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     ██    ██   ██ ██        ████  ██ ██   ██    ██    ██      ██
     ██    ███████ █████     ██ ██ ██ ██   ██    ██    █████    █████
     ██    ██   ██ ██        ██  ████ ██   ██    ██    ██           ██
     ██    ██   ██ ███████   ██   ███  █████     ██    ███████ ██████

                     -~= Notary's weekly report =~-


                    ~~ Pledges and pledges, oh my ~~

All times and dates in this report are given in Coordinated Universal
Time (UTC).

Date of last report: 29 Jan 2023
Date of this report: 05 Feb 2023

If any contract(s) have no name currently, I assign it/them the name(s)
displayed in this report.

======================= SHORT LIST OF CONTRACTS ========================

         Title                                           Parties
"The Dragon Corporation"                                    Aspen, Janet
"TPP"[1]                                               Madrid, G., Aspen
"LoAFER"[2]                                        Trigon, Janet, ATMunn
"SEAMSTRESS"[3]                                            Trigon, Janet
"The Platonic Parrot"                                        omd, Madrid
"I bet that was written by G."                               omd, ATMunn
"Agoran Press"                               Murphy, Telna, Janet, snail
"The Splat Market"                                                Gaelan
"Humble Agoran Farming"                          Madrid, Gaelan, ... [4]
"The Orchard"           Madrid, Janet, Gaelan, Murphy, Lucidiot, ... [5]
"FIAA"[6]                                              Janet, nix, snail
"Boatloans"                                                       Gaelan
"Dragon's Hoard"                                            Telna, Janet
"The Useless Lever"                                Shy Owl, snail, Janet
"Nim"                                                              snail
"The Duck Fund"                                                     duck
"ATMunn's Stash"                                                  ATMunn
"G.ravity"                                                            G.
"Vote Proxies"                                        nix, Madrid, Janet
"Private Enforcement"                                             ais523
"Stamp Servitude"                                          snail, Madrid
"Aspen's Executor"                                          Aspen, Janet
"SPRINT"[7]                                           4st, ais523, snail
"Betrayer's Guild"                                                   4st
"The Agoran Philatelic Society"                                  shy owl

[1] The Plunder Partnership
[2] League of Agorans Facilitating Effective Recordkeeping
[3] Signature Enthusiast Allows Modification of Signature Through
Rigorous Exchanging of Signature Suggestions
[4] also Aspen, Murphy, Lucidiot, snail
[5] also G., Telna, cuddlybanana, snail
[6] Food Industry Association of Agora
[7] SPRINT: Scissors Paper Rock In Nomic Tournament

==================== COMBINED HISTORY OF CONTRACTS =====================

29 Jan 2023: nix terminated "NOTA"
-- time of last report --
-- 2 reports ago --
-- 3 reports ago --

================== FULL TEXT AND HISTORY OF CONTRACTS ==================

The following 26 contracts exist:

"The Dragon Corporation" (revision 4)
Parties: Aspen, Janet


## Bylaw 1: Definition

This contract is named "the Dragon Corporation". The purpose of the
Dragon Corporation is to earn as much money as possible for its

All other provisions of this contract notwithstanding, this contract
does not permit any entity to act on behalf of any other entity.

Shares of Dragon stock (also known as "shares of DRGN", or, in this
contract, "shares") are a currency whose purpose is to represent
ownership of the Dragon Corporation. An entity which owns at least one
share is known as a shareholder.

If, at any time, the Dragon Corporation or the Lost and Found Department
owns any shares, then those shares are destroyed.

Any person CAN, by announcement, become a party to this contract or
cease to be a party to this contract. A shareholder who is a party to
this contract is known as a member.

Wherever this contract states that an entity becomes a party to this
contract or ceases to be a party to this contract, all parties to this
contract are considered to consent to this change.

## Bylaw 2: Proposals

Any member CAN, by announcement, submit a Corporate Proposal. A
Corporate Proposal must have exactly one of the types defined by this
contract. Thereafter, any member CAN vote FOR or AGAINST that proposal
by announcement, or retract such a vote, which causes the vote to become
null and void. Whenever a member votes, all of eir previous votes on the
same proposal are implicitly retracted.

If a Corporate Proposal was submitted fewer than 21 days ago and has
approval (as defined in other bylaws), and the proposal has not been
applied, then any member may, by announcement, apply the proposal, which
has effects as defined in other bylaws.

Members SHALL NOT submit, vote for, or apply proposals that are
egregiously unfair to other shareholders (such as a proposal which takes
or revokes shares from minority shareholders without just compensation).

## Bylaw 3: Amendment Proposals

An Amendment Proposal is a type of Corporate Proposal. An Amendment
Proposal has approval if it was submitted more than 4 days ago, at least
one member has voted FOR it, and the number of shares owned by members
who have voted FOR it is at least 2 times the number of shares owned by
members who have voted AGAINST it.

When an Amendment Proposal is applied, the following occur:

1. Each party to this contract who has not consented to the application
of the proposal ceases to be a party to this contract. A party who has
voted FOR a proposal consents to the application of that proposal,
unless e has publicly stated otherwise at or after the time at which e
voted FOR it.

2. This contract is modified as described in the proposal.

However, the application of an Amendment Proposal is INEFFECTIVE unless,
in the same message, the entity who applies the proposal also publishes
a text which is labeled as being the text of this contract after the
application. E SHOULD, at that point, publish intent to ratify that text
without objection.

## Bylaw 4: Ordinary Proposals

An Ordinary Proposal is a type of Corporate Proposal. A player is
Unsupportive of an Ordinary Proposal if e eir current vote is AGAINST,
or if e has no current vote and the proposal was submitted fewer than 4
days ago. An Ordinary Proposal has approval if the number of shares
owned by members voting FOR it is greater than the number of shares
owned by Unsupportive players.

When an Ordinary Proposal is applied, assets are created, destroyed,
and/or transferred as described in the proposal; and entities may
create, destroy, and/or transfer assets as permitted in the proposal.
Such permission expires 30 days after the proposal is applied.

After an Ordinary Proposal is applied, the person who applied it SHOULD
publish a description of its effects in a timely fashion, including all
balances of assets defined by this contract which were affected by the

## Bylaw 5: Bonds and Banknotes

Perpetual Dragon bonds (hereinafter "bonds") are a currency. Banknotes
are a currency.

At the beginning of each Agoran quarter, each entity is awarded a number
of banknotes equal to the number of bonds that e owns.

If an entity owns a banknote, e CAN redeem the banknote by transferring
1 coin from the Dragon Corporation to emself; the banknote is then

## Bylaw 6: Recordkeeping

If a party to this contract owns more shares than any other party to
this contract, then that party becomes the President of the Dragon
Corporation, if e is not already the President. The former President
SHALL publicly inform the new President of this event in a timely

The President is the recordkeepor of all assets defined by this
contract, except those for which this contract specifies a different

## Bylaw 7: IPO

Within 90 days after this contract is created, any entity CAN pay a
fee of 10 coins or 10 banknotes to the Dragon Corporation to buy a
share. When e does this, e is awarded 1 share.

Within 90 days after this contract is created, any entity who owns at
least 1 share may sell the share by announcement. When e does this, the
share is destroyed and e is awarded 5 banknotes.



