--------------------------------   or   --------------------------------
                       TREASUROR'S WEEKLY REPORT

Reports available online at: <https://agoranomic.org/Treasuror/reports>

DATES OF PUBLICATION                                  (contains no data)

(all times and dates in UTC)

Date of previous original report: 14 Aug 2022
Date of first report this week:   22 Aug 2022

NOTES ON REPORT                                       (contains no data)

* Find my report drafts on Discord or IRC.
* As always, please check the general accuracy of this report.
* WIP Live Version of report:
* Disclaimer: this report assumes that the Unit of Floation is 18, and may
be wrong as a result.


Total Buoyancy:    44891
Buoyancy Target:   52575
Unit of Flotation: 18.0000


   Player(+a)      cn
 ==============  ======
 ais        [0]     631
 banana     [1]    1346
 Capn       [2]     180
 Create     [3]     559
 duck               741
 forest     [4]    1707
 G.                 429
 Gaelan            1405
 Jason            14330
 juan               568
 Madrid             143
 Murphy            2189
 nix               8159
 Pilgore            180
 R. Lee            1489
 snail      [5]   10319
 Trigon            3959
 Vitor              180

0. ais523
1. cuddlybanana
2. Cap'n
3. CreateSource
4. 4st
5. secretsnail

   Player(-a)      cn
 ==============  ======
 dahuman            204
 omd                603
 Telna              286

  Contract(00)     cn
 ==============  ======
 AspenX     [0]    1030
 ATMStash   [1]    1703
 D. Corp.   [2]     315
 G.ravity             9
 Hoard      [3]     491
 IBTWWBG    [4]       5
 Lever      [5]       0
 Nim                  5
 PlunderPS  [6]      10
 SEAMSTRESS [7]      24
 SPRINT     [8]       0

0. Aspen's Executor
1. ATMunn's Stash
2. Dragon Corporation
3. Dragon's Hoard
4. I Bet This Was Written By G.
5. The Useless Lever
6. Plunder Partnership
7. Signature Enthusiast Allows Modification of Signature Through
   Rigorous Exchanging of Signature Suggestions
8. Scissors Paper Rock in Nomic Tournament

  Contract(25)     cn
 ==============  ======
 Press      [0]     763

0. Agoran Press

     Entity        cn
 ==============  ======
 Agora                0
 L&F Dept.         1895

ASSET INDEX                                       (does not self-ratify)

* Tracked by the Treasuror (this report)
    * Coins (cn)

* Tracked by the Referee
    * Blots

* Tracked by the Notary
    * Promises

* Tracked by the Stonemason
    * Stones

* Tracked by the Avicultor
    * Birds

* Tracked by the Collector
    * Stamps, one class for each person.

* Tracked by the Horsened
    * Horses
    * Dollaries
    * Hooves


*** Sun 21 August 2022
[23:26] Jason:  +270cn (Reward: Assessed proposal)
[23:26] snail:  +180cn (Reward: Notary weekly)
[23:26] Jason:  + 90cn (Reward: Mad Engineer weekly)
[23:26] snail:  +270cn (Reward: Proposal Pool)
[23:26] Jason:  +180cn (Reward: Arbitor weekly)
[23:26] Jason:  +270cn (Reward: Short Logical Ruleset)
[23:26] Jason:  + 90cn (Reward: Stonemason weekly)
[23:26] forest: +180cn (Reward: Referee weekly)
[23:26] snail:  +270cn (Reward: Treasuror weekly)
[23:26] snail:  +180cn (Reward: Notary weekly)
[23:26] snail:  + 90cn (Reward: Avicultor weekly)
[23:26] Murphy: + 90cn (Reward: ADoP weekly)
[18:46] Capn:   +180cn (Welcome Package)

