For each of the players in the following {}-delimited list, I intend
(with 2 Agoran Consent) to award em the Patent Title of Employee of the
Year 2021 (which will be allowed by Herald regulation HR4 if enacted):

  {ais523, Aspen, ATMunn, Falsifian, G., Jason, Murphy, nix, R. Lee,
   Telna, Trigon}

These are the players who published at least 13 weekly reports and/or
3 monthly reports during 2021. (Does not include revisions. Jason's
year-long service as Assessor is also not included below, as none of eir
duties involve a report; in particular, while the Promotor has a weekly
report even if the pool was already empty, if there are no proposals to
assess in a given week then the rules don't require the Assessor to
announce that fact.)

adop=> select
  p.player_name, o.office_name, f.frequency_name,
  count(distinct date_trunc('week', e.event_timestamp))
from events e
  join offices            o on o.office_id     = e.office_id
  join players            p on p.player_id     = e.acting_player_id
  join event_types        t on t.event_type_id = e.event_type_id
  join report_frequencies f on f.frequency_id  = e.frequency_id
where e.event_timestamp >= '2021-01-01'
  and e.event_timestamp <  '2022-01-01'
  and t.event_type_name =  'Report published'
group by p.player_name, o.office_name, f.frequency_name
order by p.player_name, o.office_name, f.frequency_name;

 player_name  |      office_name      | frequency_name | count
 ais523       | Mad Engineer          | Weekly         |    14
 Aspen        | Promotor              | Weekly         |    30
 Aspen        | Registrar             | Monthly        |     2
 Aspen        | Registrar             | Weekly         |    11
 ATMunn       | Notary                | Weekly         |    27
 cuddlybanana | Webmastor             | Monthly        |     1
 Falsifian    | Registrar             | Monthly        |     3
 Falsifian    | Registrar             | Weekly         |    12
 G.           | Arbitor               | Weekly         |    21
 G.           | Mad Engineer          | Weekly         |     3
 G.           | Ministor              | Monthly        |     4
 G.           | Referee               | Weekly         |    11
 G.           | Tracker of the Device | Weekly         |    11
 Gaelan       | Referee               | Weekly         |     8
 Jason        | Referee               | Weekly         |     1
 Jason        | Rulekeepor            | Monthly        |    10
 Jason        | Rulekeepor            | Weekly         |    23
 Jason        | Stonemason            | Weekly         |    30
 Jason        | Webmastor             | Monthly        |     1
 JTAC         | Referee               | Weekly         |     5
 Murphy       | ADoP                  | Weekly         |    48
 Murphy       | Tailor                | Monthly        |    12
 Murphy       | Tailor                | Weekly         |    41
 nix          | Herald                | Monthly        |     9
 nix          | Herald                | Weekly         |     2
 nix          | Ministor              | Monthly        |     7
 nix          | Ministor              | Weekly         |     1
 nix          | Webmastor             | Monthly        |     2
 R. Lee       | Ministor              | Monthly        |     1
 R. Lee       | Referee               | Weekly         |    13
 R. Lee       | Registrar             | Monthly        |     1
 R. Lee       | Registrar             | Weekly         |     5
 Shy Owl      | Registrar             | Monthly        |     1
 Shy Owl      | Registrar             | Weekly         |     4
 Telna        | Arbitor               | Weekly         |    13
 Trigon       | Treasuror             | Monthly        |     5
 Trigon       | Treasuror             | Weekly         |    45
 Ubercrow     | Tailor                | Weekly         |     1
(38 rows)

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