01 Mar 2020: contract created by Warrigal
03 Mar 2020: contract amended by Warrigal as only party
14 May 2020: Janet became a party
14 May 2020: Aspen became a party
17 May 2020: Falsifian became a party
24 May 2020: contract amended by Aspen via contract's procedures
24 May 2020: Warrigal ceased to be a party due to contract's provisions
02 Jun 2020: Falsifian ratified contract's text w/o objection
25 Jun 03:33 2020: contract amended by Falsifian via con.'s procedures
25 Jun 03:33 2020: Aspen ceased to be a party due to con.'s provisions
25 Jun 21:34 2020: Aspen became a party
29 Jun 23:59 2020: P.S.S. became a party
04 Jul 01:46 2020: Falsifian ratified contract's text w/o objection
05 Jul 03:10 2020: contract amended by Falsifian via con.'s procedures
12 Jul 05:34 2020: Falsifian ratified contract's text w/o objection
31 Dec 15:02 2020: P.S.S. ceased to be a party
22 Feb 01:21 2022: Falsifian ceased to be a party

"The Plunder Partnership" (revision 6)
Parties: Aspen, Madrid, G.


🏴‍☠️ WHO WE BE

The Plunder Partnership is also known as the Plundership. A party to this
contract is known as a Pirate. Any person who is not in Davy Jones’ Locker
can become a Pirate by announcement. Any Pirate can make themselves cease
to be one by announcement.


Any person who has objected to a transferral of coins to the Plundership
are in Davy Jones’ Locker. A person in Davy Jones’ Locker cannot become a
Pirate, and they immediately cease to be a Pirate if they already were one.


Doubloons are a destructible asset that can only belong to Pirates. When an
amount of coins is transferred to the Plundership, each Pirate gains an
amount of Doubloons equal to the amount transferred divided by the amount
of Pirates, rounded down. A Pirate with at least 1 Doubloon can transfer 1
coin to themselves from the Plundership. Doing so destroys 1 Doubloon in
their possession.


Any Pirate can propose a Parley by announcement, which describes amendments
to this contract. If a Parley was proposed at least 2 days ago, at least
2/3rds (rounded up) of all Pirates consent to its contents, and it has not
yet been applied, then any Pirate can apply it by announcement, causing
this contract to be amended according to it.



12 Jun 2020: contract created by Madrid
12 Jun 2020: contract amended by Madrid as only party
12 Jun 2020: contract amended by Madrid as only party
12 Jun 2020: contract amended by Madrid as only party
12 Jun 2020: nix became a party
12 Jun 2020: R. Lee became a party
12 Jun 2020: P.S.S. became a party
12 Jun 2020: Bögtil became a party
12 Jun 2020: G. became a party
12 Jun 2020: Janet became a party
13 Jun 2020: Falsifian became a party
16 Jun 20:17 2020: contract amended by Madrid
16 Jun 20:18 2020: P.S.S. became a party [1]
16 Jun 20:18 2020: Janet became a party [1]
17 Jun 00:42 2020: R. Lee became a party [1]
19 Jun 01:27 2020: Falsifian became a party [1]
21 Jun 06:30 2020: Aspen became a party
22 Jun 01:01 2020: ATMunn became a party
30 Jun 01:16 2020: contract amended by R. Lee via con.'s provisions
01 Jul 23:45 2020: contract's text ratified by Falsifian
13 Jul 00:28 2020: nix ceased to be a party
13 Jul 00:36 2020: ATMunn ceased to be a party
31 Dec 15:02 2020: P.S.S. ceased to be a party
17 Feb 18:57 2021: contract amended by Janet
17 Feb 18:57 2021: R. Lee ceased to be a party due to con.'s provisions
17 Feb 18:57 2021: Bögtil ceased to be a party due to con.'s provisions
18 Feb 19:52 2021: contract amended by Janet
08 Oct 00:25 2021: Janet ceased to be a party
22 Feb 01:21 2022: Falsifian ceased to be a party

[1] Due to CFJ 3850 being judged TRUE, these players were already
parties to the contract.

"League of Agorans Facilitating Effective Recordkeeping" (revision 1)
Parties: Trigon, ATMunn

Officers' lives are hard sometimes, but we can make them easier. Parties
to this contract follow a few practices to simplify officering.



When this contract refers to an Officer, it is considered to include all
Officers as defined by the rules (hereafter "Public Officers") as well
as any entity tasked by a contract with the tracking of gamestate
relating to that contract (hereafter "Private Officers").


Parties to this contract should attempt to help the officers of Agora in
their official duties by following the guidelines of this contract,
which are enumerated below:

1. Signaling: the act of placing in the subject text of a message to the
   effect of "[attn {Office}]" when actions taken in the message pertain
   directly to the mentioned office's duties or "[{Action}]" when
   rule-defined actions are taken that pertains to an officer's duties.

   Parties to this contract should signal their own messages.

   A list of actions that should be so signaled and the appropriate
   signals is included below, sorted by which office they are most
   pertinent to the duties of. If the specified action signal is already
   included in the subject of the message, players should signal the
   office instead.

   * ADoP
     * Initiation of, voting on, or declaring the winner of an election:

   * Arbitor
     * Calling and judging of CFJs: [CFJ]
     * Intendion to file and filing Motions to Reconsider: [Motion]
     * Intendion to enter and entering a judgement into Moot: [Moot]
     * Recusing oneself from a CFJ: [Recusal]

   * Herald
     * Performing Any action resulting in winning the game: [Victory]
     * Notices of Honour: [Notice of Honour] or [NoH]
     * Submission of a Thesis for peer-review: [Thesis]
     * Suggestions for or intentions to award patent titles: [Patent

   * Notary
     * Creation and destruction of pledges: [Pledge]
     * Creation and destruction of contracts: [Contract]
     * Any action defined or permitted by a contract: either that
       contract's full name or an easily identifiable part of that
       contract's name that cannot be confused with that of another
       existing contract.

   * Promotor
     * Submission and withdrawal of Proposals and intentions to flip the
       class of a proposal: [Proposal]

   * Referee
     * Pointing one's finger: [Finger Pointing] or [Pointing]
     * Submitting a CFJ to the Referee: signal Referee

   * Registrar
     * Deregistration, changing of master switch, and submissions of
       Cantus Cygnei (if to a public forum): signal Registrar

   * Rulekeepor
     * Cleaning: [Cleaning]

   * Tailor
     * Awarding a ribbon: [Ribbon]
     * Awarding oneself glitter: [Glitter]

   * All Offices
     * Transfer of an asset tracked by an Office: signal that Office
     * Casting a vote on an Agoran decision whose vote collecter is an
       Officer (if not in response to the message in which the decision
       was initiated): signal that Office
     * Making a bid in an auction whose auctioneer is an Officer (if not
       in reponse to the message in which the auction was initiated:
       signal that Office
     * For Private Officers, any business impacting the gamestate e
       tracks: signal that Office
     * Situations not enumerated above that require special attention
       from an Officer: signal that Office

2. Respecting Official Intentions: abstaining from doing anything that
   would majorly hinder or impede an Officer's performance of an action
   related to eir official duties that e has stated either implicitly or
   explicitly that e would perform when there is no cause to believe
   that e is performing that action for any malicious or nefarious

   Parties to this contract should respect official intentions except
   when urgent action is required or when the rules require them to take
   said actions.


