at protonmail.co <http://protonmail.com/>
R. Lee               edwardostrange at gmail.com
Nathan               nathans.agora.email at gmail.com
Ubercrow             unicationsmith2009 at gmail.com
Slam_Joe_Jr_Supreme  arran.soule at gmail.com
cuddlybanana         rose.strong42 at gmail.com
Aenet                aidananthony14 at gmail.com
Jumble               notajumbleofnumbers at gmail.com
seventeenMachine     17sagoranomicinbox at gmail.com
ais523               callforjudgement at yahoo.co.uk
Telna                agoratelna at iprimus.com.au
surprise             surprisenomic at gmail.com
Mask                 OatmealSurprise at protonmail.com
D. Wet               d.wet at nomica.nl


The publicity switch values (Rule 478) are self-ratifying.

Publicity    Location or description                 Typical use
---------    -----------------------                 -----------
Public       agora-official at agoranomic.org        official reports
Public       agora-business at agoranomic.org        other business
Discussion   agora-discussion at agoranomic.org      discussion
Discussion   https://discord.gg/JCC6YGc              discussion
Foreign*     irc://irc.libera.chat:6667/##nomic      discussion
Public       agora at listserver.tue.nl              backup
Public       agoranomic at groups.io **              backup

*This is the current IRC forum. We may replace it with another, but in
the long run one IRC channel or another will be made a discussion forum.

**The forum is specifically just that email list. From the message that
made it public: "Note that although groups.io provides many features
besides email, the forum I am referring to is specifically the email
list: if something doesn't get to Gio's subscribers by email, it wasn't
sent via Gio.

Subscribe or unsubscribe from main

Subscribe or unsubscribe from tue.nl backup

The IRC channel does not require subscription; set your IRC client to
server irc.freenode.net, port 6667, channel ##nomic, and whatever
nickname you like.

You can subscribe to GIO by messaging the following email


Registrar's estimates of Players' first dates of registration, sorted by
and day.

This section is not self-ratifying and may be inaccurate.

Ubercrow           11 Jan 21
Joe [4]            19 Jan 21
Murphy             ? ("< 23 Jan 96" in Registrar's monthly report)
G.                 04 Feb 01
Falsifian          13 Feb 19
cuddlybanana       16 Mar 21
Aenet              16 Mar 21
Jumble             21 Mar 21
seventeenMachine   17 Apr 21
ais523             28 Apr 08
omd                01 May 07
Cuddlebeam         20 May 17
Gaelan             27 May 15
Jason              02 Jun 19
R. Lee             07 Jun 17
surprise           20 Jun 21
Mask               03 Jul 21
nix                14 Aug 13
Nathan             19 Aug 20
Aspen              13 Sep 16
ATMunn             21 Sep 17
Trigon             24 Sep 17
Telna              18 Oct 13

>From R. Lee

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