As selected on Discord #botspam, the rule for this week is Rule 591
("Delivering Judgements"). I affirm under penalty of No Faking that, to the
best of my knowledge, the process used in this selection had the correct

Please send suggestions if you have them!

The text of Rule 591 is reproduced below for convenience:

Rule 591/49 (Power=1.7)
Delivering Judgements

      When a CFJ is open and assigned to a judge, that judge CAN assign
      a valid judgement to it by announcement, and SHALL do so in a
      timely fashion after this becomes possible.
      The valid judgements for an inquiry case are as follows, based on
      the facts and legal situation at the time the inquiry case was
      initiated, not taking into account any events since that time:
      * FALSE, appropriate if the statement was factually and
        logically false.
      * TRUE, appropriate if the statement was factually and
        logically true.
      * IRRELEVANT, appropriate if the veracity of the statement is
        not relevant to the game or is an overly hypothetical
        extrapolation of the game or its rules to conditions that don't
        actually exist, or if it can be trivially determined from the
        outcome of another (possibly still undecided) judicial case that
        was not itself judged IRRELEVANT.
      * INSUFFICIENT, appropriate if the statement does not come
        with supporting arguments or evidence, and the judge feels as if
        an undue burden is being placed on em by the lack of arguments
        and evidence. A CFJ judged as INSUFFICIENT SHOULD be submitted
        again with sufficient arguments/evidence.
      * DISMISS, appropriate if the statement is malformed, undecidable,
        if insufficient information exists to make a judgement with
        reasonable effort, or the statement is otherwise not able to be
        answered with another valid judgement. DISMISS is not
        appropriate if PARADOXICAL is appropriate.
      * PARADOXICAL, appropriate if the statement is logically
        undecidable as a result of a paradox or or other irresovable
        logical situation. PARADOXICAL is not appropriate if IRRELEVANT
        is appropriate, nor is it appropriate if the undecidability
        arises from the case itself or in reference to it.
      If the judge of an open CFJ has not violated a time limit for
      assigning it a judgement, and has not previously filed a motion to
      either extend or reconsider the case, e CAN file a motion to
      extend the case by announcement. Doing so extends eir judgement
      deadline for that case by one week. In doing so, e SHOULD include
      a (nonbinding) draft or outline of eir current thoughts on the


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