I intend to, without 3 objections, initiate a sanctioned tournament (the
Birthday tournament) under a single regulation with the following text:
I. Amendments

Any participant can propose changes to these regulations.
However, under the current Agoran ruleset, actual amendments to these
regulations are governed by Agoran Rule 2495, which stated,
"These regulations may thereafter be amended only by the
Herald or eir designee Without 3 Objections."
(and this may have been changed, or may be changed in the
via the Agoran ruleset.)

II. Joining

Any person CAN become a participant by announcement any time before the
alarm has been sounded.

Any participant CAN cease to be a participant by announcement.

III. Roles

The following are the Roles and their corresponding win conditions:

Protector - Agoran't is not ossified at any point in time between the
beginning of Agoran't and the end of this contest.

Destroyer - At any point in time before the contest ends, Agoran't was

Metawinner - Have the most wins within Agoran't at the moment
immediately before the contest ends.

Adder - Agoran't has 5+ more rules than it did initially, immediately
before the contest ends.

Subtracter - Agoran't has 5+ less rules than it did initially,
immediately before the contest ends.

Employee - Immediately before the contest ends, having published the most
reports that pass a standard of acceptance, such as ratification.

Spoiler - If the only other participants that would win are Protectors or
the Spoiler also wins.

The Available Roles are the first N roles on the following list, where N
is the number of participants at Role Assignment. If there are more
participants than roles, cycle through the list of roles until N is met.

List: Protector, Destroyer, Adder, Subtracter, Protector, Metawinner,
Destroyer, Employee, Spoiler.

IV. Rules and Gamestate

When the alarm is sounded, the following occur immediately and in order:
- No former rules exist. No proposals exist and no Agoran
decisions are ongoing. Otherwise, in general, initial gamestate is to be
construed as default or empty.

- Agoran't begins with the ruleset in this message:

- In the context of Agoran't, the publicity of
"https://agoranomic.groups.io/g/agorant"; is set to "public".

- All participants of this contest become players of Agoran't.

- For the purposes of quorum and otherwise, an AI-1 referendum on an
ordinary proposal with ID 0,
title "Dummy proposal", author 4st, no coauthors, AI 1, and empty text was
resolved as
FAILED QUORUM, having no voters, and having been initiated 3 weeks prior.

- For the purposes of activity and otherwise, all players are considered to
have made eir last announcement.

- All unmentioned switches have their default value(s).

- The results of all CFJs that have been judged in Agora are considered
"past judgments" in Agoran't.

V. Beginning

If it has been 4 days since the beginning of this contest and e has not
already done so, the Gamemaster and two other chosen players CAN and
SHALL distribute roles to each participant such that only available
roles are given out, each participant receives a role, and nobody knows
who received which role.

When the Gamemaster is confident this has occurred, e CAN once and
SHALL, in a timely manner, "set the alarm" by announcement.  The alarm
is sounded at the beginning of the first day that starts 24 hours or
more after the alarm is set.

VI. Ending and Winning

Ossification, for the purposes of winning the tournament, is taken to mean:
"Agoran't is ossified if it is IMPOSSIBLE for any reasonable
      combination of actions by players to cause arbitrary rule changes
      to be made and/or arbitrary proposals to be adopted within a
      real-world (UTC) four-week period."

Similarly, for other roles and their win conditions (such as Employee), if
there exists an ambiguity about it,
the Agoran Ruleset should be taken into consideration to provide a

When 1 second less than 90 days has passed since the initiation of this
tournament, the following occur, in order:
- All participants SHOULD reveal eir roles, and all participants
whose role's win condition have been fulfilled win the tournament.
- this tournament ends.
- Agoran't SHOULD stop running when the tournament ends.

Deputy Herald
Uncertified Bad Idea Generator

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