*** Sat 20 August 2022
[21:40] snail:      +    90cn (Proposal 8836)
[21:40] nix:        +   144cn (Proposal 8834)
[21:40] nix:        +   108cn (Proposal 8833)
[21:40] nix:        +    72cn (Proposal 8832)
[21:40] nix:        +   162cn (Proposal 8830)
[21:40] Gaelan:     +    18cn (Proposal 8829)
[21:37]   Buoyancy target set to 52575
[21:37]   RELEVELING: TB=44891, UF=18.0000
[21:37] L&F Dept.:  - 17061cn (Coin Cleaning Proposal)
[21:37] Press:      -  6874cn (Coin Cleaning Proposal)
[21:37] SEAMSTRESS: -   222cn (Coin Cleaning Proposal)
[21:37] PlunderPS:  -    99cn (Coin Cleaning Proposal)
[21:37] Nim:        -    45cn (Coin Cleaning Proposal)
[21:37] IBTWWBG:    -    45cn (Coin Cleaning Proposal)
[21:37] Hoard:      -  4423cn (Coin Cleaning Proposal)
[21:37] G.ravity:   -    90cn (Coin Cleaning Proposal)
[21:37] D. Corp.:   -  2841cn (Coin Cleaning Proposal)
[21:37] ATMStash:   - 15335cn (Coin Cleaning Proposal)
[21:37] AspenX:     -  9277cn (Coin Cleaning Proposal)
[21:37] Telna:      -  2574cn (Coin Cleaning Proposal)
[21:37] omd:        -  5434cn (Coin Cleaning Proposal)
[21:37] dahuman:    -  1836cn (Coin Cleaning Proposal)
[21:37] Vitor:      -  1620cn (Coin Cleaning Proposal)
[21:37] Trigon:     - 35632cn (Coin Cleaning Proposal)
[21:37] snail:      - 83157cn (Coin Cleaning Proposal)
[21:37] R. Lee:     - 13408cn (Coin Cleaning Proposal)
[21:37] Pilgore:    -  1620cn (Coin Cleaning Proposal)
[21:37] nix:        - 69062cn (Coin Cleaning Proposal)
[21:37] Murphy:     - 18893cn (Coin Cleaning Proposal)
[21:37] Madrid:     -  1294cn (Coin Cleaning Proposal)
[21:37] juan:       -  5112cn (Coin Cleaning Proposal)
[21:37] Jason:      -120870cn (Coin Cleaning Proposal)
[21:37] Gaelan:     - 12491cn (Coin Cleaning Proposal)
[21:37] G.:         -  3869cn (Coin Cleaning Proposal)
[21:37] forest:     - 13750cn (Coin Cleaning Proposal)
[21:37] duck:       -  6669cn (Coin Cleaning Proposal)
[21:37] Create:     -  5031cn (Coin Cleaning Proposal)
[21:37] banana:     - 12119cn (Coin Cleaning Proposal)
[21:37] ais:        -  5681cn (Coin Cleaning Proposal)

*** Mon 15 August 2022
[20:25] nix:     + 360cn (HAPPY BIRTHDAY, nix! (juan))
[17:10] nix:     + 360cn (HAPPY BIRTHDAY, nix! (Madrid))
[17:07] nix:     + 360cn (HAPPY BIRTHDAY, nix! (G.))
[13:34] Pilgore: +1800cn (Welcome Package)
[05:22] nix:     + 360cn (HAPPY BIRTHDAY, nix! (snail))
[03:18] nix:     + 360cn (HAPPY BIRTHDAY, nix! (Jason))