A LoAFER Proposal is a document containing a list of suggested changes
to this contract or anything defined by it. A player can submit a LoAFER
Proposal by enumerating in a public message its full contents and
specifying clearly that it is a LoAFER Proposal.

Parties can vote on a LoAFER Proposal by replying directly to the
message in which it was created, specifying either Aye or Nay as their

Any party to this contract CAN, by announcement, pass a LoAFER Proposal

1. the number of Aye votes on that LoAFER Proposal exceeds floor(1+P/2),
   where P is the number of parties to this contract; OR
2. the number of Aye votes is greater than the number of Nay votes, and
   the LoAFER proposal in question was submitted at least 96 hours

Any party to this contract CAN, by announcement, fail a LoAFER Proposal
if the number of Nay votes is equal to or greater than the number of Aye
votes and the LoAFER Proposal was submitted at least 96 hours ago.

When a LoAFER Proposal is passed, all the changes specified therein are
put into effect, then it is destroyed. When a LoAFER Proposal is failed,
it is destroyed.



14 Jun 2020: contract created by Trigon
14 Jun 2020: contract amended by Trigon as only member
14 Jun 2020: Janet became a member
14 Jun 2020: R. Lee became a member
14 Jun 2020: ATMunn became a member
14 Jun 2020: P.S.S. became a member
31 Dec 15:02 2020: P.S.S. ceased to be a party
16 Jun 05:45 2021: R. Lee ceased to be a party

"Signature Enthusiast Allows Modification of Signature Through Rigorous
Exchanging of Signature Suggestions" (revision 3)
Parties: Trigon, Janet

With this stupid contract, you can buy space in Trigon's signature at
the end of every message. What could possibly go wrong?


Players can join and leave this contract at any time.

Any player CAN submit a signature suggestion by transferring 3 boatloads
of coins to this contract and stating a short body of text no longer
than 10 words.

Trigon CAN by announcement and SHALL, within 4 days of the signature
suggestion's submission, either approve or deny a signature
suggestion. E SHALL NOT deny a suggestion unless the suggestion breaks
one of the rejection criteria, which are enumerated at the end of this

When Trigon approves a signature suggestion, e adds the suggestion to
eir signature which is included at the end of all of eir messages, then
e transfers the price paid to submit that signature suggestion from this
contract to emself.

When Trigon denies a signature suggestion, e transfers the price paid to
submit that signature suggestion from this contract to the player that
submitted the signature suggestion.

If assets were transferred to this contract by any mechanism not
described above, Trigon CAN by announcement and SHALL within 4 days,
transfer the coins to their owner before said transfer.

Trigon is only obligated to keep each suggestion in eir signature for a
period of two weeks. After that period elapses, e may remove the
suggestion at any time.

The rejection criteria are as follows:

1. The suggestion includes swear words.
2. The suggestion includes serious, intentional insult to a person.
3. The suggestion treats real-world and/or in-game issues lightly.
4. The suggestion is otherwise in poor taste.
5. The suggestion contains a sentence that could be interpreted as a
       game action.



21 Jun 23:16 2020: contract created by Trigon
22 Jun 00:57 2020: contract amended by Trigon as only party
22 Jun 01:14 2020: contract amended by Trigon as only party
22 Jun 01:22 2020: nix became a party
22 Jun 01:54 2020: omd became a party
22 Jun 01:54 2020: omd ceased to be a party
22 Jun 02:00 2020: Janet became a party
22 Jun 02:00 2020: Janet ceased to be a party
22 Jun 02:01 2020: Janet became a party
16 Oct 19:18 2020: Madrid became a party
16 Oct 19:18 2020: Madrid ceased to be a party
22 Jan 02:46 2021: contract amended by Trigon
02 Feb 21:37 2021: contract amended by Trigon
07 Oct 21:40 2021: nix ceased to be a party

"The Platonic Parrot" (initial revision)
Parties: omd, R. Lee, Madrid


The Platonic Parrot

A party to this contract is also known as a Platonic Pirate. Any player
who is not currently Marked can join this contract by announcement. Any
player can leave this contract by announcement. When someone is
deregistered, e automatically leaves the contract.

If a Platonic Pirate objects to an intent to transfer assets to this
contract, e ceases to be a party to the contract. If a player has
objected to an intent to transfer assets to this contract in the last 7
days, e is Marked.

When the Platonic Parrot has assets, any Platonic Pirate CAN by
announcement divy them in the following way:

* Where X is the total number of coins owned by the Platonic Parrot and
Y is the number of Platonic Pirates, e transfers each Platonic Pirate
X/Y (rounded down) coins from the Platonic Parrot.

* If there are still coins owned by the Platonic Parrot, e transfer
emself all the remaining coins.

* If there are any other assets owned by the Platonic Parrot, e
transfers emself one of them of eir own choice.

* If there are still assets owned by the Platonic Parrot, e transfers
them to other Platonic Pirates such that no Platonic Pirate receives
more than 1 more asset than any other Platonic Pirate (excluding the
coins e gave emself in the earlier step). As long as this constraint
is met, e may choose who gets what assets.

This contract may be amended by a Platonic Pirate with the consent of
2/3rds (rounded up) of all Platonic Pirates.



13 Jul 00:22 2020: contract created by nix
13 Jul 00:29 2020: P.S.S. became a party
13 Jul 00:30 2020: Janet became a party
13 Jul 00:36 2020: ATMunn became a party
13 Jul 01:40 2020: omd became a party
13 Jul 02:14 2020: R. Lee became a party
13 Jul 07:20 2020: Madrid became a party
13 Jul 20:46 2020: Janet ceased to be a party
28 Jul 20:28 2020: nix ceased to be a party
31 Dec 15:02 2020: P.S.S. ceased to be a party
22 Feb 01:21 2022: Falsifian ceased to be a party
14 Mar 18:37 2022: ATMunn ceased to be a party
"I bet that was written by G." (initial revision)
Parties: omd, ATMunn


1. Joining: If this contract has only one party, anyone CAN join it by
publicly consenting after transferring 25 coins to the contract.

2. Bet: omd CAN transfer coins from this contract by announcement.  If
this contract has two parties, e SHALL do so only as follows:

- In a timely fashion after it becomes reasonably clear which person
sent a message titled "[Diplonomic 2020] Chicago International Tribune"
to agora-discussion on or about 13 July 2020 08:10, e SHALL transfer all
this contract's coins to emself if that person was G., or to the other
party otherwise.

- Alternately, if this contract has existed for at least 60 days, and
the identity of the aforementioned author is still not reasonably clear,
omd MAY transfer this contract's coins in a way that divides them as
equally as possible between the parties.

3. Termination: If this contract has no coins, omd CAN terminate it by

4. Self-Dealing Encouraged: The aforementioned author SHOULD NOT
hesitate to join the contract emself if e sees fit to reveal eir



13 Jul 08:41 2020: contract created by omd
13 Jul 19:17 2020: ATMunn became a party

"Agoran Press" (revision 2)
Parties: Murphy, Telna, Janet, snail

Coordinates Agoran journalism and payment for same. If you want to
report on the current week, just join and take the Weekly Assignment
(unless it's already taken).


