Title: Kriging colour

Dear All,

I am interested in kriging colour (soil colour - of course) and was thinking. Colour is perceived via 3 photoreceptors on the retina, therefore 3 variables are rnecessary and sufficient to represent any colour. Numerical manipulation of Munsell colour codes does not appear to be in any way resonable, then there are the CIE and RGB systems. CIE has 3 variables XYZ and RGB clearly red, green and blue. The RGB system appears the most easily understood. Each variable can range from 0-255, and the variables are additive. The question is does anyone have any experience of constraining the estimates to lie between 0-255, or any ideas about the possible necessity of co-kriging,


Benjamin Warr
Research Associate to Prof. Ayres,
Geostatistician, Environmental Scientist.

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Centre for the Management of Environmental Resources (CMER)
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