I hereby publish the following collection notice:

All random choices are made using AgoraBot in a public channel on the
unofficial Discord. I affirm under penalty of No Faking that, to the
best of my knowledge, the choices listed below had the probabilities
listed below.

Stones that escape do so in the order they are listed below.

Escape Minimum: 5

Stone            Owner            Smoothness   Mossiness  Slipperiness  Escape 
-------------    ---------------  ----------   ---------  ------------  
Power            Agora                     2           1             3  
[Immune: Agora]
Soul             Agora                     3           1             4  
[Immune: Agora]
Sabotage         Agora                     4           1             5  
[Immune: Agora]
Jockey           Agora                     3           1             4  
[Immune: Agora]
Protection       G.                        4           1             5  
[Immune: Protection]
Recursion        Agora                     4           1             5  
[Immune: Agora]
Hot Potato       Shy Owl                   5           0             5  YES
Blank            Agora                     0           1             1  
[Immune: Agora]
Mason's          Janet                     0           0             0  NO
Anti-Equatorial  Agora                     5           1             6  
[Immune: Agora]
Score            Agora                     3           1             4  
[Immune: Agora]

The following stones are hereby transferred to Agora:

>From Shy Owl: Hot Potato Stone

The mossiness of each other Stone is incremented by 1.

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