*** Sun 14 August 2022
[23:52]   Buoyancy target set to 525757
[21:38] Jason:  +2700cn (Reward: Assessed proposal)
[21:38] nix:    +1800cn (Reward: Herald weekly)
[21:38] nix:    + 900cn (Reward: Collector weekly)
[21:38] nix:    + 900cn (Reward: Registrar weekly)
[21:38] Jason:  + 900cn (Reward: Stonemason weekly)
[21:38] Jason:  +1800cn (Reward: Arbitor weekly)
[21:38] Jason:  + 900cn (Reward: Mad Engineer weekly)
[21:38] Jason:  +2700cn (Reward: Short Logical Ruleset)
[21:38] snail:  + 900cn (Reward: Horsened weekly)
[21:38] snail:  +2700cn (Reward: Proposal Pool)
[21:38] forest: +1800cn (Reward: Referee weekly)
[21:38] snail:  +2700cn (Reward: Treasuror weekly)
[21:38] Murphy: + 900cn (Reward: ADoP weekly)
[19:42] snail:  -1440cn (Hot Potato Stone auction)
[19:42] snail:  - 300cn (Tasty Stone auction)
[05:26] snail:  + 540cn (Proposal 8826)
[05:26] snail:  + 720cn (Proposal 8825)
[05:26] snail:  +1080cn (Proposal 8824)
[05:26] snail:  + 720cn (Proposal 8823)
[05:26] snail:  + 360cn (Proposal 8822)

*** Fri 12 August 2022
[17:38] Madrid: +1cn (Transfer G.: Via Contract Shenanigans)
[17:38] G.:     -1cn (Transfer Madrid: Via Contract Shenanigans)

*** Mon 8 August 2022
[20:32] snail: +180cn (Noting infraction)
[00:31]   Buoyancy target set to 502297

*** Sun 7 August 2022
[23:04] Murphy: + 900cn (Reward: Tailor monthly)
[23:04] snail:  + 900cn (Reward: Avicultor monthly)
[23:04] Jason:  +2700cn (Reward: Assessed proposal)
[23:04] Jason:  + 900cn (Reward: Mad Engineer weekly)
[23:04] Jason:  +1800cn (Reward: Arbitor weekly)
[23:04] Jason:  + 900cn (Reward: Stonemason weekly)
[23:04] Jason:  +2700cn (Reward: Short Logical Ruleset)
[23:04] snail:  +1800cn (Reward: Notary weekly)
[23:04] snail:  + 900cn (Reward: Avicultor weekly)
[23:04] snail:  +2700cn (Reward: Proposal Pool)
[23:04] nix:    +1800cn (Reward: Herald weekly)
[23:04] forest: +1800cn (Reward: Referee weekly)
[23:04] snail:  +2700cn (Reward: Treasuror weekly)
[23:04] snail:  +2700cn (Reward: Proposal Pool)
[23:04] snail:  + 900cn (Reward: Avicultor weekly)
[23:04] snail:  +1800cn (Reward: Notary weekly)
[23:04] Jason:  +1800cn (Reward: Arbitor weekly)
[23:04] Jason:  + 900cn (Reward: Mad Engineer weekly)
[23:04] Jason:  + 900cn (Reward: Stonemason weekly)
[23:04] Murphy: + 900cn (Reward: ADoP weekly)

*** Sat 6 August 2022
[19:03] Jason: +540cn (Proposal 8818)
[19:03] ais:   +900cn (Proposal 8815)

*** Fri 5 August 2022
[17:49] Madrid: - 540cn (Stamp creation)
[13:27] Madrid: -8100cn (Stamp creation x15)

*** Mon 1 August 2022
[00:15]   Buoyancy target set to 470815
[00:00] Vitor:  +1800cn (Payday)
[00:00] Trigon: +1800cn (Payday)
[00:00] snail:  +1800cn (Payday)
[00:00] R. Lee: +1800cn (Payday)
[00:00] Press:  +4500cn (Payday: donation level=25)
[00:00] Press:  -3136cn (Payday: charity coin destruction)
[00:00] nix:    +1800cn (Payday)
[00:00] Murphy: +1800cn (Payday)
[00:00] Madrid: +1800cn (Payday)
[00:00] juan:   +1800cn (Payday)
[00:00] Jason:  +1800cn (Payday)
[00:00] Gaelan: +1800cn (Payday)
[00:00] G.:     +1800cn (Payday)
[00:00] forest: +1800cn (Payday)
[00:00] duck:   +1800cn (Payday)
[00:00] Create: +1800cn (Payday)
[00:00] banana: +1800cn (Payday)
[00:00] ais:    +1800cn (Payday)
[00:00]   RELEVELING: TB=448912, UF=180.0000

