I hereby distribute each listed proposal, initiating a referendum on it,
and removing it from the proposal pool. For this decision, the vote
collector is the Assessor, the quorum is 5, the voting method is
AI-majority, and the
valid options are FOR and AGAINST (PRESENT is also a valid vote, as are
conditional votes).

ID      Author(s)               AI    Title
8700~   4st                     2.0    Well, it's not doing anything.
8701~   4st                     2.0    Welp, that doesn't do anything
8702~   4st                     2.1    Writing on the Blank Stone
8703~   4st                     2.0    Ticking Stone
8704~   4st                     2.0    Tasty Stone
8705~   secretsnail             1.0    Fixing Unfortunate Timing
8706~   secretsnail             1.5    Let them have points
8707~   Jason                   3.0    No, we really mean it
8708~   nix ... [1]             3.0    Has Beens
8709~   secretsnail             2.2    Promises Any vs Each
8710~   Jason, secretsnail      3.0    Tabled action clarification
8711~   Jason                   3.0    Tabled action condition ambiguity
8712~   secretsnail             1.0    Stacking Stones v1.1
8713~   secretsnail             1.0    Pebble Throwing
8714~   Jason                   1.0    Vote scoring clarification
8715~   Jason                   3.0    Proposal protection
8716~   4st ... [2]             1.0    Dream of Wandering

[1] nix, secretsnail, G., Madrid, 4st, Jason "cat" Cobb
[2] 4st, nix, Madrid, secretsnail, Jason

The proposal pool contains the following proposals (Unofficial IDs):
ID      Author(s)               AI    Title
The proposal pool is currently empty.

Legend: <ID>* : Democratic proposal.
        <ID>! : Sponsored, Democratic proposal.
        <ID>~ : Ordinary proposal.
        <ID>& : Sponsored, Ordinary proposal.

The full text of the aforementioned proposal(s) is included below. Where
the information shown below differs from the information shown above,
the information shown above shall control.

ID: 8700
Title: Well, it's not doing anything.
Adoption Index: 2.0
Author: 4st
Repeal Rule 2606/3 "Proposal Classes"
ID: 8701
Title: Welp, that doesn't do anything
Adoption Index: 2.0
Author: 4st
Amend rule 2645 "The Stones" by replacing the text
"A specified player (defaulting to the
wielder if not specified) hereby Buys Strength 3 times."
with "Nothing happens."
Amend rule 2645 "The Stones" by replacing the text
"A specified player
 (defaulting to the wielder if not specified) gains the Grant
 associated with eir Focus."
with "Nothing happens."
ID: 8702
Title: Writing on the Blank Stone
Adoption Index: 2.1
Author: 4st

Enact a new rule with the title "Oh we can write on it!" and power=2.1:
Any player, other than the owner of the Blank Stone,
CAN with 2 Agoran consent,
provide an escape chance (hereby C) and a single paragraph of scroll text
(hereby T).
Upon doing so, amend rule 2645 "The Stones" by
replacing the entire entry for Blank Stone with
"- Blank Stone (monthly,C%): T",
where C and T in this string are the provided escape chance, and scroll
text, respectively.
ID: 8703
Title: Ticking Stone
Adoption Index: 2.0
Author: 4st

Amend the rule "The Stones" by adding another paragraph:
"- Ticking Stone (Monthly, 70%): Upon wielding, the wielder CAN and SHALL
Flip the Device On or Off.
   Upon wielding, the wielder can act on behalf of the device to take any
   action the device may take by announcement in the same message."
Then, create the Ticking Stone under the ownership of Agora.
ID: 8704
Title: Tasty Stone
Adoption Index: 2.0
Author: 4st

Amend the rule "The Stones" by adding another paragraph:
"- Tasty Stone (Monthly, 70%): A specified bird that is owned by a player is
        transferred to the wielder."
Then, create the Tasty Stone under the ownership of Agora.
ID: 8705
Title: Fixing Unfortunate Timing
Adoption Index: 1.0
Author: secretsnail

Add 9 to secretsnail's score.
Add 7 to Jason's score.
Add 7 to nix's score.
Add 7 to G.'s score.
Add 2 to Murphy's score.
Add 1 to ais523's score.
Add 1 to Aspen's score.