Purpose: support the documentation of Agoran events in a way that
informs current players and non-players and also supports future

-- Joining and leaving --

Parties to this contract are called Reportors.

Any person CAN join or leave this contract by announcement.

-- Reporting --

A Weekly Report is a summary of notable events for a given Agoran Week.
Notability, and what must be included in a summary, are at the author's

Any player can Report on a past Agoran week by publishing a Weekly
Report for it, as long as all the following are true:

* No other player has dibs on that week, as described in this contract.

* No other Weekly Report has been published for that week.

* It's at most one year in the past.

-- Gratitude --

When a player has Reported on an Agoran Week but has not yet been
Thanked for that report, any player CAN Thank them for it:

- by announcement, if the thanker has not Thanked anyone yet this
  month; or

- by Agoran Consent.

-- Dibs --

Any player can call dibs on a specified week by announcement. That
player then has dibs on that week, unless another player already had

A player can release dibs on a week by announcement: then they no
longer have dibs.

When a player's continuously had dibs on a week for 14 days, e
automatically releases dibs on that week.

-- Payment --

Coins Owed are a currency. Whenever a player is Thanked (as defined in
this contract), e earns 5 boatloads of Coins Owed.

Whenever this contract owns at least N Coins (for any nonnegative
integer N), any player CAN transfer N Coins from this contract to
emself by paying a fee of N Coins Owed.

To "Redeem N Coins Owed" is to pay N Coins Owed to transfer N Coins
from this contract to oneself.

-- Conversion --

Credits are a currency. If any Credits exist, each Credit is
immediately replaced with 5 Boatloads of Coins Owed (with the same
owner). In particular, this happens immediately after the contract is
first amended to include this provision.

-- Accounting --

Any player can become The Editor or cease being The Editor by
announcement. In other words, The Editor is the last person to
claim the role, if e has not left it since.

The Editor is the recordkeepor for Coins and Credits.

Whenever a players publishes a Weekly Report or Redeems Coins Owed, e
SHOULD then become the Editor and publish a report.

-- Amendment --

Any Reportor can propose an amendment to this contract by announcement.
If an amendment was proposed at least 2 days ago, at least two thirds
(rounded up) of all Reportors consent to it, and it has not yet been
applied, then any Reportor can enact it by announcement. When it is
enacted, first, non-consenting players cease to be parties to this
contract, and then it is applied.



14 Aug 03:22 2020: contract created by Falsifian
21 Aug 20:38 2020: donation level set to 25 by ATMunn
12 Nov 17:51 2020: contract amended by Falsifian
12 Nov ??:?? 2020: Lucidiot became a party
15 Nov ??:?? 2020: Murphy became a party
31 Dec 05:54 2020: Gaelan became a party
17 Jun 12:26 2021: Telna became a party
08 Jul 14:40 2021: ATMunn became a party
12 Jul 18:55 2021: contract amended by Falsifian
22 Feb 01:21 2022: Falsifian ceased to be a party
22 Feb 03:08 2022: Janet became a party
23 Feb 01:42 2022: snail became a party
14 Mar 18:37 2022: ATMunn ceased to be a party

"The Splat Market" (revision 1)
Parties: Gaelan


Any player may become a party to this contract. Any party may cease to
be a party to this contract; upon a player ceasing to be a party (by any
mechanism), all of eir orders are destroyed.

Any party may amend this contract with the consent of a simple majority
of parties. Upon doing so (and without any of the new provisions
becoming binding upon em), any players who did not consent cease to be
parties. Players making amendments SHOULD wait to allow all interested
parties to indicate eir consent.

An order is an entity with the following properties:
- currency (any non-fixed currency that is not the official currency of
- direction (buy or sell)
- owner (a player)
- a price (a number of instances of the official currency of Agora)

A buy order is an order with a direction of buy, and a sell order is an
order with a direction of sell. A player's orders are the orders where
the owner is that player.

Parties can create orders with emself as the owner, by announcement,
specifying all other properties. Parties can destroy eir orders by

For each (currency, direction) pair, there is an "active order." For buy
orders, this is the order with that currency and the highest price. For
sell orders, this is the order with that currency and the lowest price.
In either case, if multiple orders have the same price, the oldest order
is the sell order.

For any given currency, it is IMPOSSIBLE to create a sell order with a
price lower than the active buy order, and IMPOSSIBLE to create a buy
order with a price higher than the active sell order.

To perform a set of actions atomically is to preform them, in order, in
the same message, with no intervening actions. Where this contract
permits players to perform actions as part of an atomic set, it permits
doing so only if all actions in the set would be EFFECTIVE.

Any player CAN perform the following actions atomically: {
Transfer a number of instances of Agora's official currency equal to an
active sell order's price to that order's owner.
Act on that order's owner's behalf to transfer one instance of the
order's currency to emself.
Destroy that order.
"Executing N of <owner>'s sell orders for <currency type> at <price>"
(or similar language) is shorthand for completing the above process, N
times, with the specified attributes.

Any player CAN perform the following actions atomically: {
Transfer or grant one instance of an active buy order's currency to
that  order's owner.
Act on that order's owner's behalf to transfer a number of instances of
Agora's official currency equal to that order's price to emself.
Destroy that order.
"Executing N of <owner>'s buy orders for <currency type> at <price>" (or
similar language) is shorthand for completing the above process, N
times, with the specified attributes. Unless otherwise specified, it is
assumed that the executor does so by transferring assets, not granting them.

If either of the above sets of actions would be IMPOSSIBLE due to the
active order's owner having an insufficient currency balance, any player
CAN destroy the active order by announcement.

Gaelan SHALL publish a weekly report listing the properties of each
order, and the relative age (i.e. which orders are older, but not
necessarily any specific dates) of any orders with the same currency,
direction, and price.



24 Aug 17:01 2020: contract created by Gaelan
24 Aug 17:22 2020: contract amended by Gaelan as only party
06 Sep 15:21 2020: contract amended by Gaelan as only party
21 Sep 21:02 2020: ATMunn became a party
25 Oct 16:08 2020: Madrid became a party
25 Oct 16:08 2020: Madrid ceased to be a party
01 Nov 21:54 2020: G. became a party
01 Nov 21:54 2020: G. ceased to be a party
02 Nov 01:35 2020: nix became a party
06 Feb 02:17 2021: Janet became a party
04 Apr 21:03 2021: Falsifian became a party
07 Oct 21:40 2021: nix ceased to be a party
08 Oct 00:25 2021: Janet ceased to be a party
22 Feb 01:21 2022: Falsifian ceased to be a party
14 Mar 18:37 2022: ATMunn ceased to be a party

"Humble Agoran Farming" (initial revision)
Parties: Madrid, Gaelan, Aspen, Murphy, Lucidiot, snail


Members to this contract are Farmers. Any Player can become a Farmer by
announcement, or cease to be one by announcement.

Farmers can, up to once per Agoran week, PLANT POTATOES. Doing so causes
them to gain 1 Potato. Potatoes are an asset.

There is a Farmer who is the Farmest. The Farmest is the recordkeeper of
Potatoes. Cuddlebeam is the Farmest.