*** Sun 31 July 2022
[23:57] snail:  -5880cn (Buying bird food x8)
[20:16] nix:    +1470cn (Reward: Herald monthly)
[20:16] nix:    + 735cn (Reward: Registrar monthly)
[20:16] Jason:  +2205cn (Reward: Full Logical Ruleset)
[20:16] Jason:  +2205cn (Reward: Assessed proposal)
[20:16] nix:    + 735cn (Reward: Collector weekly)
[20:16] nix:    +1470cn (Reward: Herald weekly)
[20:16] nix:    + 735cn (Reward: Registrar weekly)
[20:16] Jason:  +2205cn (Reward: Short Logical Ruleset)
[20:16] forest: +1470cn (Reward: Referee weekly)
[20:16] snail:  +2205cn (Reward: Proposal Pool)
[20:16] Jason:  +2205cn (Reward: Short Logical Ruleset)
[20:16] snail:  +2205cn (Reward: Treasuror weekly)
[20:16] snail:  + 735cn (Reward: Avicultor weekly)
[20:16] Murphy: + 735cn (Reward: ADoP weekly)

*** Sat 30 July 2022
[05:33] Jason: +294cn (Proposal 8814)
[05:33] Jason: +294cn (Proposal 8805)

*** Sun 24 July 2022
[23:57]   Buoyancy target set to 448912
[21:46] Jason:  +2205cn (Reward: Assessed proposal)
[21:46] snail:  +1470cn (Reward: Notary weekly)
[21:46] nix:    +1470cn (Reward: Herald weekly)
[21:46] nix:    + 735cn (Reward: Collector weekly)
[21:46] nix:    + 735cn (Reward: Registrar weekly)
[21:46] Jason:  + 735cn (Reward: Mad Engineer weekly)
[21:46] Jason:  +1470cn (Reward: Arbitor weekly)
[21:46] Jason:  + 735cn (Reward: Stonemason weekly)
[21:46] forest: +1470cn (Reward: Referee weekly)
[21:46] snail:  +2205cn (Reward: Proposal Pool)
[04:11] Jason:  + 441cn (Proposal 8811)
[04:11] Jason:  + 735cn (Proposal 8719)
[04:11] Jason:  + 588cn (Proposal 8718)

*** Tue 19 July 2022
[04:19] forest: + 512cn (Transfer SPRINT)
[04:19] SPRINT: - 512cn (Transfer forest)
[03:19] Murphy: -9001cn (Sabotage Stone Auction)
[03:19] Murphy: -9001cn (Recursion Stone Auction)
[03:13] Murphy: + 735cn (Judged CFJ 3980)
[03:13] ais:    + 735cn (Judged CFJ 3979)
[03:13] ais:    + 735cn (Judged CFJ 3978)
[03:13] forest: + 735cn (Judged CFJ 3977)

*** Sun 17 July 2022
[23:23] Jason:  +2205cn (Reward: Assessed proposal)
[23:23] Jason:  + 735cn (Reward: Stonemason weekly)
[23:23] Jason:  +1470cn (Reward: Arbitor weekly)
[23:23] Jason:  +2205cn (Reward: Short Logical Ruleset)
[23:23] Jason:  + 735cn (Reward: Mad Engineer weekly)
[23:23] snail:  +1470cn (Reward: Notary weekly)
[23:23] snail:  + 735cn (Reward: Avicultor weekly)
[23:23] nix:    + 735cn (Reward: Registrar weekly)
[23:23] nix:    + 735cn (Reward: Collector weekly)
[23:23] nix:    +1470cn (Reward: Herald weekly)
[23:23] forest: +1470cn (Reward: Referee weekly)
[23:23] snail:  +2205cn (Reward: Treasuror weekly)
[23:23] Murphy: + 735cn (Reward: ADoP weekly)

