waduh, waduh pak oka..
kok kayaknya sentimen banget ya sama pemerintah Indonesia..

--- In AhliKeuangan-Indonesia@yahoogroups.com, "Oka Widana" <oka.wid...@...> 
> Mau kuatir, kok kayaknya ngak perlu, orang obatnya ada, konon obatnya sdh ada 
> cukup di Puskesmas, karena sama dg flu burung........ngak kuatir, juga ngak 
> bisa...orang pemerintah RI dodol, dokternya madut...dan masyarakat ngak 
> pedulian begini....
> Doa deh doa....
> Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Heri Setiono <herisetiono...@...>
> Date: Sun, 3 May 2009 11:41:01 
> To: <AhliKeuangan-Indonesia@yahoogroups.com>
> Subject: [Keuangan] OOT: Flu Babi sudah mencapai Asia
> ......"I will raise the alert level from serious to emergency," the chief 
> executive said.
> Swine flu spreads to Asia as Hong Kong reports case
> AFP - Saturday, May 2 
> HONG KONG (AFP) - - The first confirmed case of swine flu in Asia was 
> recorded in Hong Kong Friday after a Mexican man who arrived via Shanghai 
> tested positive, Chief Executive Donald Tsang announced.
> More than 300 guests and staff at the hotel where the patient had briefly 
> stayed were placed under quarantine for seven days as officials announced 
> "draconian" measures in a bid to contain the A(H1N1) flu virus.
> "We have our first confirmed swine flu case in Hong Kong. He is Mexican," 
> Tsang told reporters.
> The 25-year-old Mexican arrived in Hong Kong on Thursday from Mexico via 
> Shanghai on China Eastern Airlines flight MU 505, Tsang said.
> China on Saturday announced it had suspended flights from Mexico to Shanghai 
> following confirmation of the case and said their resumption would depend "on 
> the situation of the pandemic control," the Xinhua news agency said.
> It said China had informed the Mexican government and airlines, and was 
> considering sending a charter plane to Mexico to collect "Chinese passengers 
> who had planned to fly to Shanghai from the city of Mexico on May 3."
> The Mexican man was admitted to hospital in Hong Kong on Thursday night 
> suffering from a fever and tested positive on Friday for the flu virus. He 
> was in a stable condition, Tsang said.
> The Metropark Hotel in Wanchai district where he had been staying had been 
> isolated, he said.
> "I will raise the alert level from serious to emergency," the chief executive 
> said.
> "I will raise the alert level from serious to emergency," the chief executive 
> said.
> Despite putting Hong Kong on its highest level of alert, Tsang said all 
> social activities and exhibitions would go ahead as normal and schools would 
> remain open in the city, which is still scarred by memories of the SARS 
> epidemic in 2003 in which close to 300 died.
> "I stress we don't need to panic," he said.
> Police wearing face masks cordoned off the Metropark Hotel and a group of 
> blue-gowned and masked health workers was seen entering the hotel in the 
> bustling bar and nightclub district on Hong Kong island.
> Health Secretary York Chow said guests and staff at the hotel would be 
> quarantined for seven days.
> "We have also exercised the authority... so that we will first isolate the 
> hotel and also... ensure the relevant people are quarantined for seven days," 
> Chow told reporters.
> "Since this is the first case in Hong Kong we must be very careful as the 
> chance of controlling and containing this infection is limited, we will try 
> to be more draconian in our policy," he said.
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