    The Ribbon Bar (Tailor's Monthly Report) as of Sunday 2023-08-06

You can find an up-to-date version of this report at http://zenith.homelinux.net/tailor/report_monthly.php

FESTIVITY                                                (self-ratifies)

No Festival is ongoing; that is, Agora's Festivity is 0.

RIBBON OWNERSHIP                                         (self-ratifies)

4st                ROGECBM   P W AT          11
ais523             ROGECBMUV PLWKAT          16
Anneke-Constantine                            0
Aris                     M V                 16
beokirby                 M                    1
blob                                          0
cuddlybanana               V    KA            3
G.                 ROGECBMUV PLWKAT          16
Gaelan                 CBMUV     A            6
inalienableWright                             0
Janet              ROGECBM V PLWKAT          16
juan               ROG   M       A            5
kiako                                         0
Murphy             R G CBMUV    KAT          16
omd                    C  UV    KA            5
snail              ROGECBMUV PLWKAT          15
Yachay                   MU  P   A            4

Alexis             ROGECBMUVIP WKAT          16
aranea             ROG CBM V PLW A           11
ATMunn             ROGECBMUV P WKAT          14
babelian                  U                   1
Baron von Vaderham               A            1
Bayushi                  MU                   2
Bede                     M     W              2
Bernie             RO    M                    3
Bögtil                           A            1
Chuck                    M                    1
Corona                   M V    K             3
D. Margaux         ROG CBMUVIP WKAT          14
Falsifian          ROGECBMUV PL KAT          14
grok                O   BMUV P   A            7
JTAC                  EC                      2
K                              W              1
Kenyon                           A            1
Lucidiot                         A            1
Madrid                 CBMUVIP WKA           10
nix                ROGECBMUV PLWKAT          15
o                  ROG  BMUV   WKAT          11
Ørjan                    M V     A            3
pokes                           K             1
PSS                ROGECBMUV  L KAT          13
Quazie              O  C MUV    KA            7
Rance                  C                      1
redtara                   UV                  2
R. Lee             ROGECBMUV PLWKAT          15
Roujo                      V                  1
Sgeo                       V                  1
Shy Owl                C                      1
Sprocklem                MUV   W A            5
stadjer                        W              1
TABBAT                     V                  1
Tekneek                  M                    1
Telna                 ECBM V    KA            7
Tenhigitsune        O     UV     A            4
Tiger                   BM                    2
Trigon             ROGECBMUV PL KAT          14
tris                      UV                  2
twg                 O EC  U IP WKAT          16
Veggiekeks             C  UV                  3
Walker                   M                    1
Warrigal               C M                    2
Yally                    M                    1
Zachary Watterson         U                   1

RULES SUMMARY                                     (does not self-ratify)
The rules for Ribbons are set out in detail in Rule 2438, but to
summarise, you can be awarded each different colour of Ribbon for
different achievements within Agora, usually within 7 days after the

When you have collected all 16 Ribbons, you can use them to win the game
by Renaissance. After winning by Renaissance, you can't collect any more
Ribbons for 7 days.

Approximate summary of how to collect each type of Ribbon:

Red          Successfully propose a rule change at Power 3 or higher
Orange       Your proposal is unanimously adopted
Green        Hold an elected office for 30 days, without Tardiness
Emerald      Win an election
Cyan         Deputise for an officer
Blue         Judge a CFJ within the time limit
Magenta      Claim on Agora's Birthday
Ultraviolet Become Champion not by Renaissance (usually by winning the game)
Violet       Receive a Patent Title (other than Champion or a degree)
Indigo       Receive a degree
Platinum     Be the Speaker of Agora
Lime         Co-author three adopted proposals within 7 days
White Never own a White Ribbon before; or, receive from someone who has never gifted a White Ribbon before
blacK        N/A; only possible by proposal or scam
grAy         Awarded monthly by the Tailor
Transparent  Receive or qualify for 5 Ribbons within 7 days

Sat, Aug 05 2023 (19:16:12) - kiako registered

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