*** Mon 11 July 2022
[22:45]   Buoyancy target set to 414073
[01:07] snail:  +2205cn (Reward: Proposal Pool)
[01:07] snail:  + 735cn (Reward: Avicultor weekly)
[01:07] snail:  +1470cn (Reward: Notary weekly)
[01:07] Jason:  +1470cn (Reward: Arbitor weekly)
[01:07] Jason:  + 735cn (Reward: Stonemason weekly)
[01:07] Jason:  +2205cn (Reward: Short Logical Ruleset)
[01:07] Jason:  + 735cn (Reward: Mad Engineer weekly)
[01:07] forest: +1470cn (Reward: Referee weekly)
[01:07] nix:    + 735cn (Reward: Registrar weekly)
[01:07] nix:    + 735cn (Reward: Collector weekly)
[01:07] nix:    +1470cn (Reward: Herald weekly)
[01:07] Murphy: + 735cn (Reward: ADoP weekly)
[00:33] Murphy: -2205cn (Buying bird food x3)

*** Tue 5 July 2022
[16:01] G.: +1029cn (Proposal 8685)

*** Sun 3 July 2022
[22:34] Murphy: + 735cn (Reward: Tailor monthly)
[22:34] Jason:  +2205cn (Reward: Assessed proposal)
[22:34] Jason:  + 735cn (Reward: Stonemason weekly)
[22:34] snail:  +1470cn (Reward: Notary weekly)
[22:34] snail:  + 735cn (Reward: Avicultor weekly)
[22:34] snail:  +2205cn (Reward: Proposal Pool)
[22:34] Jason:  +1470cn (Reward: Arbitor weekly)
[22:34] Jason:  +2205cn (Reward: Short Logical Ruleset)
[22:34] Jason:  + 735cn (Reward: Mad Engineer weekly)
[22:34] Murphy: + 735cn (Reward: ADoP weekly)
[03:06] Jason:  + 735cn (Wielding Wealth Stone)

*** Fri 1 July 2022
[00:00] Trigon: +1470cn (Payday)
[00:00] snail:  +1470cn (Payday)
[00:00] R. Lee: +1470cn (Payday)
[00:00] Press:  +3675cn (Payday: donation level=25)
[00:00] Press:  -2598cn (Payday: charity coin destruction)
[00:00] nix:    +1470cn (Payday)
[00:00] Murphy: +1470cn (Payday)
[00:00] Madrid: +1470cn (Payday)
[00:00] juan:   +1470cn (Payday)
[00:00] Jason:  +1470cn (Payday)
[00:00] Gaelan: +1470cn (Payday)
[00:00] G.:     +1470cn (Payday)
[00:00] forest: +1470cn (Payday)
[00:00] duck:   +1470cn (Payday)
[00:00] Create: +1470cn (Payday)
[00:00] banana: +1470cn (Payday)
[00:00] ais:    +1470cn (Payday)
[00:00]   RELEVELING: TB=366703, UF=147.0000

