Hi Guido,

As Pierre wrote, I have put some material on the web site of

1) Frequently Asked Questions (See FAQs)

2) Links to papers published online (mainly conference proceedings but I
linked only those I found of a good quality). You could also check
www.scirus.com : you will get for free hundreds of recent peer reviewed
paper for free in a pdf format.

3) Software. All software for geostatistics have a similar architecture.
Try Geoeas & Variowin (free) until you become confident with words like
semivariogram, covariance, kriging, block kriging. There if
unfortunately no manual for Variowin. I will ask Yvan Pannatier (the
author of Variowin) if there is any way to get an electronic copy of his
book (out of print since a few years) or of the help file that I can put
on the ai-geostats web site. There is nothing else available now and it
is much needed. I think this is the best way to have an idea on what the
whole is about. The software mentioned above can be downloaded for free
and there are plenty of other tools for more advanced geostatistics. 

4) Last but not least, the archives of ai-geostats (see web site for
links) are a goldmine thanks to the kings and queens of geostatistics
who constantly gave all these years the best support one would dream

Welcome to ai-geostats and good luck !


-----Original Message-----
Sent: 30 March 2004 20:49
Subject: AI-GEOSTATS: I'm new
Importance: High

Hello list,
My name is Guido Sagasti. I'm from Rosario City (Argentina) and I'm
studying Statistics at the university. My english isn't the best, as
you'll see or you can see now. I'm here because I'm interested in
Spatial Statistics (Geostatistics, autoregresive models, spatial
interpolation, etc.). I'm not read a lot about the subject and don't
have a lot of material about it (It's not developed here - we don't have
spatial statistics at University but the statistic and mathematical
formation is very strong and I think I can handle with it) I want to
know if there is material for principiants in the subject in the
internet. In spite of my poor experience about spatial statistics, I'm
100% aviable for everyone.

Guido Sagasti.

E-mail y acceso a Internet UltraVeloz totalmente GRATIS en Buenos Aires,
Rosario, Cordoba, Mendoza, La Plata y Pilar http://www.Argentina.com 
Nro. de acceso 5078-5000 Usuario: Argentina Password: Argentina

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