[This should rectify the double-halving of points. The values equal *half*
(rounded up) of the points lost to the *first* halving, which is
appropriate instead of the full value because of the halving that will
happen at the end of the quarter, before this would pass. I also subtracted
5 from the value I would receive to negate the points from this proposal
ID: 8706
Title: Let them have points
Adoption Index: 1.5
Author: secretsnail

Amend Rule 2656 "Points" by replacing

      "wins the game via such an
      announcement, all players' scores are set to their default."


      "wins the game via such an announcement, the scores of the winning
players are set to their default, and then all other players' scores are
set to half their current value rounded down."
ID: 8707
Title: No, we really mean it
Adoption Index: 3.0
Author: Jason

Amend Rule 1728 (Tabled Actions) by replacing the paragraph beginning "A
person CAN act" with the following:


A person, acting as emself, CAN by announcement table an intent (syn.
"intend") to perform a tabled action, clearly, conspicuously,
explicitly, and without obfuscation specifying the action, the method
(including non-default parameter values), and, optionally, conditions.
The clarity requirement in this paragraph is to be interpreted so as to
impose the highest possible communication standard on intents.


[Add "clearly" and "explicitly" to the tabled action clarity
requirement, and make it explicit in the rule that the requirement is
not to be weakened by judges.]
ID: 8708
Title: Has Beens
Adoption Index: 3.0
Author: nix
Co-Author(s): secretsnail, G., Madrid, 4st, Jason "cat" Cobb

Amend R103 by replacing:

       If the office of Speaker has been held continuously by the same
       person for 90+ days, then any player CAN appoint another player to
       the office with support.


       If the office of Speaker has been held continuously by the same
       person for the past 90+ days, then any player CAN appoint another
       player to the office with support.

Amend 2438 by replacing:

       White (W): A player qualifies for a White Ribbon if e has never
       previously owned a White Ribbon (including under previous
       rulesets). A player who has been registered for at least 30 days
       and has never acted on eir own behalf to cause another person to
       gain a White Ribbon (including under a previous ruleset) CAN act
       on eir own behalf to award a White Ribbon to another person by


       White (W): A player qualifies for a White Ribbon if e has never
       previously owned a White Ribbon (including under previous
       rulesets). A player who has been registered for the past 30+ days
       or 180+ cumulative days and has never acted on eir own behalf to
       cause another person to gain a White Ribbon (including under a
       previous ruleset) CAN act on eir own behalf to award a White
       Ribbon to another person by announcement.

G. is the speaker.
ID: 8709
Title: Promises Any vs Each
Adoption index: 2.2
Author: secretsnail

Amend Rule 2618 (Promises) by replacing "provided that any conditions for
cashing it specified by its text are unambiguously met" with "provided that
each condition for cashing it specified by its text is unambiguously met"

[prevents a reading of only some of the cashing conditions needing to be
since that would be "any" conditions]
ID: 8710
Title: Tabled action clarification
Adoption index: 3.0
Author: Jason
Co-author(s): Secretsnail9

Amend Rule 1728 ("Tabled Actions") by replacing "An action is a Tabled
Action if it is performed with one of the following methods" with "An
action is a Tabled Action if the Rules purport to authorize its
performance via one of the following methods".

ID: 8711
Title: Tabled action condition ambiguity
Adoption index: 3.0
Author: Jason

Amend Rule 2124 ("Performing Tabled Actions") by replacing "its
conditions, if any are met" with "its conditions, if any, are each
clearly and unambiguously met".

ID: 8712
Title: Stacking Stones v1.1
Adoption index: 1.0
Author: secretsnail

Enact a new rule with title "Balancing Act" and the following text:

"Stone Above" is a stone switch tracked by the Stonemason with possible
of any stone and none (default).

A stone's props are any stones that have that stone or any of that stone's
props as a their value of Stone Above.

If a stone's Stone Above is ever one of its props, its Stone Above is set

A stone that has 3 or more props is immune.

When a stone is wielded, the wielder CAN cascade one of that stone's props
announcement in the same message, specifying any values needed to interpret
prop's effects.

