Calculating averagesCraig,
 Don't you mean multiply Average Nickel Head grade by Average Mill
recovery. Your first figure 0.3342 is correct but your  figure 0.315963265
is incorrect. It is your assumption that your average mill recovery is
tonneage recovery, i.e. you averaged the mill recovery as if it where
recovery per tonne of ore instead of per % of metal so your calculation
of 0.5557*0.56857 is incorrect.

Your average mill recovery should be calculated

        (0.53+0.65+0.32+0.8+0.56+0.45+0.58) =0.601465

So your original table should look like;

        Nickel  Mill    Recovered
        Head    Recovery        Nickel
        Grade   %       (Ni %)
        0.53    60      0.3180
        0.65    62      0.4030
        0.32    20      0.0640
        0.8     70      0.5600
        0.56    63      0.3528
        0.45    55      0.2475
        0.58    68      0.3944
Average 0.555714286     60.14652956     0.3342

Average Nickel Head Grade
divided by Average Mill Recovery ====>  0.334242857

Regards Digby Millikan
Geolite Mining Systems

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