To clear things up,

I want to calculate the variance of values within an area (20x20m).

So you calculate the semi-variogram value from each point to every other point in that area, you add up all the terms and divide by the number of terms/pairs.

I think it's called a "block to block" variogram average, not sure.

A link to an illustration:

As I explained, I'm looking for an easy way to estimate the gamma(V,V) value.

I used matlab to code for the distances between pairs but, it takes so much time compared to geoR or gstat that I doubt I'm working correctly or these packages are optimized in some way to cut back on calculation times. Bottom line is that I don't want to spent to much time coding stuff and more time doing the actual analysis.



what do you mean by average semi-variance? The semivariance at any lag is
always going to be the average of the semivariance between many lag pairs
(the exact number depends on sample size, spacing etc). As far as I am aware
R calculates the average semivariance for each lag and presents this as the
"experiemental semivariogram". Other softwarre provide the variogram cloud,
the values of individual pair comparisons, from which the experimental
variagram is averaged,

hope this helps


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