When a stone is cascaded, the Rule defining that stone applies the effects
that stone's scroll.

A player CAN set the Stone Above of a stone they own to another stone they
with 13 days notice, provided e has not set a Stone Above switch in the
past 14

[Note intents expire after 14 days.]

ID: 8713
Title: Pebble Throwing
Adoption index: 1.0
Author: secretsnail

Enact a new rule with title "Take Aim" and the following text:

A player CAN throw a specified stone e owns at another specified stone (the
target) that has at least 1 prop, by announcement. When e does so, the
stone is transferred to Agora, eir score is increased by the number of
the target has, and then all of those props have their Stone Above set to


ID: 8714
Title: Vote scoring clarification
Adoption index: 1.0
Author: Jason

Amend Rule 2657 (Scoring) by replacing the list item beginning "Casting"
with the following:


* Having a valid unconditional AGAINST vote on a referendum when it is
resolved to be ADOPTED, or, similarly, FOR when REJECTED: 1 (Assessor).


[Clarify that the referendum is resolved, rather than the proposal, that
the vote must be valid, and that the condition is evaluated at the time
of resolution.]
ID: 8715
Title: Proposal protection
Adoption index: 3.0
Author: Jason

Amend Rule 2350 ("Proposals") by appending the following paragraph:


Removing a proposal from the Proposal Pool, other than by distribution,
is secured. The destruction of proposals is secured.


[Prevents a low power rule from preventing proposals from being

ID: 8716
Title: Dream of Wandering
Adoption Index: 1.0
Author: 4st
Co-author(s): nix, Madrid, secretsnail, Jason

Enact a new rule with the title "Dream of Wandering":
Mindset is a secured active player switch,
tracked by the Ministor in eir monthly report,
with possible values Dream of Wandering (the default) and any Dream.

An active player CAN Plan to Flip eir own Mindset,
specifying any valid value for eir Mindset, by announcement.
When the rules state that the wandering occurs,
every active player's Mindset is set to the value e most
recently specified by Planning to Flip. If a player did not Plan to Flip
eir Mindset switch since the last wandering, it not Flipped.

The wandering occurs at the beginning of each month.

A player becomes a New Dreamer when eir Mindset Flips.
A player becomes a Recurring Dreamer when a wandering occurs and eir
Mindset is not flipped, and e is not a New Dreamer.

The following rules apply to each active player
based on that player's Mindset:
- Dream of Victory:
  Upon a correct announcement of being the only player with eir Mindset
  Flipped to Dream of Victories, e wins the game. Upon winning the game,
  e has eir Mindset immediately Flipped to the Dream of Wandering.
  When e is a New Dreamer, e CAN, once by announcement, gain 10 points,
  then cease to be a New or Recurring Dreamer.
- Dream of Wealth:
  When e is a New or Recurring Dreamer, e CAN,
  once by announcement, grant 5 stamps of eir own type to emself,
  then cease to be a New or Recurring Dreamer.
- Dream of Justice:
  When e is a New or Recurring Dreamer, e CAN,
  once by announcement, expunge up to 4 blots from emself,
  then cease to be a New or Recurring Dreamer.
- Dream of Wandering:
  When e is a Recurring Dreamer, when e plans to Flip eir Mindset,
  it is immediately Flipped to the specified value if possible.
  E then ceases to be a Recurring Dreamer.
- Dream of Machines:
  E can Flip the Device to either on or off with Agoran Consent.
  E can act on behalf of the device to take any
  action the device may take by announcement with 1 support.
- Dream of Beasts:
  E can buy bird food by paying a fee of 3 boatloads of coins.
  E can buy a Beast Permit by paying a fee of 40 boatloads of coins.
  E can renew a Beast Permit by paying a fee of 20 boatloads of coins.
- Dream of Gardens:
  When E is a New or Recurring Dreamer, E can pay a fee of N stamps,
  specifying one stone e owns, and that stone has their escape chance
  reduced by N*5%, to a minimum of 0%,
  then E ceases to be a New or Recurring Dreamer.
  This reduction can only apply to one stone e owns.
  This reduction is removed after
  the Stonemason publishes a collection notice.
- Dream of Power: Eir Voting Strength is 2 greater.

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