*** Wed 29 June 2022
[01:30] G.: -27420cn (Self Destruction)

*** Mon 27 June 2022
[12:51] juan: -1280cn (Buying bird food x2)

*** Sun 26 June 2022
[22:42] Jason:  +1920cn (Reward: Full Logical Ruleset)
[22:42] nix:    + 640cn (Reward: Registrar monthly)
[22:42] nix:    +1280cn (Reward: Herald monthly)
[22:42] Jason:  +1920cn (Reward: Assessed proposal)
[22:42] snail:  + 640cn (Reward: Avicultor weekly)
[22:42] snail:  +1280cn (Reward: Notary weekly)
[22:42] Jason:  +1280cn (Reward: Arbitor weekly)
[22:42] Jason:  + 640cn (Reward: Stonemason weekly)
[22:42] Jason:  +1920cn (Reward: Short Logical Ruleset)
[22:42] nix:    + 640cn (Reward: Registrar weekly)
[22:42] nix:    +1280cn (Reward: Herald weekly)
[22:42] nix:    + 640cn (Reward: Collector weekly)
[22:42] snail:  +1920cn (Reward: Proposal Pool)
[22:42] snail:  +1280cn (Reward: Notary weekly)
[22:42] Murphy: + 640cn (Reward: ADoP weekly)
[22:42] snail:  + 640cn (Reward: Avicultor weekly)
[22:12] Murphy: -1280cn (Buying bird food x2)
[02:42] Jason:  + 640cn (Wielding Wealth Stone)

*** Sat 25 June 2022
[04:59] ais: -19584cn (Stamp creation x51)

*** Thu 23 June 2022
[21:58] G.: +640cn (CFJ 3967)
[21:58] G.: +640cn (CFJ 3966)

*** Wed 22 June 2022
[17:13] Jason: +2cn (Transfer snail)
[17:13] snail: -2cn (Transfer Jason)

*** Sun 19 June 2022
[23:41] Jason:  +1920cn (Reward: Assessed proposal)
[23:41] Jason:  +1920cn (Reward: Short Logical Ruleset)
[23:41] Jason:  +1280cn (Reward: Arbitor weekly)
[23:41] Jason:  + 640cn (Reward: Stonemason weekly)
[23:41] nix:    + 640cn (Reward: Registrar weekly)
[23:41] nix:    +1280cn (Reward: Herald weekly)
[23:41] nix:    + 640cn (Reward: Collector weekly)
[23:41] G.:     +1280cn (Reward: Referee weekly)
[23:41] snail:  +1920cn (Reward: Treasuror weekly)
[23:41] snail:  +1920cn (Reward: Proposal Pool)
[23:41] Murphy: + 640cn (Reward: ADoP weekly)
[18:17] Jason:  + 640cn (Wielding Wealth Stone)

*** Sat 18 June 2022
[17:20] Jason: -1000cn (Power Stone Auction)
[17:20] Jason: -1450cn (Wealth Stone Auction)
[03:27] snail: + 128cn (Proposal 8682)

*** Mon 13 June 2022
[04:34]   Buoyancy target set to 366703

*** Sun 12 June 2022
[22:35] snail:  + 640cn (Reward: Avicultor monthly)
[22:35] snail:  + 640cn (Reward: Avicultor weekly)
[22:35] snail:  +1280cn (Reward: Notary weekly)
[22:35] Jason:  +1920cn (Reward: Short Logical Ruleset)
[22:35] nix:    + 640cn (Reward: Collector weekly)
[22:35] Jason:  +1280cn (Reward: Arbitor weekly)
[22:35] Jason:  + 640cn (Reward: Stonemason weekly)
[22:35] nix:    +1280cn (Reward: Herald weekly)
[22:35] nix:    + 640cn (Reward: Registrar weekly)
[22:35] ais:    + 640cn (Reward: Mad Engineer weekly)
[22:35] G.:     +1280cn (Reward: Referee weekly)
[22:35] snail:  +1920cn (Reward: Treasuror weekly)
[22:35] Murphy: + 640cn (Reward: ADoP weekly)
[19:11] snail:  + 640cn (CFJ 3964)
[19:03] SPRINT: + 256cn (Transfer snail)
[19:03] snail:  - 256cn (Transfer SPRINT)
[18:58] SPRINT: + 256cn (Transfer ais)
[18:58] ais:    - 256cn (Transfer SPRINT)

*** Fri 10 June 2022
[20:56]   Contract SPRINT created
[12:10] juan:  +128cn (Transfer snail)
[12:10] snail: -128cn (Transfer juan)
[12:10] juan:  -384cn (Stamp creation)

*** Wed 8 June 2022
[15:14] forest: +1280cn (Welcome Package: G.)
[11:50] juan:   + 640cn (Playing with Goldfinch)
[11:50] juan:   -1280cn (Buying bird food x2)