21 Oct 18:34 2020: contract created by Madrid
21 Oct 18:59 2020: P.S.S. became a party
21 Oct 19:12 2020: Trigon became a party
25 Oct 03:46 2020: Falsifian became a party
25 Oct 09:39 2020: Gaelan became a party
25 Oct 21:35 2020: Aspen became a party
31 Oct 16:55 2020: Murphy became a party
12 Nov 17:01 2020: Lucidiot became a party
31 Dec 15:02 2020: P.S.S. ceased to be a party
07 Oct 22:04 2021: Trigon ceased to be a party
06 Feb 21:16 2022: snail became a party
22 Feb 01:21 2022: Falsifian ceased to be a party

"The Orchard" (initial revision)
Parties: Madrid, Murphy, Gaelan, Lucidiot, G., Telna, cuddlybanana,


Players to this contract are known as Orchardors. Any player can become
an Orchardor by announcement, and any Orchardor may cease to be one by

Trees are a type of asset. Any Orchardor can PLANT A TREE by
announcement, specifying a fruit type, as long as e has not already done
so in the last 7 days. When an Orchardor PLANTS A TREE, e is granted one
new Tree of the specified fruit type.

Fruits are a type of asset. Each Fruit has a type; Fruits with the same
type are fungible. A Fruit may also be referred to by its type. Any
Orchardor can PICK FRUIT by announcement, if e has not already done so
in the last 7 days. When an Orchardor does so, for every Tree e owns, e
earns one Fruit of the same type as that tree.

The player who has been an Orchardor for the longest is known as the
Orchardoror. The Orchardoror is the recordkeepor of Trees and Fruits.



26 Oct 21:49 2020: contract created by ATMunn
26 Oct 22:11 2020: Falsifian became a party
26 Oct 22:15 2020: Trigon became a party
26 Oct 22:30 2020: Madrid became a party
26 Oct 22:32 2020: Janet became a party
27 Oct 00:28 2020: P.S.S. became a party
31 Oct 16:55 2020: Murphy became a party
08 Nov 12:50 2020: Gaelan became a party
08 Nov 15:47 2020: Lucidiot became a party
31 Dec 15:02 2020: P.S.S. ceased to be a party
23 Jul 21:57 2021: G. became a party
23 Jul 21:57 2021: Telna became a party
24 Jul 00:07 2021: Falsifian ceased to be a party
24 Jul 00:09 2021: cuddlybanana became a party
24 Jul 01:11 2021: ATMunn ceased to be a party
24 Jul 01:14 2021: Trigon ceased to be a party
08 Oct 00:25 2021: Janet ceased to be a party
06 Feb 21:16 2022: snail became a party

"Food Industry Association of Agora" (revision 3)
Parties: Janet, nix, snail


This contract shall be known as the Food Industry Association of Agora.

It is the purpose of this contract to maintain a record of the authorized
producers of each type of food. A member of a contract is known as
the Director. This is by default the member who first joined the contract
earliest, but e can be removed and a new director selected by announcement,
provided two thirds of the members consent.

The Product List contains the authorized backing contract for each
type of foodstuff. To qualify:
- the creator of the contract should not have created any other foodstuff
  contract within the same Agoran week
- the contract should guarantee that the quantity of the foodstuff
  be reasonably limited

The Director can modify the Product List by announcement; any member
can modify it by announcement provided a majority of members consent.
The Product List cannot have any game effect beyond listing
the products each contract is authorized to back; any change to the list
which could plausibly be interpreted to give it another effect is canceled
and does not occur.

Players may join or leave this contract by announcement; parties to this
contract are known as members. This contract may be amended with
2 Agoran consent, where only members are eligible to support or object. When

an amendment occurs (other than to change the Product List, within the

set for changes of the Product List), every member who did not consent
is ejected from the contract.

The Product List:
- “Humble Agoran Farming” is authorized to back potatoes.
- "The Orchard" is authorized to back culinary fruits.


27 Oct 22:46 2020: contract created by Aspen
27 Oct 23:16 2020: Trigon became a party
27 Oct 23:18 2020: ATMunn became a party
27 Oct 23:20 2020: nix became a party
28 Oct 01:03 2020: P.S.S. became a party
28 Oct 07:59 2020: Madrid became a party
08 Nov 04:19 2020: contract amended by Aspen with 2 consent among parties
31 Dec 15:02 2020: P.S.S. ceased to be a party
07 Oct 21:40 2021: nix ceased to be a party
22 Feb 03:08 2022: Janet became a party
14 Mar 16:20 2022: nix became a party
14 Mar 17:28 2022: snail became a party
14 Mar 18:37 2022: ATMunn ceased to be a party
18 Mar 20:36 2022: contract amended by nix with 2 consent among parties
18 Mar 20:36 2022: Aspen, Trigon, and Madrid ceased to be parties
18 Mar 20:36 2022: contract amended by itself

"Boatloans" (revision 2)
Parties: Gaelan


The parties consent to any players joining this contract. The parties
consent to parties who do not own debts leaving this contract.

Debts are a fixed asset defined by this contract. Debts owned by the
player, and created in the same month (and year) are fungible. A debt
has a status. In the month a debt was created, its status is New; an
asset that was created 1-2 months ago has a status of Repayable; after
that, its status is Overdue. For example, a debt created in January 2021
is New for that month, Repayable between February and March 2020, and
Overdue during and after the month of April 2020.

A party to this contract (the debtor) may Take Out a Loan, performing
the following actions by announcement in the same message:
- Act on Gaelan's behalf to transfer a boatload of coins from Gaelan to
  the debtor.
- Create a debt in eir possession.

A party to this contract may Pay Back a Loan, performing the following
actions by announcement in the same message:
- Transfer a boatload of coins to Gaelan.
- Revoke a Repayable or Overdue debt in eir possession.

Gaelan may Discharge a Debt, performing the following actions by
announcement in the same message:
- Act on another party's behalf to create a blot in eir possession.
- Revoke an Overdue debt in that party's possession.



08 Nov 18:22 2020: contract created by Gaelan
08 Nov 18:29 2020: contract amended by Gaelan as only party
08 Nov 18:47 2020: contract amended by Gaelan as only party

"Dragon's Hoard" (initial revision)
Parties: Telna, Janet


Any person can join or leave this contract by announcement. Telna can
amend this contract by announcement, but SHALL NOT impose obligations
upon other parties by doing so.

This contract can hold coins. Any player can transfer coins to this
contract by announcement. Telna can transfer coins from this contract to
any other entity by announcement.

Those who offer tribute to the dragon's hoard will be rewarded when the
dragon wakes.



26 Oct 02:45 2021: contract created by Telna
22 Feb 03:08 2022: Janet became a party

"The Useless Lever" (initial revision)
Parties: Shy Owl, snail, Janet


A person can become or cease to be party to this contract at any
time by public announcement.

A party to this contract can, at eir discretion and peril, Pull the
Lever by
public announcement.

When the Lever has been Pulled,

1) all parties to this contract both consent and become parties to
   a new contract titled "The Useless Lever" whose provisions are
   identical to this one, and

2) this contract is terminated.



