I publish the following Migration Notice.

Migration Notice
01 Sep 2022

BIRD FOOD BOUGHT                                   (does not ratify)
Person             Bird food bought last month
--------------     ---------------------------
secretsnail        20
Murphy             0
juan               0

All persons not in the above list bought no bird food last month.

HUNGRY BIRDS AND THEIR RANDOM CHOICES              (does not ratify)
Hungry Bird    Random Choice (New Owner)
-----------    --------------------------
Seagull        secretsnail
Goldfinch      secretsnail
Emu            secretsnail
Magpie         secretsnail
Pigeon         secretsnail
Penguin        secretsnail

* Will be instead transferred to Agora due to insufficient bird food.

Hungry Birds are transferred in the order they are listed above.

Not Hungry (does not ratify)
Raven          secretsnail
Owl            secretsnail
Cockatiel      secretsnail
Jay            secretsnail
Bowerbird      secretsnail
Canary         secretsnail
Crow           secretsnail


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