*** Mon 6 June 2022
[23:41] snail: + 640cn (Playing with Goldfinch)
[23:41] snail: -3200cn (Buying bird food x5)
[00:04]   Buoyancy target set to 368367

*** Sun 5 June 2022
[23:42] Murphy: + 640cn (Reward: Tailor monthly)
[23:42] snail:  + 640cn (Reward: Ministor monthly)
[23:42] snail:  +1920cn (Reward: Proposal Pool)
[23:42] snail:  + 640cn (Reward: Avicultor weekly)
[23:42] snail:  +1280cn (Reward: Notary weekly)
[23:42] G.:     +1280cn (Reward: Referee weekly)
[23:42] Jason:  + 640cn (Reward: Stonemason weekly)
[23:42] Jason:  +1280cn (Reward: Arbitor weekly)
[23:42] Jason:  +1920cn (Reward: Short Logical Ruleset)
[23:42] ais:    + 640cn (Reward: MadEngineer weekly)
[23:42] nix:    +1280cn (Reward: Herald weekly)
[23:42] nix:    + 640cn (Reward: Registrar weekly)
[23:42] nix:    + 640cn (Reward: Collector weekly)
[23:42] Murphy: + 640cn (Reward: ADoP weekly)
[23:40] Murphy: -   1pd (Pending Proposal)
[21:46] G.:     +  20ws (Transfer Jason)
[21:46] Jason:  -  20ws (Transfer G.)
[21:35] G.:     +   5ws (Transfer Jason)
[21:35] Jason:  -   5ws (Transfer G.)
[21:35] G.:     +   2wc (Transfer Jason)
[21:35] Jason:  -   2wc (Transfer G.)
[21:13] banana: +   1wc (Victory Lottery)
[21:03] Jason:  +   1wc (Transfer ais)
[21:03] ais:    -   1wc (Transfer Jason)
[20:33] Jason:  +  17ws (Transfer snail)
[20:33] snail:  -  17ws (Transfer Jason)
[19:06] G.:     +   3ws (3 products)
[19:06] G.:     -   2wc (2 cards)
[17:47] G.:     +   3ws (3 products)
[17:47] G.:     -   2wc (2 cards)
[17:46] G.:     +  30ws (Transfer Trigon)
[17:46] Trigon: -  30ws (Transfer G.)
[17:46] G.:     +   3wc (Transfer Trigon)
[17:46] Trigon: -   3wc (Transfer G.)
[00:24] ais:    - 384cn (Stamp creation)

*** Sat 4 June 2022
[23:25] L&F Dept.: +1430cn (Indeterminate owner: was TABBAT)
[23:25] L&F Dept.: +1950cn (Indeterminate owner: was Sgeo)

*** Thu 2 June 2022
[17:18] Jason: +384cn (HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Jason! (snail))
[17:08] Jason: +384cn (HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Jason! (G.))

*** Wed 1 June 2022
[00:00] Trigon: +1280cn (Payday)
[00:00] snail:  +1280cn (Payday)
[00:00] R. Lee: +1280cn (Payday)
[00:00] Press:  +3200cn (Payday: donation level=25)
[00:00] Press:  -1995cn (Payday: charity coin destruction)
[00:00] nix:    +1280cn (Payday)
[00:00] Murphy: +1280cn (Payday)
[00:00] Madrid: +1280cn (Payday)
[00:00] juan:   +1280cn (Payday)
[00:00] Jason:  +1280cn (Payday)
[00:00] Gaelan: +1280cn (Payday)
[00:00] G.:     +1280cn (Payday)
[00:00] duck:   +1280cn (Payday)
[00:00] Create: +1280cn (Payday)
[00:00] banana: +1280cn (Payday)
[00:00] ais:    +1280cn (Payday)
[00:00]   RELEVELING: TB=318970, UF=128.0000


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