22 Apr 22:43 2022: contract created by provisions of previous contract
22 Apr 22:43 2022: Shy Owl became a party
22 Apr 22:43 2022: snail became a party
22 Apr 22:43 2022: Janet became a party

"Nim" (initial revision)
Parties: snail


A player can become a party to this contract at any
time by public announcement.

A person can cease being a party to this contract at any
time by public announcement, provided no Player1 or Player2
switches on a running NimGame have that person as a value at the
time of announcement.

A NimGame is an asset consisting of an associated title.

NimGames can only be owned by this contract.

NimInProgress is an untracked negative boolean NimGame switch.

Player1 and Player2 are untracked NimGame switches with
possible values of any person or former person,
or "unassigned" (default).

Stack1, Stack2, Stack3, Stack4, Stack5, and Stack6 are
untracked NimGame switches with possible values from the set of
integers between 0 and 524287, inclusive, defaulting to 0.

A running NimGame is a NimGame whose NimInProgress switch has
a value of True.

A party to this contract can start a game of nim by announcement,
specifying a title not currently held by any NimGames.

When a party starts a game of nim, a NimGame is created in this
contract's possession, with the specified title as a title, and
a NimPot is created in this contract's possession, with the
NimGame with the specified title as an associated NimGame, and
with the empty set as an associated set of assets.

A party to this contract can become player 1 of a game
by announcement, specifying the title of an existing game.

When a party becomes player 1 of a game, the player1 switch of
the game with the specified title is set to that party if it is

A party to this contract can become player 2 of a game
by announcement, specifying the title of an existing game.

When a party becomes player 2 of a game, the player2 switch of
the game with the specified title is set to that party if it is

A NimPot is an asset consisting of an associated set of assets
and an associated NimGame.

NimPots can only be owned by this contract.

A NimGame's pot refers to the associated set of assets of [the
NimPot that has that NimGame as an associated NimGame].

To add a set of assets (X) to a NimGame's pot is to replace that
NimGame's pot, which starts as Y, with a set of assets containing
every asset from each set. This means the NimGame's pot will
contain the total assets bid so far.

A party to this contract can bid on a game by announcement,

1) The title of the game e is bidding on

2) The player e is bidding on (either player 1 or player 2)

3) A set of assets the party owns.

When a party bids on a game, e transfers the specified
set of assets to this contract, and the specified set of assets
is added to the NimGame's (with the specified title) pot.

A party CAN transfer an asset from this contract to emself by
announcement if that asset is an element of a non-running
NimGame's pot and e previously transferred that asset to that pot. A party
CANNOT transfer assets that are in a non-running NimGame's pot to emself if
another person transferred those assets to the contract by betting on that
NimGame. If an asset that is part of a non-running NimGame's pot is
transferred from this contract, it is removed from that pot upon the

Player 1 of a NimGame refers to the person who is the value of
that NimGame's Player1 switch.

Player 2 of a NimGame refers to the person who is the value of
that NimGame's Player2 switch.

Player 1 and Player 2 of a NimGame can agree to start stacking by
announcement, specifying the title of a NimGame.

Once both Player 1 and Player 2 of a single NimGame agree to start
stacking for that NimGame by specifying its title, that NimGame's
NimInProgress switch is set to TRUE, and a random choice of either
Player 1 or Player 2 is made. Whichever player is chosen CAN once and SHALL
once take a turn for the agreed upon NimGame in a timely fashion
after Player 1 and Player 2 have both set their stacks for the
agreed upon NimGame, which they each CAN once and each SHALL once
do in a timely fashion.

For a player to set eir stacks for a NimGame is to set three of that
NimGame's Stack1, Stack2, Stack3, Stack4, Stack5, or Stack6 switches
with value 0 to a valid non-zero integer, by announcement.

To take a turn for a NimGame is to set one of that NimGame's Stack1,
Stack2, Stack3, Stack4, Stack5, or Stack6 switches with a nonzero
value to a valid value less than the switch's current value,
by announcement. Players SHOULD include the resulting values of
all relevant switches in the same message as they take a turn.
(e.g. "1 90 390876 2 77 0", being stack1 through stack6 in order)

Alternatively, to take a turn for a NimGame is to
concede that NimGame, by announcement. Whoever concedes loses that NimGame.

If a player takes a turn for a NimGame and all of Stack1, Stack2, Stack3,
Stack4, Stack5, and Stack6 of that NimGame would have value 0, e
SHALL declare e has lost the game, by announcement, and e
loses that NimGame. Otherwise, whichever of Player 1 and Player 2 of
that NimGame which did not just take a turn CAN once and SHALL once
take a turn for that NimGame.

When a player loses a NimGame, whichever didn't lose the NimGame out
of Player 1 and Player 2 of that NimGame CAN transfer that NimGame's
pot from this contract to emself by announcement, and in doing so
destroys the NimGame and any NimPots with the NimGame associated.



01 Mar 01:36 2022: contract created by snail

"The Duck Fund" (initial revision)
Parties: duck


Duck, and only duck, can join or leave this contract at any time by



12 Mar 04:07 2022: contract created by duck

"ATMunn's Stash" (initial revision)
Parties: ATMunn


ATMunn is the only party to this contract.

This contract can own coins, products, and cards.

Any player MAY transfer assets to this contract, if e is so generous.

ATMunn CAN, acting as emself, transfer assets from this contract to
another entity, by announcement.



14 Mar 18:37 2022: contract created by ATMunn

"G.ravity" (initial revision)
Parties: G.


G. is the only party to this contract.  G. CAN, by announcement, transfer
liquid assets from this contract to a specified recipient.  G. CAN modify
or terminate this contract by announcement.



30 Mar 14:28 2022: contract created by G.

"Vote Proxies" (initial revision)
Parties: nix, Madrid, Janet


# Joining and Leaving

Any player CAN join this contract by announcement.

Any non-endebted party CAN leave this contract by announcement.

Any endebted party CAN leave this contract by granting emself X blots,
where X is 1.5 times the number of existing Vote Proxies e is the
Creater of, rounded up, by announcement. When a player does so, all Vote
Proxies e is the Creater of are destroyed.

# Vote Proxies

Vote Proxies are assets ownable by players and contracts. Each Vote
Proxy has a Creater.

Any party CAN grant a Vote Proxy to any player by announcement. A Vote
Proxy's Creater is the player who granted it.

If a player is the Creater of any existing Vote Proxy, e is indebted;
otherwise e is not.

A party CAN revoke a specified Vote Proxy with Contract Consent.

# Use and Enforcement

Any party CAN pay a fee of one Vote Proxy to act on behalf of the Vote
Proxy's Creater to vote a specified way on a specified proposal the
Creater is not already locked-in on. When a party does so, the Creater's
vote is locked-in on the proposal.

A party SHALL NOT change or withdraw a vote that is locked-in.

# Contract Consent

To do something with contract consent is to do it with Agoran Consent
where only parties to the Contract are valid objectors or supportors.

# Tracking

Any party CAN become the Proxy Counter with Contract Consent.

The Proxy Counter SHOULD publish current proxy ownership at least once a
week. E does not need to if proxy ownership has not changed since last

# Amendment

Any party CAN amend this contract as specified with Contract Consent.
When the contract is amended, all non-indebted objectors to the intent
are kicked out of the contract.



