> Dear Geostatisticians
> A field experiment, with 162 genotypes, is laid out in a 3-replicate 9x18
> alpha design. The 3 replicates are contiguous. The experiment can be
> defined as a r (rows) x c (columns) field structure. Following the method
> of Gilmour & Cullis (1997), published in JABES (J of Agricultural,
> Biological and Environmental Statistics), I plan to conduct a spatial
> analysis of this experiment to obtain spatially-adjusted genotype means
> using either the software ASREML or using the VSTRUCTURE command in
> In the above context, could someone suggest possibilities to use
> resampling procedures to assess the accuracy and precision of
> spatially-adjusted genotype means.
> Many thanks in advance.
> Best regards
> Subhash :: 24 Jan 2001       
> <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>
> Dr Subhash Chandra
> Senior Scientist 
> Genetic Resources and Enhancement Program
> International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics
> Patancheru - 502 324, AP, India
> Email:         [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Tel:            +91 40 329 6161
> Fax:           +91 40 329 6182
>                   +91 40 324 1239
> Website:    http://www.icrisat.org 
> <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>

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