On Mon, 2021-10-25 at 20:49 -0700, Kerim Aydin via agora-official
> I temporarily deputize for the Arbitor to assign the below CFJ the
> number #3934 and assign to ais523 to judge.
> -------- Forwarded Message --------
> Date: Fri, 8 Oct 2021 12:09:00 -0400
> Caller: R. Lee
> I CFJ: Falsifian gained White Glitter.

The Glitter rule is badly worded, but CFJ 3926 found that "gain" is a
synonym for "be awarded" in this context, and I have no reason to
disagree with its conclusions.

However, the relevant part of rule 2602 is:
      A player qualifies for a type of Glitter when e
      qualifies for the same type of Ribbon while already owning such a
      Ribbon. If a player has not been awarded that type of Ribbon or e
      corresponding type of Glitter since e last earned or came to
      qualify for that type of Ribbon, and has not been so awarded five
      or more times within the past 24 hours, any player CAN award em
      that type of Glitter by announcement.

The caller cited only the second sentence here, but because it says
"that type of Ribbon", the second sentence can't be read on its own;
you need to look at the previous sentence to make sense of it. So in
order to gain (or be awarded) Glitter, you need to qualify for a Ribbon
while already owning the Ribbon, and to not have gained Glitter since
you last earned or came to qualify for it (nor to have been awarded
Glitter five or more times in a day). So qualifying for a type of
Glitter isn't directly required by the rule, but meeting the conditions
to qualify for a type of Glitter is required in order for the second
sentence quoted above to apply at all (due to the use of "that"), and
so the requirements to qualify for Glitter are also part of the
requirements to be awarded it.

"Qualifies for a type of ribbon" is defined in rule 2438, as having
earned that Ribbon within the previous 7 days (there are also special-
case ways to qualify for specific types of Ribbon, beyond earning
them). Every Ribbon type except Gray has some condition under which you
can earn it, and/or some special way to qualify for it, so the rule
seems to make sense for allocating all the various types of Glitter
(apart from Gray, which also makes sense, given how the Ribbon in
question is awarded).

The consequence here is that it's impossible to gain / be awarded
Glitter, unless you already have the Ribbon of the given type.

I judge CFJ 3934 FALSE.

I award myself Blue Glitter.

Judge, CFJ 3934

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