01 Apr 21:58 2022: contract created by nix
03 Apr 09:48 2022: Madrid became a party
03 Apr 22:38 2022: Janet became a party

"Private Enforcement" (initial revision)
Parties: ais523


If two or more parties to this contract have a private agreement with
each other, intending that agreement to be binding, those parties SHALL
NOT violate that agreement (violations include, but are not limited to,
leaving this contract in violation of that agreement).

Anyone CAN join or leave this contract.



09 Apr 18:01 2022: contract created by ais523

"Stamp Servitude" (initial revision)
Parties: snail, Madrid


Madrid and secretsnail can join and leave this contract by announcement.
While both are members
of this contract, Madrid is the Serf, and Secretsnail is the Noble.

The Noble CAN Mint a Stamp. The Serf CAN Mint a Stamp, but only up to as
many times as the Noble has Minted Stamps, divided by 3, rounded down;
unless the Noble consents to otherwise. When the Noble Mints a Stamp, the
Other is the Serf. When the Serf Mints a Stamp, the Other is the Noble.

To Mint a Stamp is to perform the following sequence of actions:
- Transfer 3 Boatloads of Coins from yourself to the Other.
- Act on behalf of the Other to have the Other pay 3 Boatloads of Coins to
create 1 Stamp of the Other's Type.
- Act on behalf of the Other to have the Other transfer 1 Stamp of the
Other's Type to yourself.

The Serf SHALL NOT transfer Stamps of the Noble's Type to any other entity,
unless the Noble consents to it.

The Serf CAN act on behalf of the Noble to cast a vote of FOR onto a
Proposal which, if successful, will cause the Serf to win the game. The
Noble SHALL NOT change eir vote if eir vote has been cast in this way.

Parties CANNOT and SHALL NOT scam this contract. If they somehow manage to
do so despite it being impossible, it is the class 2 crime of breaking



10 Apr 00:39 2022: contract created by snail
10 Apr 14:01 2022: Madrid became a party

"Aspen's Executor" (initial revision)
Parties: Aspen, Janet


This contract is entitled Aspen's Executor.

Any person CAN become a party to this contract by consenting to it.

Aspen CAN transfer assets from this contract by announcement.

If Aspen has specifically given eir public consent for a transfer or
trade, any party CAN transfer assets from this contract by
announcement, provided e does so to effectuate the permitted transfer
or trade.

Aspen CAN terminate this contract by announcement.



02 May 01:46 2022: contract created by Aspen
02 May 01:49 2022: Janet became a party

"SPRINT: Scissors Paper Rock In Nomic Tournament" (initial revision)
Parties: 4st, ais523, snail


SPRINT: Scissors Paper Rock In Nomic Tournament
The purpose of SPRINT is to allow players to hold
rock paper scissors duels for fun and profit.
Each game of Scissors Paper Rock has two competitors,
a sponsor, the entry fees, and the reward.

A sponsor is someone who wants to sell an item.
Using this contract, they can name half the price for the item,
and the competitors will each pay that half,
so the sponsor still gets the full price.

A competitor can now pay half price for an item, but it's a gamble.
The gambling method is the classic game of Scissors, Paper, Rock.

Alternatively, players can just gamble against eachother,
by saying what they want to bet, and saying whatever would be
of approximate equal value to their bet.

The game will occur over the course of at most 14 days.
The first seven, competitors make their SPR throws,
and the second seven, competitors reveal their SPR throws.

The summary above does not have an effect,
and is therefore not binding in any way.

The formal definition of this gambling has tried to stick to the
intent of the summary anyways, and the formal definition is as follows:

A player can become a sponsor to a duel
by doing all of these three things:
1) declaring the reward to a duel,
2) transferring the reward to the contract, and
3) declaring the entry fee to the duel.

A player can become one of the two competitors to a duel
by transferring the entry fee to the contract.

A sponsor can become a competitor to a duel e sponsored
without transferring the entry fee.
A duel of this form is considered unsponsored.
Otherwise a duel is considered sponsored.

Once two competitors are in the duel,
no more competitors can enter that duel.
The duel is considered to have begun once there are two
competitors, and the dueling period begins.

A player cannot be both competitors in a duel.

To win a duel, a competitor must submit an ordered set of 3 throws,
each throw consisting of either Scissors, Rock, or Paper.
* Throws must be initially hidden so that it is impossible to tell
  its value but that it is verifiable that the throw was
  decided before the throw was placed. Anything that claims to be a
  throw and fits these conditions is considered a throw.
* For each throw, if one competitor has submitted their throw,
  the other competitor can forgo hiding their corresponding throw.
* Once a duel has begun, the dueling period for a duel lasts for seven
  days, or until both competitors have submitted three throws
  to that duel, whichever comes first.
* If the dueling period ends and a competitor
  has not submitted three throws, that competitor is considered
  to have forfeit the duel.
* Once the dueling period ends, the resolution period begins
  and lasts for seven days.
* Each competitor SHALL reveal eir throws for a duel
  while the duel is in the resolution period.
  If a competitor fails to do so, e is considered to have
  forfeit the duel.
* If both competitors forfeit the duel, the duel is cancelled.
* A sponsor can make a duel cancelled if there are not two competitors
  in that duel.
* A competitor can leave the contract, and take their entry fee back,
  if the duel does not have two competitors.

For each throw, once the value is known:
A throw is won by a competitor if that competitor
1) threw rock and the other competitor threw scissors.
2) threw scissors and the other competitor threw paper.
3) threw paper and the other competitor threw rock.
4) threw one of rock, paper, or scissors,
   but it is unclear what the other competitor threw.

Once the result of each throw is determined,
use these steps in descending order until a victor is determined.
1) The victor did not forfeit,
   but the other competitor did forfeit.
2) The victor has more throws won.
3) The victor has the first throw won,
   but has otherwise tied.
4) The victor has the second throw won,
   but has otherwise tied.

If there is otherwise no clear victor to a duel, the duel is cancelled.

If a duel is cancelled, assets that were transferred to the contract
for the purposes of sponsoring or competing in that duel can be
transferred back to the players that the assets had transferred from.

If a duel is won, the victor can transfer the reward to emself.
If a duel is won and unsponsored,
the victor can transfer the entry fee to emself.
If a duel is won and sponsored,
the sponsor can transfer the entry fees to emself.

Finally, all competitors and sponsors defined by this contract become
parties to
this contract, and must remain parties to the contract
while they remain said sponsors and/or competitors.



10 Jun 20:56 2022: contract created by 4st
12 Jun 18:58 2022: ais523 became a party by becoming a competitor
12 Jun 19:03 2022: snail became a party by becoming a competitor

"Betrayer's Guild" (initial revision)
Parties: 4st


Betrayer's Guild
Generally, players are not bound by informal contracts.
However, player's in the Betrayer's Guild should be
breaking some amount of informal contracts on purpose.
The intent of this contract is to:
1) lessen pooling strategies
2) codify betrayal
3) relatively confine/mitigate trust losses to this contract
4) admit trust is its own power.

A player can join the Betrayer's Guild once per seven days.

A player can be forced to leave the Betrayer's Guild
by Agoran Consent of Guild Members.
A player can leave the Betrayer's Guild at will.

