Let it be known that a list of lists of roles and a list of numbers were
distributed to Janet and Kiako respectively and separately. Neither should
know the other list.
I know both lists, but not how they will be distributed. Janet and Kiako
should come up with an order of participants that is not known to me, and
then will distribute a list of roles to you, and a number to you,

With regard to these distributions:
This number relates to the list you were given, as your role is the one
that is that far into the list: For example, if the list you are given is
"[A.] Protector Destroyer Adder", and your number is "[A.] 2", then you are
a Destroyer. Janet should distribute a list to you privately soon, and
Kiako should distribute a number to you soon.

With regard to roles and participants registered:
The roles for this game are:
2x Protector
2x Destroyer
1x Adder
1x Subtracter
1x Metawinner

And I have 7 participants registered:
4st - 4st dot nomic at gmail dot com (or notorious4st at gmail dot com)
Janet - janet dot agora at unspecified dot systems
Kiako - its dot kiako at gmail dot com
secretsnail - secretsnail9 at gmail dot com
Yachay - yachaywayllukuq at gmail dot com
Murphy - murphy dot agora at gmail dot com
Kate - kate dot agora at katherina dot rocks
Deputy Herald
Uncertified Bad Idea Generator

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