To see a (temporary) list of recentish CFJs look here:

Below is the Arbitor's weekly report.

RECENTLY JUDGED CASES (since last report)
CFJ 4063
: Proposal 9055, as part of its effect, enacted a rule.
[2024-02-11] Called by Janet.
[2024-03-09] Assigned to Kate by Arbitor nix.
[2024-03-23] Self-recused by Kate.
[2024-03-25] Assigned to Murphy by Arbitor nix.
[2024-03-31] Judged TRUE by Murphy.
[2024-04-04] Self-re-opened by motion to reconsider by Murphy.
[2024-04-04] Judged FALSE by Murphy.

RECENT ASSIGNMENTS (since last report)
[2024-04-09] CFJ 4075 assigned to kiako.
[2024-04-09] CFJ 4076 assigned to kiako.
[2024-04-10] CFJ 4077 assigned to Gaelan.

CFJ 4073
: The quoted message contains a game action.
[2024-03-12] Called by snail.
[2024-03-16] Assigned to Yachay by Arbitor nix.
[2024-03-19] Judged TRUE by Yachay.
[2024-03-19] Re-opened by Motion to Reconsider by Yachay.

CFJ 4075
: Yachay CAN cash Promise Q, either by directly cashing it, or by
: transferring it from the Library to emself and then cashing it.
[2024-04-07] Called by ais523.
[2024-04-09] Assigned to kiako.

CFJ 4076
: I CAN cash the promise 'Awakening'.
[2024-04-07] Called by ais523.
[2024-04-09] Assigned to kiako.

CFJ 4077
: There exists a tabled immature intent, sponsored by me, to Declare
: Apathy.
[2024-04-07] Called by Kate.
[2024-04-10] Assigned to Gaelan.

To be added to or removed from this list, simply let me know. I will
automatically remove any judge that lets a judgment deadline slip
without notice.

Arbitor policy is to assign cases based first on any judges that favor
the case, then on the judge with the lowest "heat" that isn't barred
from judging. "Heat" is calculated by adding 1-3 points for each CFJ
that a judge is assigned, based roughly on the Arbitor's judgment of its
complexity, and subtracting 1 each week that judge has no CFJs, down to
0. The Arbitor reserves the right to not following this process precisely.

ais523  2
Gaelan  2
Janet   3
kiako   3
Murphy  1
nix     0
snail   0
Yachay  2


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