Any party can transfer 1 boatload of coins from this contract
to emself for every 7 days e is a party to this contract.
Any player can transfer all boatloads of coins from this contract to emself
with 3 Agoran Consent of the guild members.
(This should be done in the case of significant betrayals,
 ESPECIALLY if those betrayals happen outside the guild.)

Non-binding terms:
Advice for non-guild members:
- Any betrayals are said to be the fault of betrayed, not the guild member,
  for it was public information that the guild member was in the guild.
- You should not hold guild members accountable for joining the Betrayer's
  Guild. Anyone can betray you outside of the Betrayer's Guild. In of
  it is not betrayal to announce that you could have done so.
- Joining the guild, or dealing with its members, is just embracing how
  informal contracts will always exist, and that trust has power.
- Joining the guild is also a statement about how any player could
  also betray them back, and accepting that.
- As a non-guild member,
  think about what it would mean to betray a guild member.

Non-binding Advice for guild members:
- This is a charity for those in the spirit of the guild.
  Players should only be forced to leave the Betrayer's Guild
  if they are not breaking enough contracts in spirit.
- Avoid formal agreements if possible, but otherwise,
  use gambling to skirt them.
- If an informal contract is created and agreed to while outside of the
  to maintain trust once leaving the guild, remain bound to it,
  or for long term informal contracts,
  give some sort of notice or work things out with the involved parties.
-- Your prior informal contracts were made
   with your actual trustedness in mind.
-- If you really need some of your informal contracts,
   consider pledging to abide by the document with hash XYZ publicly.
   You can give the hash and the document to the involved parties,
   privately. This will make it a non-secret secret, formalizing it.
- If an informal contract is created and agreed to inside of the guild,
  to maintain trust, ex-guild members should explicitly state the validity
  of the informal contracts(s) upon leaving.
-- You should not be bound by informal agreements you make in this guild,
   if you don't want to be.
- Reminder that formal contracts, pledges, promises, etc...
  overall, all rules still apply.
- Also, a reminder that non-guild members can still betray you,
  and may have no qualms doing so.

Some notes on gambling:
- Gambling is encouraged.
- For example, if you are making formal agreements,
  use gambling to avoid 100% commitment to the terms.
- Try not to use any chance higher than 99% or lower than 1%.
- You can also let other guild members decide your commitments,
  as a form of chance, since you can't trust them.
- Remember: You do not have to make the gambling verified.
- Duels are also a form of gambling.
- Maybe, you can even use homomorphic encryption for decision making,
  in that you can verify results but not individual votes.
- etc.



14 Jun 06:01 2022: contract created by 4st

"The Agoran Philatelic Society" (initial revision)
Parties: shy owl


The purpose of this contract is to encourage stamp collecting and trading,
pursuits valuable for their own sake.

Any player can become or cease to be party to this contract by announcement.

By becoming party to The Agoran Philatelic Society a player consents and
publicly pledges to not use the stamps in eir possession to win for as many
days as e is party to this contract, and for 30 days after ceasing to be
party to this contract.



16 Oct 23:47 2022: contract created by shy owl



==================== HISTORY OF PLEDGES & PROMISES =====================

04 Feb 2023: R. Lee pledged "2 orders if elected"
03 Feb 2023: G. pledged "Won't vote G. first"
-- time of last report --
-- 2 reports ago --
-- 3 reports ago --

=============================== PLEDGES ================================

If any pledge(s) has/have no name currently, I assign it/them the
name(s) displayed in this report.

The following 2 pledges exist:

"Won't vote G. first" created by G.
Time of creation: 03 Feb 20:32 2023
Time window:      30 days
Time of expiry:   05 Mar 20:32 2023

Pledge:  The first valid option on my final valid ballot for this
election will not be me (at the time I cast the ballot, and unless
there are no valid options other than me at that time).  Expires in 30

"2 orders if elected" created by R. Lee
Time of creation: 04 Feb 06:18 2023
Time window:      60 days
Time of expiry:   05 Apr 06:18 2023

I pledge that, if elected, I will
use at least two cabinet orders before my term expires.

=============================== PROMISES ===============================

If any promise(s) has/have no name currently, I assign it/them the
name(s) displayed in this report.

The following 17 promises (8 unique) exist:

"Treasure" created by omd
Bearer: the Lost and Found Department

I pay 200 coins to the bearer

"Voting/Justice Trade" created by R. Lee
Bearer: the Lost and Found Department

Cashing conditions: CB transfers r. Lee 250 coins.

R. Lee transfers CB a voting card and a justice card

10 instances of the following promise exist:
"Fastest Finger First" created by ais523
Bearer: G.

Cashing condition: When cashing this promise, the bearer specifies a
Finger Pointing within the previous 14 days that was subsequently found
to be Shenanigans, and nobody has yet pointed eir finger for
Unjustified Gesticulation with respect to that Finger Poinitng; and it
is April 2022.

I point my finger at the person who initiated the Finger Pointing
specified by the bearer for violating rule 2478, committing the Crime
of Unjustified Gesticulation, by initiating that Finger Pointing which
was found to be Shenanigans.

I transfer 250 coins to the bearer.

"Renewable Stamps for Stamps" created by Murphy
Bearer: the library

Cashing conditions: The bearer has granted or transferred to me a Stamp
of a type that I didn't already own earlier in the same message as they
cash in this promise, and e has not cashed any other promise in between,
and I will still own that type immediately after this message, and I
have at least one Stamp of type Murphy.

I transfer one Stamp of type Murphy to the person specified by the
bearer (or to the bearer if no specification is provided, then create a
copy of this promise and transfer it to the Library.

"Renewable Stamps for Grays" created by Murphy
Bearer: the library

Cashing conditions: The bearer has granted or transferred to me a Stamp
of a type that I didn't already own earlier in the same message as they
cash in this promise, and e has not cashed any other promise in between,
and I will still own that type immediately after this message, and I
have not already awarded a Gray Ribbon this month.

I award a Gray Ribbon to the person specified by the bearer (or to the
bearer if no specification is provided), then create a copy of this
promise and transfer it to the Library.

"Cooler Stamp Promise" created by snail
Bearer: the library

Cashing conditions: The bearer has granted or transferred to me a Stamp
of a type that I didn't already own earlier in the same message as they
cash in this promise, and e has not cashed any other promise in between,
and I will still own that type immediately after this message, I have at
least 1 boatload of coins, and I have at least two Stamps of type Madrid.

I transfer one Stamp of type Madrid to the person specified by the
bearer (or to the bearer if no specification is provided, then create a
copy of this promise and transfer it to the Library.

I transfer the bearer 1 boatload of coins.

"4st's promise to support" created by 4st
Bearer: SPRINT

If possible, the author votes FOR on
the proposal of the bearer's choice. The author will not rescind this vote
of their own will.

"Renewable Sabotage for Stamps" created by Murphy
Bearer: the library

Cashing conditions: The bearer has granted or transferred to me a Stamp
of a type that I didn't already own earlier in the same message as they
cash in this promise, and e has not cashed any other promise in between,
and I will still own that type immediately after this message, and I own
the Sabotage Stone and CAN wield it.

I wield the Sabotage Stone as specified by the bearer, then create a
copy of this promise and transfer it to the Library.

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